Thursday, December 24, 2020

My Response to the New EU travel Rules, and the Political use of the China Virus to Mass Control whole nations

 First off, this is not an attempt to cure you of anything.  Harken back to the Nazi Mass extermination days.  The Jews, Christians, weak, elderly, deformed or mentally incapacitated plus several ethnic minorities like blacks or Gypsies, and all others selected for extermination were all told the same thing we are hearing today.  This is for your own good, and you must be cleaned and purified before joining the others "Vacationing here "so you don't infect them.    '  This was the means the Nazi Criminals used to get people to cooperate in their own extinction.  The method is now refined to using the common Flu the world population experiences annually.  The lies are the same the methods have changed slightly.

Response to CDC report on negative impact of the China [Covid] Vaccines administered.


We are still being "PLAYED"  this report says one vaccine is good for two weeks the other for two months.  If a vaccine cant cure you or make you immune than it is NO GOOD. It is just a way to string you along like they have done all year.  As long as the people keep playing the delay game the New World Order , and madmen like Klaus Schwab, Soros, Gates, Zuckerberg and the media enablers who keep the game gong with their daily dose of lies. will devise new game rules every day to keep you in their sick "Klaus Says., do this" game.  The players must decide when the game is over.  I say Today is the day.  Give yourselves a big Christmas Present and ignore the EU, UN, CDC, WHO and any and all politicians who tell you it  will all end when you do this, no do this, no do this.  I say do nothing, and all statistics show you have a 99% chance of never getting killed by the virus.  If you continue to play their game, you will see that their end game is massive depopulation and one day you will be like the millions of Jews, disabled and undesirables, as determined by the state who were deceived into stepping into the "Showers for your own health".  We have faced flu season for hundreds o years, and lived to tell about it.  Resist the "New Normal" make your world the only acceptable normal and quit the game.  If we don't play, they can't keep making up new stuff we have to do to "Survive"  I don't want a subsistence life. I will live free or take my chances on the hidden germ enemy, Then I will use every means possible to eradicate the planet of the people who are doing this to humanity.  If you are tired of the game, take off your mask, and unmask the politicians who are in on this attempt to make slaves of everyone under their pollical rule.  Stop this insanity.  Leave their game today.  then they have no players on the board except themselves.