Sunday, December 6, 2020

Debate over the Election Fraud, and Coup against the United States of America


Election Fraud Issues and Comments by others 

@William Rodgers That's harsh. And I don't agree. Rhetoric like that gives Republicans and Trump Supporters a bad reputation so I wish you'd quit.

My initial response was that we are undergoing a Coup and threat to our republic and this  may be time to remove the elite leaders like they did in the French revolution.  Cut off the heads  leading this Coup.  One reader thought that was "Harsh".  
Below her comment is my reaction to her thinking We can solve an attempted coup wile not using the Rhetoric or actions that I suggested   would "Give Trump supporters a bad reputation"., Naturally, I disagree.  A Coup cannot be stopped by sitting down and discussing it .  When a thief is breaking into your shop and violently attacking you while stealing your wares, he is not about to discuss the issue calmly.  Ther is a time for talk and a ifor action.  

 @CountryB4MyTime  So if I understand you correctly, it is ok for the DNC and Joe Biden to collude with the Chinese Communists CCP, and our own MSM, Social Media, and foreign companies like Dominion and Smartmatic to influence our US elections, but it seems "Harsh" to you when a Patriot stands up and says strong and severe action must be taken against these Treasonous actions? The US had a revolution against Elite Tyranny in 1775 for more than 4 years. in 1789 the French followed suit, and removed their elite ruling class who suppressed them . In the US, we formed the most stable and fair government ever devised on earth the United States Republic. The French ended up with a weak "Constitutional Monarchy". both came to power by force. The US has continued the years to fight off changes to our system using a Representative government, and when needed to enforcement and maintain our Constitutional Republic. You are reading too much into the comparisons. You need to read Agenda 21, and the real Global threat to our Republic. Then I suggest you read learn that our President has anticipated the coup that is underway when he issued his Executive Order [ EO 2018] on 09/12/2018. It allows a full response to foreign cyber warfare against US elections, and the response to those participating in such a Coup can and will be severely punished. If you think that by pointing out the truth and defending our republic will give Trump supporters a bad name, then so be it. The Left already sees us as deplorables. I prefer to call those defending our republic Patriots.