Face Book claims they have a CODE OF PRINCIPLES used to sort our fact from fiction. Yet, it is obvious their Fact Checkers are really Opinion Editors.
Sometimes I pass information from other sites to post on Facebook. It it is controversial or it goes against the MSM Globalist narrative, I get messages that F B will not post my comment because to quote them:
False Information Found in Your Post

Here is my response back to them and their "Fact Checking"
Well when you say the fact checkers are part of some International Network consortium who filter global information. What comes to mind is the UN, and Agenda 21 ruled by the Globalist cabal who only want their narrative to come out. The information in the Article is validated and there are tapes, videos, and audio conversations of phone calls made by these criminals. Your fact checkers , trying to suppress these facts are complicit in this effort to dumb down the people who still have mind enough to fact check your "fact checkers.". You should stop using the phrase "Fact Checkers" rather change it to "Opinion Editors" . Face it, "FACTS matter little to sociopaths working for the globalist CabalLists. Backgrounds of your "fact Checkers" are being posted, and it appears most are connect with CCP and other the global powers trying to take down the USA. So, no this mis information you are telling the readers is false; not the factual story I tried to post. Zuckerberg was in Congress yesterday helping F B by telling more lies to congress. However, no one believes his lies anymore
How would someone working in silicon valley, and probably an Antifa operative, after hours, know more about the Seal Team raid, or what happened in Benghazi or presume to know more than an actual US combat general, or a real live CIA asset who was there. I tend to believe the person actually on the scene than some weak snowflake working at Facebook in a special snowflake cocoon insulated in a cozy office in Menlo Park, Ca near Frisco Bay. This is a haven for Left wingnuts. Now, if I am speaking with a highly trained Navy Seal standing there fully armed with hundreds of hours of combat experience, which of these sources when it comes to facts, should I believe. Or what about the CIA Operative who is the Whistle blower in this article? He has 20 + Life endangering years in the Middle East, has always played the game for the Last Administrations' corruption, and he gave up his life to serve a country who betrayed him and is fellow Americans. He saw in President Trump a man of courage and daring who is not afraid to seek the truth and invoke justice on the crime ridden administrations before him. Do I believe this CIA guy or again some Left wing indoctrinated over paid at F, B, liberal Punk who has NO REAL WORLD EXPERIENCE. I'm going with the trained , experienced guy every time. You should too. If we all learned to seek the most credible source of Truth, there would be no Swamp or some Shadow government unelected bureaucrats making all these decisions which have serious and often DIER Consequences.