Saturday, December 26, 2020

Lies and more Lies in the Fatal Global "Simon Says Pandeic Game


Daily we are given new lies and new false hope of when this will all end.  The real answer is NEVER.

I live  in the EU   They just started the China Virus vaccine. Dr's first then healthcare workers, elderly then in 30 days general population.  But wait then you wait 3 weeks to get another shot.  Can we then take off masks and go back to normal NO.  now as they move the goalpost again.  New goal isolation, masks and the continuation of the "Simon Says" inhumane game on the global population   There will be no new normal until 70% of the entire globe is vaccinated.  They are telling us that may be sometime around the Fall  Added Goalpost distance.  Then in the Fall what happens? you got it, the Flu season starts, but the Simon Says game does not end the goal post is moved again.  IN other words folks.  This game will never end as long as you keep playing and they keep moving the goal.  What they have done is trained the globe to become Pavlovian dogs.  The only way to end the game is to resist.  Refuse to play.  then focus on the source of the evil game.  Look to the WHO, UN leaders, The EU leaders, The globalists like Klaus Schwab, and his enablers in the elite billionaire club.  Gates, Dorsey, Zuckerberg, the Clintons, Bidens and other evil ones who have been creating this madness for years.  IF you do not stop it now it will never end until they achieve their goal of eliminating some 45% or more of the global population.  Think of how the Nazi's led their victims to the slaughter. It was one step at a time, one false promise after another until they reached the "much needed" Cleansing shower"[

 lies]  Just look at he insane steps they have taken in just 9 months.  No schools, NO churches, no sports, no concerts, no festivals ,no visiting friends, no restaurants or gyms.  NO clubs .  no travel outside your town or village. no flights, no nothing as Simon Says you must follow their whimsical rules for which they provide no logical or scientific reasons for imposing, and people comply because of the lies and propaganda.  They have trained you to FEAR the China virus. Fear being near another human, Fear being infected or infecting others. Fear is their main motivator in getting you to do what they order you to do without question, no matter if it harms you or others.  Isolation, and masks which restrict oxygen to your brain are their tools and tactics,  You are not in this with the rest of us if you don't wear a mask. You are putting the world at risk if you gather to meet your immediate friends and family.  ALL LIES. Yes there is a virus, but we have weathered flu viruses for as long as man existed. some worse than others, but at least people lived normal lives, and nature took its course and the virus passed or died out.  This is only different in that it is man made, and it is being used not to help or protect us, but to control and then selectively eliminate us.  Resist at the first step, because the real goal they are moving you toward is the new normal where, to quote the madman Klaus Schwab.  "You will have nothing and you will be happy".. SEEK TRUTH IGNORE  KLAUS SCHWAB AND THE OTHER GLOBALIST MASS MURDERERS.

Thursday, December 24, 2020

My Response to the New EU travel Rules, and the Political use of the China Virus to Mass Control whole nations

 First off, this is not an attempt to cure you of anything.  Harken back to the Nazi Mass extermination days.  The Jews, Christians, weak, elderly, deformed or mentally incapacitated plus several ethnic minorities like blacks or Gypsies, and all others selected for extermination were all told the same thing we are hearing today.  This is for your own good, and you must be cleaned and purified before joining the others "Vacationing here "so you don't infect them.    '  This was the means the Nazi Criminals used to get people to cooperate in their own extinction.  The method is now refined to using the common Flu the world population experiences annually.  The lies are the same the methods have changed slightly.

Response to CDC report on negative impact of the China [Covid] Vaccines administered.


We are still being "PLAYED"  this report says one vaccine is good for two weeks the other for two months.  If a vaccine cant cure you or make you immune than it is NO GOOD. It is just a way to string you along like they have done all year.  As long as the people keep playing the delay game the New World Order , and madmen like Klaus Schwab, Soros, Gates, Zuckerberg and the media enablers who keep the game gong with their daily dose of lies. will devise new game rules every day to keep you in their sick "Klaus Says., do this" game.  The players must decide when the game is over.  I say Today is the day.  Give yourselves a big Christmas Present and ignore the EU, UN, CDC, WHO and any and all politicians who tell you it  will all end when you do this, no do this, no do this.  I say do nothing, and all statistics show you have a 99% chance of never getting killed by the virus.  If you continue to play their game, you will see that their end game is massive depopulation and one day you will be like the millions of Jews, disabled and undesirables, as determined by the state who were deceived into stepping into the "Showers for your own health".  We have faced flu season for hundreds o years, and lived to tell about it.  Resist the "New Normal" make your world the only acceptable normal and quit the game.  If we don't play, they can't keep making up new stuff we have to do to "Survive"  I don't want a subsistence life. I will live free or take my chances on the hidden germ enemy, Then I will use every means possible to eradicate the planet of the people who are doing this to humanity.  If you are tired of the game, take off your mask, and unmask the politicians who are in on this attempt to make slaves of everyone under their pollical rule.  Stop this insanity.  Leave their game today.  then they have no players on the board except themselves.

Sunday, December 6, 2020

Debate over the Election Fraud, and Coup against the United States of America


Election Fraud Issues and Comments by others 

@William Rodgers That's harsh. And I don't agree. Rhetoric like that gives Republicans and Trump Supporters a bad reputation so I wish you'd quit.

My initial response was that we are undergoing a Coup and threat to our republic and this  may be time to remove the elite leaders like they did in the French revolution.  Cut off the heads  leading this Coup.  One reader thought that was "Harsh".  
Below her comment is my reaction to her thinking We can solve an attempted coup wile not using the Rhetoric or actions that I suggested   would "Give Trump supporters a bad reputation"., Naturally, I disagree.  A Coup cannot be stopped by sitting down and discussing it .  When a thief is breaking into your shop and violently attacking you while stealing your wares, he is not about to discuss the issue calmly.  Ther is a time for talk and a ifor action.  

 @CountryB4MyTime  So if I understand you correctly, it is ok for the DNC and Joe Biden to collude with the Chinese Communists CCP, and our own MSM, Social Media, and foreign companies like Dominion and Smartmatic to influence our US elections, but it seems "Harsh" to you when a Patriot stands up and says strong and severe action must be taken against these Treasonous actions? The US had a revolution against Elite Tyranny in 1775 for more than 4 years. in 1789 the French followed suit, and removed their elite ruling class who suppressed them . In the US, we formed the most stable and fair government ever devised on earth the United States Republic. The French ended up with a weak "Constitutional Monarchy". both came to power by force. The US has continued the years to fight off changes to our system using a Representative government, and when needed to enforcement and maintain our Constitutional Republic. You are reading too much into the comparisons. You need to read Agenda 21, and the real Global threat to our Republic. Then I suggest you read learn that our President has anticipated the coup that is underway when he issued his Executive Order [ EO 2018] on 09/12/2018. It allows a full response to foreign cyber warfare against US elections, and the response to those participating in such a Coup can and will be severely punished. If you think that by pointing out the truth and defending our republic will give Trump supporters a bad name, then so be it. The Left already sees us as deplorables. I prefer to call those defending our republic Patriots.

How do we Worship

 Kevin Rodgers

Will Rodgers
 - It's a country song by Trace Adkins. In the song he praises his preacher. He is not without a congregation. I think the message is that any prayer, reflection, or meditation on "God" or one's own life or purpose, no matter the setting, is a good thing. And when you can do it in a place that reminds you that someone or something created all that we have, so much the better. I think it's a fine message. That's why I shared it. P.S. I hate to mix in an Ozark reference, but perhaps holding services on a lake (or a golf course at sunrise, or on a ski hill after a powder dump, or a white sand, blue water beach at almost any time, among many better options than a building made by men) would be a great way to practice gratitude while being in awe of our creator. Peace to you my brother.

Well said Kevin. Now Trace may have made a song of these words but they come directly from the Holy Bible which was dictated to man by God. Like many songs we call "religious". We are saying the same thing in that we believe in the power of God made nature. I just added that the relationships between men [ God's finest creation ]s as important as our personal relationship with Jesus. I too do not believe in "Religion, or Church buildings. I believe in personal relationships between like minded people who are worshipping Jesus the person and Lord all in one. This universe was not made by something. It was made by a complex intelligence who has feelings and passions and supreme intelligence. If you invented a special laser, and people examined it and gave credit to the laser or said it is so good it must have been made by a highly intelligent robot, or worse they said it must just have evolved from some old used parts that were randomly tossed into a box, how would you feel? God feels the same way when His Creation [us] try to find ways of giving credit to randomness and "nature" when He knows He personally Crafted it by His own words Jesus Spoke all we see into Existence. Lord Jesus - The Word - gave us all we see, feel, and touch, along with all the things we cannot see or the things we don't even know. Jesus made us curious so that we could marvel at the "Discoveries" of His handiwork. We think we are brilliant because we "Discover something in the macro or micro universe. We call it a New discovery, and award ourselves. God smiles and recalls how He placed it there knowing how and when we'd find it.. We are HIs children playing an endless game of hide and seek. God made it all, and made so much that it would take eternity to come close to discovering a fraction of His Creation. You are a sensitive and compassionate person. Give God a break, and thank HIm for all the joy you see in His creations. You say you see peace and tranquility in all of nature. Do not let satan fool you by adoring the creation and not the creator. God is not a lake or a mountain or snow or things He made. That is Satan's lie of Pantheism he uses in order to take away the real praise and glory which should be given to the Maker and Lord over all those things. Just like you are not in the lasers you service. You are you, and God is God. Nothing is Random.

Saturday, November 7, 2020

Pray President Trump will Prevail and save America from Ending

 We knew from the start with the [ covid ]China Virus fraud was the way to control people for this election. There is so much factual evidence from Postal workers, Poll watchers who were allowed to do their job and plenty of video from Project Veritas of people bragging about how they harvested ballots. When I was a poll watcher in the 2016 election we saw all this happen in Broward on a smaller scale. They called the police to remove me from the precinct because I had observed so many illegal happenings. We had video of the ballots that were loaded on to a sealed truck leaving the voter site then stopping out front where POV cars were waiting to open the truck and stuff boxes of "Ballots on to the sealed Truck. Thanks to Mat Gatez for having us surround the election headquarters and keeping Brenda Snipes in check while we got a court order to go in and see what was happening, and just like this time it was around 3AM we were there to monitor the legality of the vote. Satan's devils love doing their evil work in the darkest hours. The outcome there was the counts that were going up and down for Scott and DeSantis suddenly leveled off and they won. Snipes was allowed to resign and collect a fat retirement. She should be in jail. The GOP needs to find a way to become the ballot counters. It can be done by voting out every Dem who ever runs for anything even dog catcher. I pray the Trump Campaign is successful in the courts. For those reading this who do not know , Nowhere in the Constitution does it say that the Media can call the winner in any election. What they are reporting is the worst FAKE NEWS EVER. Also, President Trump is still the President until they prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that the counts were not rigged. So Biden strutting around saying he will forcefully remove President Trump from the White House is as Fraudulent as the reported election results. Again let me remind people the Constitution says Inauguration day is still January 21, and Biden cannot sit in the Oval Office before that date, and we pray NEVER.

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

My opinion of Fecebook's International Fact-Checking Network

Face Book claims they have a CODE OF PRINCIPLES  used to sort our fact from fiction.  Yet, it is obvious their Fact Checkers are really Opinion Editors.

Sometimes I pass information from other sites to post  on Facebook.  It it is controversial or it goes against the MSM Globalist narrative, I get messages that F B will not post my comment because to quote them:  

False Information Found in Your Post

Independent fact-checkers at Lead Stories say information in your post is partly false. To stop the spread of false news, we've added a notice to your post.
You can check out additional reporting from independent fact-checkers who investigate reports of false information across Facebook.
Fact Check: Obama And Biden Did NOT Conspire With Iran To Stage Bin Laden Killing, Or Silence SEAL Team 6 By Shooting Down Helicopter | Lead Stories
Did the Obama administration, including then-Vice President Joe Biden: "Outsource" the imprisonment of Al Qaeda leaders, including Osama bin Laden,...
All fact-checkers who partner with Facebook must be signatories of the International Fact-Checking Network and follow their Code of Principles.
See how Facebook works with independent fact-checkers to stop the spread of false news.

Here is my response back to them and their "Fact Checking"

Well when you say the fact checkers are part of some International Network consortium who filter global information. What comes to mind is the UN, and Agenda 21 ruled by the Globalist cabal who only want their narrative to come out.  The information in the Article is validated and there are tapes, videos, and audio conversations of phone calls made by these criminals.  Your fact checkers , trying to  suppress these facts are complicit in this effort to dumb down the people who still have mind enough to fact check your "fact checkers.".  You should stop using the phrase "Fact Checkers" rather change it to "Opinion Editors" . Face it, "FACTS matter little to sociopaths working for the globalist CabalLists.   Backgrounds of your "fact Checkers" are  being posted, and it appears most are connect with CCP and other the global powers trying to take down the USA.  So, no this mis information you are telling the readers is false; not the factual story I tried to post.  Zuckerberg was in Congress yesterday helping F B by telling more lies to congress.  However, no one believes his lies anymore


How would someone working in silicon valley, and probably an Antifa operative,  after hours, know more about the Seal Team raid, or what happened in Benghazi or presume to know more than an actual US combat general, or a real live CIA asset who was there. I tend to believe the person actually on the scene than some weak snowflake working at Facebook in a special snowflake cocoon insulated in a cozy office in Menlo Park, Ca near Frisco Bay.  This is a haven for Left wingnuts.  Now, if I am speaking with a highly trained Navy Seal standing there  fully armed with hundreds of hours of combat experience, which of these sources when it comes to facts, should I believe.  Or what about the CIA Operative who is the Whistle blower in this article?  He has 20 + Life endangering years in the Middle East, has always played the game for the Last Administrations' corruption, and he gave up his life to serve a country who betrayed him and is fellow Americans.  He saw in President Trump a man of courage and daring who is not afraid to seek the truth and invoke justice on the crime ridden administrations before him.  Do I believe this CIA guy or again some Left wing indoctrinated over paid at F, B, liberal Punk who has NO REAL  WORLD EXPERIENCE.  I'm going with the trained , experienced guy every time.  You should too.  If we all learned to seek the most credible source of Truth, there would be no Swamp or some Shadow government unelected bureaucrats making all these decisions which have serious and often DIER Consequences

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

MY Comments on the First 2020 Presidential "Debate"

 Dino you are right. We don't because liberal teachers like you are brainwashing our youth to accept only the Left leaning liberal agenda. You do not teach . You indoctoronate and it has been going on for far too many years.  I would like to see the Teachers Union taken to court and expose the  left wing Communist lesson plans you are foisting on our innocent youth.  Mostly, I see that if the students disagree you ban them silence them or remove them from school.  Now that is a real good liberal education and discussion of all sides of an issue.

Because this whole sham is political theatre which the DEms and MSM are well practiced at, but not very good. They are like actors in a HS play. No real credibility in their performance.

Was this really a debate with Biden as was Wallace asking all the Biden questions for him and interrupting the president. Then Wallace tries to hit the President with a tax question that was so stupid, I am surprised the President did not answer it fully.
Wallace, Mr President will you tell the American people how mush you paid IN PERSONAL INCOME TAX in 2017 and 2018. It was $750 right will you admit that.
He should have responded
Trump;:Well Chris, it sounds like you and me are having the debate., but that’s ok I don’t mind. I’ll answer the stupid question. Let’s see in 2017 and 2018 I was in the White House as President. My salary was $400,000 a year. I donated all of it to charity. So let’s see what % of Zero should I have paid? ON the other hand, my opponent’s family empire received $13 Million from China, and another $3.5 Million from the Mayor of Moscow, and Ukraine kicked in a bundle along with a rich salary for Biden Junior. So will you ask him how much tax he paid on all that foreign extortion money ? [ biden has a low key interruption that is hard to hear “Comeon man ! “

@dsimon @Seamas Wallace is a Democrat just like his dad [? ike]of 60 minutes was, and a liberal die hard who hates Trump.  He should not have been allowed to "moderate" this slugfest.  Ask why this article does not list the number of Biden interruptions done to trump and wallace [ it's called FAKE NEWS] They were more than double.  Also Biden resorted to calling names when he could not answer the question.  If this is all the DNC has to offer, then  close them down and allow for a truly "Independent Party." to replace them. Both camps agreed to these rules. Like the Dems have always done, they  want to change the rules during and after the game.  Goal posts mean nothing to them if they can't move them to their advantage.  THEY ARE THE SWAMP CREATURES WHO ALL NEED TO BE REMOVED

Response to the left trying to run rough shod over what they perceive as the "Silent Majority:

All of this Liberal bullshite to push the commie/ Sharia believing obama fundamental change of America. is sickening, and slowly, President Trump is turning the ship around so we don’t face the fate of the Titanic. Some liberal professor gets fired for preaching Marxism to her students. The head of the school board is forced to resign after saying she hopes the President will die of the China virus. The liberal student who fell for all the commie crap and joined antifa are now facing federal Felony convictions, and Trump appointed judges are imposing $1 million bail on them. National sports are suffering because the owners decided to make their teams up of 100% blacks while they only represent 13% of the total population. I’d rather see average players on these teams who respect and honor their profession. Given time they will be just as good as the egotistical elites now playing. Slowly we turn against all this liberal anti American BS.


Given the current trend if you could create a graph of it, America and Americans are coming back. The silent majority is not that silent. They speak with the most widely believed form of communication. MONEY TALKS. The clowns pushing BLM and disrespecting the US are losing billions because good Americans will ignore them a few seasons until they play the game and stop the BULL CRAP politics on the field. Antifa crybabies are losing their careers because they are now convicted Federal Felons. And if they thought the student loan was too high. Let’s see them come up with a way to pay off a million dollar bail bond. Give President Trump four more years the Supreme Court[perhaps the House and Senate too], 500 Federal judges, and HE WILL MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN and well respected by the majority of Americans. While the Lefties try to shame and silence Americans who love their country, I’d say by 2024 the shoe will be on the other foot, and Who knows Ivanka Trump may be the next President, and the first Female President

AFF news just ran a story 10/08/2020 "Pelosi and Kamala Harris Butt heads," I am the most powerful womanin American History" says Nancy. Kamala, But I'll be the VP in direct line if Biden gets out of hand.

My Reaction

Wow !  The top two America Hating women in the US cat fighting over who is the most powerful woman in American politics.  The real question Premiere, Xi the dictator of the Chinese Communist Party is more focused on  which of them will be powerful enough to hand this nation over to China.  Hands down, Peliso already has a great head start over Harris when it comes to selling out America to the highest bidder.

Saturday, September 19, 2020



DISGUSTING: I an glad someone is taking action

First, it is President Trump who is fighting the war on Sex slave trafficking in the US.  A big part of the reason for a southern border wall and strict entry requirements is that for many years the open borders have allowed all manner of criminals to sneak into America.  One of them is the Kidnappers who take children and force them into the sex trade.  They can be either sex.  It matters not to them, because the perverts like a choice. The Hollywood elites and millionaires seem to prefer little girls.  One may even be a candidate for High Office in 2020.

At any rate the President has tasked DOJ and Bill Barr who has  created a task force and special units to go after these perverts. 

Now we give Kudos to Rep. Jim Banks who has sent a letter to AG Bill Barr asking him to prosecute Netflix for distributing Child Pornography over the public airways. The film "CUTIES" is a pedophile piece of trash.  This letter was signed by 33 in the GOP.  Someone asked if any Democrats signed this request, and the answer is NO.  This type of film abusing and using young undragged girls' to make money is against the law and against our moral fiber in America.  IT should be stopped before it becomes more widespread.  Draw the line and say no the the film industry taking part in exploiting young children at the expense of their lives and souls.  The film industry all ready has enough trash it peddles.  It does not have to sacrifice children just to make a few more bucks.

The Dems along with the Clintons and their good pals Podesta, the Pizza Gate Pedophile, Weinstein  the Hollywood pervert and Jeff Epstein shuttling all the Dems to his pedophile Sex Slave Lolita island . You have to ask why would any of these people would vote against the very thing they are deeply involved in perpetrating.  Many years ago David Kupellion wrote a profound and Prophetic book " the Marketing of Evil"  in which he predicted all of this happening in America.  He pointed out that there is a natural progression in the Homosexual Community agenda where they market men marry men, then men marry their daughters or sons, sons marry their moms. men marry children, lastly, bestialities become the legal norm in a society that can no longer be called "Civil".  It is a good read, and something we are seeing progressively unfold with our Social advocate " legal system of judges who ignores original laws, legal precedent and pass anything as a law that they think a the most local of the LGBT people will accept.  I know you are thinking this is too outlandish, but if you asked me even in 1960 would I think my dad would marry another man, like his bowling partner I'd recommend you to a shrink. It has become common place today .  However, based on the perverted desires of the US population in a 2017 Gallop poll show 5,i% Females and 3.9% male identify with the LGBT lifestyle.  Hardly a vast majority.

Thursday, August 6, 2020

My Journey By Faith Book, Just released on Amazon

Attention Readers of this blog and of my FaceBook and Twitter pages. Here is an offer you dare not refuse.

Have you ever wanted to have the freedom to get on a plane and travel to any place you can imagine you would like to visit.  Have you yearned for the adventure of a Lifetime that puts you in a different favorite location every day.  The streets of San Francisco, the Cable cars; Chinatown or Fisherman's wharf?  What about seeing Niagara Falls the next day, or Visiting the San Diego Zoo and Balboa Park Botanical Gardens or watching the Blue Angels soar while sipping an Ice Tea on the terrace garden of the Hotel Coronado overlooking San Diego Bay? Have you wanted to see the beauty of the lush tropical Island of Aruba, Netherlands Antilles, while sitting under the shade of a Divi-Divi Tree watching the morning sunrise turn the azure waters of the Caribbean Sea into a field of sparkling diamonds?  What about opening with the pristine  beaches and summer homes of the rich and famous near Georgetown's Bermuda or Drews Bay where The famous Pirate Cove, Hideout of the Pirates of the Caribbean lies next to the old 15th Century Fort of St Catherine?

What about a trip to Buena Vista in Orlando, Florida. Then a Stop at Niagra Falls in Buffalo New York. The next day you will be visiting Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty to find out the true History of American Immigration?
Follow me and experience colorful and informative travels all over America, Aruba and Bermuda for an exciting thirty day non stop adventure. 

Meet and listen to people reveal their innermost concerns and wishes which they often do not dare to share with anyone else sometimes that includes themselves.  If you want to learn what they say, read my book, and have your eyes and ears opened.

ON June 25th of the year 2020, I published a book of my 30 day journey on Jet Blue's special offer, All You Can Jet.  The details of that adventure are now in a book format that my blog readers and my followers on Twitter and Face Book can link to by accessing the information below:

Enjoy a good read and a great Travelogue with me as I visit some 22 Cities along with Bermuda and Aruba.  All this in 30 Days of being in the air with Jet Blue's great Service and excellent staff on the ground and in the air:

Click on this link to partake of all this adventure and Travel, and the many people who gave up their stories for you and me to find hope in.

Michelle Obama Cries Over Her Severe Depression...Blames the President

Here is my answer to the self centered former WH wife who now says she's depressed in an article posted 8-6-2020[CF's web site].  :

MY Response to Her self absorbed sobbing and promoting herself as a Victim:

Well, look in the mirror. You and barak are the root cause of the renewed racism in the US. Prior to 2008 racism was not uppermost in the minds of most Americans. 

You led a campaign based on racism. Hope and Change was always targeted toward more special perks for blacks only. Yet the American people who are fair and objective for the most part said “OK let’s give them a chance to see what they can do” Eight failed  years later; a million lies and disappointments later all you did was move the needle on blacks being more disappointed than they were in 2007. Barak promised Hope and Change , and never delivered on anything for Blacks or Hispanics or Whites or any Americans other than more welfare programs and food stamps continuing the Lyndon Johnson plan of making blacks slaves to the government and keeping them down on the Democrat Plantation in hopes of getting their vote.  That plan failed, and so did you and barak. You failed the Blacks, You failed and weakened America on the global stage. which depressed ALL Americans of all colors and genders. You helped increase black abortions making the black population flat or dwindling. 

So the depression you are feeling is NOT from our Great President,  Donald  J Trump. He tried to repair the damage you and Barak did. He gave Blacks the hope barak never could or even had a genuine interest in providing them other than garnishing the black vote which in 2016 went to the election of Donald J Trump.  This President delivered with Prison Reform. He helped with building up Black business in making prosperous Enterprise Zones [which your Antifa and BLM unruly mob of supporters burned down.  President Trump shored up permanent funding of Black Colleges and Universities. He helped blacks off welfare and food stamps and trained them and got them into real jobs to make them proud again. You should be depressed. This President is really a friend of the Blacks, and they know it. 

You and barak are still harming Blacks by supporting the Marxist BLM movement which is harming and killing  many other Americans in the wake of their "Locust Like" path of destruction throughout our Nation in nearly every major city in the US.  You are the cause of them killing each other while creating a racial divide across America. Yes. Michelle, look in the mirror to the cause of your depression. Perhaps what you really are suffering from is guilt for all the pain and suffering you and your weakling spouse have inflicted on America to people of all colors.

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

New book out by Will Rodgrs MY Journey By Faith on Amazon

Several years ago I had an epiphany and rededicated myself to the Lord. After re reading Revelation 3: 14-16 I understood I was being a lukewarm Christian, as those in the  Church of Laodicea were described.
I decided to do something about it.  I went on a mission to Nicaragua and then to Russia and Eastern Europe with my church and took a evangelism course written by Dr. D James Kennedy.  My  teacher, Brian Doyle became my mentor as I went out on a 30 day mission on my own.  
This story, "My Journey By Faith" tells of the many, many encounters I had with dozens of people as I shared my beliefs with them, and they in turn gave me their views of their Experiences with God and Religion , in general.
I hope you find it a entertaining read. It is a story of hope and faith as well as a fairly good Travel adventure by a poor and humbled Christian man who had just retired from a very busy and successful career in the Cable TV business.

Your Brother in Christ,


Monday, July 27, 2020

La Bron complains there is no movement for helping black people

 A recent article in Conservative Fighters News July 27, 2020 , La Bron James was complaining about America. and the oppression of Blacks.  He never mentioned the 450 million he made here. He lauded China, and ignored the slaves that make the Nike Shoes he wears and had made big $$ on.  He is a sorry Hypocrite.

My Response"
La Bron. You are correct. That is because your people let the Marxist Communist hijack another one of your causes, Now the guys who are black pedophiles or are Marxists too who have infiltrated BLM by white liberals. You all should go back and listen to the warning that I personally heard and was present at a  Malcom X speech in about 1964-65.:
“The white liberal is the worst enemy to America, and the worst enemy to the black man. Let me explain what I mean by the white liberal. In America there is no such thing as Democrat or Republican anymore. In America you have liberals and conservatives. The only people living in the past who think in terms of I’m a Democrat or Republican, is the American Negro. He’s the one that runs around bragging about party affiliation. He’s the one that sticks to the Democrat or sticks to the Republican. But white people are divided into two groups, liberals and conservative. The Democrats who are conservative, vote with the Republicans who are conservative. The Democrats who are liberal vote with the Republicans that are liberal. The white liberal aren’t white people who are for independence, who are moral and ethical in their thinking. They are just a faction of white people that are jockeying for power. The same as the white….. The liberal elements of whites are those who have perfected the art of selling themselves to the Negro as a friend of the Negro. Getting sympathy of the Negro, getting the allegiance of the Negro, and getting the mind of the Negro. Then the Negro sides with the white liberal, and the white liberal use the Negro against the white conservative. So that anything that the Negro does is never for his own good, never for his own advancement, never for his own progress, he’s only a pawn in the hands of the white liberal. The worst enemy that the Negro have is this white man that runs around here drooling at the mouth professing to love Negros, and calling himself a liberal, and it is following these white liberals that has perpetuated problems that Negros have. If the Negro wasn’t taken, tricked, or deceived by the white liberal then Negros would get together and solve our own problems. I only cite these things to show you that in America the history of the white liberal has been nothing but a series of trickery designed to make Negros think that the white liberal was going to solve our problems
In 1965 when Malcom X made this statement he used the term Negro. Today, the term “Black” is used. Other than that, everything else is the same. Nancy Pelosi is not your friend. Chuck Schumer is not your friend. Look to the person who is actually making changes that effect you and your community in a positive way. Enterprise zones, prison reform. hiring and promoting processes. Stop thinking the Democrats will help you. Listen to one of you own great leaders. The White Liberal is your Enemy .

Monday, July 20, 2020

MY July 2020 Prediction on the November Election

President Trump sits down with the Lib. C. Wallace for an interview, and asks if Trump will casually accept the election results.  Here is my prediction:

"Great interview by a great President.He knows he has his detractors, but that strengthens him because he knows how to handle them, and he takes nothing for granted.  He was fair with Wallace who is not always fair with him.
Pres Trump is right about this election. It will be rigged by the DNC who sadly control most of the polling places in America.  They will and already have ballots printed where his name does not appear as a candidate .  I believe s majority of Americans want him to win to restore law and order and stop the Communist and Marxist movement.  Yet there is a possibility the DNC will prevail and suppress the many voters who if given the chance to vote at the polls would cast votes for Trump.  We will see how it all works out.  I predict that election night no winner will be announced. Then followed by endless back room counts and fake ballots where the DNC drags it our until Christmas, and then suddenly announces Biden is the President. Then followed by the same situation that took place in Florida years ago with Al Gore that dragged on in courts etc.  It will be painful, but if it goes that far, Trump will be the final winner."

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Our President Trump saves this moron's DeBlasio's a$$ and he is complaining. It is he who will be judged harshly . Wuhan prevented it's fleeing citizens from entering any place in China, but they had no problem putting them on planes to Italy, Spain, France and NYC. Dip Blazio ignored the President's travel ban from China announcing that NYC welcomes the people of the world with open arms. He and Cuomo both ignored the President's travel bans and directives on how to control the China virus. The last direct flight from Wuhan to JFK was jan 23. 2020. However, Di Blasio was still letting flights land as late as March 27th. While on March 12th he said the Trump travel bans were ineffective and that the President had no authority to tell him what to do, Then he went to the gym, worked out and ordered that all gyms be closed. Meanwhile the Chinese who had been exporting the virus to the tune of over 400,000. Chinese to the US feared that DeBlasio would follow Trump's orders and close all flights originating in China. They then started exporting them to the three hardest hit EU nations where they then transferred to flights to NYC and other locations in the US. So I'd say there is enough blame to go around for all. However, I would temper that with the fact that we are falling into the Devious Chinese trap of arguing with ourselves about how the pandemic was handled. This is what the CCP propaganda machine wants because as long as we argue who in the US did what and when, then we take our eye off the ball and miss the goal of targeting China the evil perpetrators of this Global pandemic. Did they do it for revenge or because they thought it would harm the rest of the world making them the only safe country to do business with. In any event they are devious and evil, and must be made to pay for killing off so much of the planet.

Hell hath no fury.......

The democrats are like a wild heard of animals they do whatever they are told blindly following emotions not logic, sometimes it even means they will kill their own and eat each other just because they are led to do so. The problem is that over the course or the Trump Presidency and even prior to his winning, this left //right dichotomy has transcended the economy and the liberal talking points. It is all about emotions and hatred that are clearly expressed on every liberal news channel. every supposed entertainment or talk show, in Hollywood, and by every liberal politician in DC. The supports of the President know we are engaged in a civil war. They will not fire a shot, but they will stand their ground against Tyranny. The left as you can clearly see at the former Trump rallies attract the Anti-fa gangs and the mobs that gathered outside the Trump rallies all over the US, and were the most vocal and often violent if the two factions. Evil drives them, and emotions and anger rise up over common sense and logic. So we are in a war driven by the hate inspired by the leaders on the left. Obama is a hater. They are driven more by the antics of a House speaker who openly displays her visceral hatred for our President. At both State of the Union addresses she acted like a catty female with her gestures and facial expressions.The clapping like a spurned lover.This does not go un-noticed by her cult who emulate her in every way on the streets and in social media posts.

Reaction to "Yahoo Fake News" article by leftist Catlin Dickson Jiluy 1, 2020

All lies and propaganda because they want to defame the very people who could protect innocent Americans now suffering under the Left led attempt to destroy America..  Consider the source, Ms Beirich is former member of the SPLC a most radical left propaganda group that has done considerable damage by inserting their influence in defending criminals all across America.  This group should be banned and forced to stop using a derogatory and hate filled name associating the Southern States of America with the term poverty.  The name reeks of racism and is the same as calling all Southerners poor bigots.  Further, Catlin Dickson [the author of this biased trash piece] is a political Lefty and former Daily Beast radical Liberal who has produced another propaganda piece trashing the Right.  She cannot be objective in this piece, because it would destroy her "Mockingbird" narrative that the Right is radical and not the left. when she says “The idea of a second American revolution, where armed patriots gather, rise up and overthrow the tyrannical government has been the dream of the antigovernment extremist movement for decades,” She has the right words tagged to the wrong group. This comment aptly describes the Soros Radical and violent  secret militia he has formed within the US underground.  Yet we know Antifa is a fascist wing of George Soros Move global violent effort to put him in charge of a One World Government. So this story is a fake and Yahoo News is just another Fake wanna be Propaganda outlet for the radical Left. Her article ends with this passage which again defines the radical left, and not the Silent Majority of the Right. “As long as there is chaos these groups will thrive,” said MacNab. While some members of extremist militias are waiting for a catalyst to launch the violence, many others, she said, “will do what they have to do to bring chaos to the situation.”

Simply put, MacNab told the subcommittee, “if you do nothing, people will die.”  We really know this is just another failed attempt to invoke Saul Alinsky's Rules For Radicals:.  Alinsky wrote the playbook for the subversive tactics being used today by Radical left , the DNC and Soros Globalism.  He pushed for a large scale Social engineering by "unfreezing" our society to create Chaos and make over our legal system to conform to their radical Marxist system.  Today this is being fostered via his use of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and all the social media platforms. Alinsky would have loved to exploit this media to spread his perverted evil agenda. He died in 1972 just after spewing out all of this evil garbage which he dedicated to Lucifer [Satan].  But his cause has been renewed by the likes of Hillary Clinton and her left wing Legions who still spread this evil in an effort to Destroy America.   McNab's comment above is only half of what Edmund Burke and the Holy Scriptures have said long ago."   “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”

Saturday, June 6, 2020

First week of June 2020 the radical left goes all out to start a race war

MY response to an article SHOWING HATRED for President Trump who was sharing a video of him empathizing with the minority peaceful protesters.  This video was removed from Twitter by Jack Dorsey a very small person who holds no public office, but who thinks he can determine what the President of the United States is allowed to say when addressing a hurting nation in a conciliatory message concerning a national issue effecting all Americans.  Jack Dorsey should be forever censored.
For those many uninformed readers of this article which is filled with hatred, President Trump knows the Bible, and owns a priceless collection of rare Bibles which he has obtained over the years. Like many lay believers, he does not profess to be a minister or Biblical scholar. He does live by the Word, and prays for our country.  Try praying for him that he may find the words to clam the hatred stirred by the Pelosi crowd.>  When faced with such a situation, his advisors take no chances with what a disorganized crowd may do.  The officers may have acted out of fear since many police have been brutalized by mobs of people during this Antifa led violence which they carefully planned all over the US.. The purpose was not  concern for Mr Floyd. The main goal was to try to show that the black community is not as supportive of the President as is reported.  The Pelosi mob wants to do anything they can to embarrass and put the President into a situation where no matter where he turns there seems to be no good options.  IF it works, and the vast majority of people black white Hispanic who support his programs are neutered and silenced by the DNC and the MSM.  the one who loses Ameica will be the honest hard working citizens.  Look all over the globe at the rise of Imperialistic China, and the collapse of many nations to Communism.  Do you want to be Argentina, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia?  That is what will happen if you fall for the Pelosi-Schumer trap.  Remember too that the volume of all these riots intensifies as the crooked Democrats who have been perverting justice to their own evil ends and to their personal enrichment.  If you want to hear a quid pro quo call imagine the dictator of China Xi on the phone with Pelosi, Biden and the DNC and obama . It would sound like this ,  "Now Joe we gave your son over a billion to work for us and we have poured billions more trying to defeat Trump's GOP candidates in Congress. BO, my boy,[obama] you know how to buy votes, but the mail in thing will never work. Nancy we made your boy Paul a very rich man along with your husband.  Now when are you going to come up with some better plans to get him out of office?  He's killing us with these tariffs and the USMCA that he got you clowns to sign. You tried the Russian hoax. I told you that would not work. Putin and I laughed til we cried over that one. Ukraine was a failure. Impeachment did not work and we should ask Schiff to return the money we gave him.  We just about gave up on you. That's why we did the Germ War sneak attack. However, he quickly fixed that and out produced all the PPE stuff we thought we had cornered the market on.  The man seems invincible, or he has some magic on his side. This race war thing working in conjunction with our Global operations group and our long time pal Soros's Move On may do the trick, but I'om telling all of you if it does not, then we will do what Trump is doing and expose all of you and cut off all the payments to you and your foolish kids." Pelosi's teeth almost fell out again, Biden said something no one could understand, Obama pleaded with Xi not to take back his private island in Indonesia he was given for the Uranium and the Iran deal.  Xi smiled and hung up.  They all went into a panic.  IN a bunker somewhere in Virginia Rick Grenell,the departing Trump Intelligence chief also hung up with a grand smile on his face. .  America will live another day. if the President makes the right decision

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Facebook Ofically becomes America's PRAVDA

Recently Mark Zuckerberg creator of the Facebook social media site has decided he must diverge from his original concept. When he started Facebook it was to be an idea and information exchange site for all people to join in with differing points of view based on their differing backgrounds and interests. Mostly it serves as a Vanity site where people post photos of all the great things happening in their life.  In general, it is personal with only a small portion touching on political and social issues.  That last part is what this new PRAVDA version is after. A recent move by Zuckerberg has changed Social Media  forever. Recently he hired Pamela Karlan of President Trump's Impeachment Failed Democrat hoax to head up the "Community Content Censorship Independent Panel". By  governing directing and removing any and all content which  she alone deems not acceptable Her opinion takes precedent over the opinions and views of the 2.4 billion users who contribute the content for this site.

If you did you not get the memo. Facebook hired the radical socialist liberal , Trump hating professor who tried to make fun of the President and his son's name,  Baron, during the Failed Coup impeachment attempt on the President of the United States. 
This is one Schiff Picked Democrat professor who is now making millions as the head of the thought police for US social media.  An un-elected person who gets to determine all political and social content and opinions for the 2.45 billion active Facebook Users across the globe.  In effect, this gives her more power than the top five free world political leaders. Her "Panel for Community Content Standards, dubbed by her the Supreme Court of Facebook Standards will rule over anyone who tries to defy her and add content she sees as not up to her "Community standards"  Who gives her such authority?  Zuckerberg.  
I think with this move it is high time the users of this service rise up take this monopoly to court " I mean like the real Supreme Court; not one headed by some low level college professor who is totally opposed to a majority of user of this service.  We believe in Free enterprise and capitalism, but when it becomes like the Soviet State or the Communist Central party of China where everything you say or do is subject to censorship by one person with a severe Liberal bent, and  a bad case of T D S. then it is time for the people to speak up.  Censor Zuckerberg, Karlan, and the entire Social exchange platform which was intended for all people to air their views.  From all we have seen Karlan is anti Conservative, Never Trumper ,Pro Communist, Pro socialist and pro DNC Liberal.  Face Book is now officially the new PRAVDA  to which all users must conform or face the wrath of this  evil mis-guided  woman. 

The alternative to this Totalitarian site can be found at The Free Talk App hosted by OANN. Big Brother or his little sister does not work there.

Saturday, April 18, 2020

President Donald J Trump: the Second Republican President to Emancipate minorities

Democrats are pulling out every Liberal liar they can find to attack the President. For years they have done nothing for America. They have done nothing and have passed no significant legislation since President Trump took office. All they have done is to hold endless and useless non productive hearings. In the mean time, critical bills that would help America have been set aside while Impeachment, and frivolous cases have been brought against President Trump. All the while the people of America have seen their economy grow with minority participation and personal wealth. None of the growth and wealth can be attributed to them. They have labeled themselves as the party of "NO". They are the "RESISTANCE" to growth ; opportunity and Liberty.

All across America enterprise zones have sprung up and have included local minorities in cities and towns across the USA in the process. The President did not follow the long standing Lyndon Johnson old school top down plan where socialized controlled growth was limited by the white Democrats receiving truck loads of money that they doled out keeping the intended recipients in a state of subsistence and dependence on their DNC masters.
President Trump's plan was an all inclusive method where the people on the front line received the monies directly to create and expand local businesses relative to the real needs of their customers in their geographical and economic areas.

He delivered to those in need, and thus the monies have had a greater impact because some useless politician in the Democrat party is not getting rich off the funds and can no longer dangle a few cents of every dollar in front of the owner as the quid pro quo to obtain votes for the Democrats. The result is a large number of pissed off Democrats who are seeing their scams and schemes being depleted as these programs instituted by Ivanka Trump's Minority Business initiative and her Woman's business Initiative, have increased growth and participation in many areas of the nation that were formally repressed by the Democrats. For years this money was really used as a slush fund for harvesting votes in the minority communities, yet they did nothing for the community. President Trump is a good businessman, and he found that of the millions the Democrats allocate for "Welfare Programs" never really get to the people they were intended to help.

The process is now more efficient and is having the intended impact. What's more, the minority community sees the great benefits of this process compared to the slave like conditions the endured under the Democrats corrupt process.

As we are currently in the midst of a sneak attack by the Chinese that is destroying the lives, people and economies of the world, The Dems. continue to attack President Trump and blame him for this evil biological war initiated by China's sneak attack. However, as he did when he first came to office, President Trump will overcome this crisis. That's what he does. He is the "Fixer" who turns a Crisis into a triumph. The evil side [ the DNC looks for a crisis to bolster their own evil plans, as thier Communist mentor Saul Alinsky, has taught them the dark art of "never let a crisis go to waste" ] , and they do not care who suffers or dies in the process.

President Trump is a man who is a true American who believes in the phrase " When you are handed a lemon don't think of the bitterness of the situation. Just make yourself some refreshing Lemon-aid out of it and move on. This is how he will get us out of a world Crisis created by the evil triumvirate of the Chinese, the Democrats and the Propaganda media drones.

The Dems. are in a panic. They have seen many, many blacks take President Trump's advice when he asked:. "what have you got to lose?". The result was many black voters took a chance and came over to support him. More are now following them. What they found were jobs, higher wages and promises kept. They found that the Dems had been promising them many things over the years if they would give them their vote and stay on the "Democrat Plantation", as slaves of the welfare state.. Under President Trump, they find they are not taken for granted, and that he earns their respect by actually delivering in the form of greater acceptance, burgeoning enterprise zones in their neighborhoods, and an increase in Jobs and wages. This President has also helped people of color [Black, Asian, Hispanic, Indian] feel more self sufficient, and he has not tried to force them into voting for Republicans. He has just demonstrated in real terms that by taking that chance, he would keep his promises in improving their social and economic well being. The Dems can't compete with that because they only know how to lie, cheat, deceive and scheme against them because in reality the are the bigots and racists. For the first time they are seeing the lies they have been told. They were taught Lincoln was a Democrat, and that Johnson helped them out with his "Great Society "welfare program". President Trump has removed the scales from their eyes and now that they know the truth they are no longer listening to Holder, Rice, or even Obama. Trump is winning them over with real and tangible actions that help them grow their small businesses, and make it easier to participate and to have the pride of ownership. Under this President they have moved off the DNC Plantation and have been freed again by a Republican President who had had them trade off food stamps and welfare checks for business ownership and actual participation in the American Enterprise system of self sufficiency. .President Trump gave minorities their "Second Emancipation."

Monday, April 13, 2020

Pandemics and Presidents

Reflections and comments on Politico 3/25/2020

Like all left leaning groups, everything is Pres Trump's fault. This hit piece is nothing more than Monday Morning Quarterbacking. Any one can replay a game and do better after watching the replay that did not go as projected. Things are moving along. In any pandemic people die. SARS [from China],02-04 dead=575 EBOLA[From Africa ] 11,323, Swine Flu[from China], HIV from Africa 80,000,000 infected dead =35,000,000

Hong Kong Flu [ From China ] 1968 Dead=1.000.000. 2019 CoviD-19 [From China] 1,133,758 Dead=62,784 not over yet. Bush was Pres in 2002 and never made a nationwide address on the SARS pandemic. Obama was Pres during the Ebola, Avian Flu and Swine Flu crisis and never made a nationwide addresses on it. Perhaps Trump is being too transparent about this China Virus. 

It is interesting to note that a solid majority of these viruses come from China, Malaysia, and other countries in the Far east. That or they come from Africa. Many diseases were erased from America, untl 2012 when a great influx of non vetted and non vaccinated groups of illegals began invading our borders. Then Chicken Pox, Other strains of influenza, Polio, TB, Measles, and other diseases began to spread. The pandemic in NYC came from Chinese who to get around the Trump travel Ban first were flown to Italy, France, Spain and the UK, and then were allowed to enter JFK while the mayor defied the Trump Travel Ban.

BTW, since the worst hit cities are run by Democrats, what makes you think a Killery or Biden could handle a nationwide response more effectively?  Perhaps they'd get better Press no matter what they did, and it would be easier to lie about the numbers with the press as their propaganda tool.

Friday, March 27, 2020

CAIR is an anti American arm of the muslim brotherhood, an ancient tribal Cult from the 6th Century

The US needs to wake up and ignore the name calling from the left. Islamophobia is not even a word. If you are trying to protect yourself and your way of life from a hate filled 'ISM' that wants to take your family, your wealth, deny your access to your religious and cultural beliefs, you are a normal American. The citizens of America have fought from the start of this nation to protect the best and most fair system of government that has ever been derived on the Planet. Yes , and because it it is run by man even though it is God inspired it has it's flaws. But it is the only system on earth that allows its citizens to redress inequity bigotry and hatred.
We fought for these rights against tyrannical monarchs who once ruled here. We fought many wars to protect ourselves from 'ISMS" that are opposed to our freedoms. Now our new enemy is eating away at us from within , and posing as a 'religion' we are having a difficult time trying to define and identify why it is just as malevolent and threatening as all the other life threatening obstacles this nation has had to overcome in the past. We won all those battles and preserved our people, our Nation, and our way of life.

Today, our enemy is any "ISM" that wants to remove our legal system, dilute our heritage; destroy our history, and subjugate us to some Pagan Tribal Law of the 6th century barbarians. When Americans ignore the propaganda of this enemy and define the enemy not as just another religious "ISM", then they will understand the real intent of this 'theocracy'. We will understand the premise of muhammaddamism is not cultural diversity, but cultural death to those who will not be subjugated. Only then will you know that you are ceding all of your God given rights to a Theocracy that follows a false god who demands everything from you.

This theocracy wants to replace our Republic. It has no intentions of allowing redress or your personal freedoms. Under any theocracy, plain and simple the un-elected leaders will demand "My Way or the Highway [death]. Do you really want to elect people who think along those lines? A system that will not be willing give up its goal of subjugating all citizens and denying their Inalienable rights.

CAIR is the political and legal front of our enemy. Back in the 90's they began an effort to infiltrate every aspect of American life. They wrote a special document outlining their goals to attack America differently than their physical barbaric bloodletting ways of subjugating less developed nations.

CAIR is the enemy of the US they are an internal enemy who the liberals allowed to take a foothold in the US under the deceptive flag of being a "Religion" they are not a religion. they are the cult followers of a 6th century pagan war Lord who used the power of the sword to expand this Tribal Theocracy all across the globe. They have always expanded using the power of the sword, Financial intimidation, brutal coercion, and Pagan tribal law to advance this dangerous cult. We will never be a Socialist nation or a theocracy under a brutal Imam.