Saturday, March 27, 2021

Bill Gates says you have No Choice you MUST take his Billy Juice JAB

 Response to an article where gates says no one has a choice anymore.  He has made himself a god.  Here is the article from the Gateway Pundit:

Here is y response to this crooked oligarch and crazed madman

It is stuff like this and his part in creating the COVID Plandemic as a member of the Davos Devils that have altered his public persona as this benevolent Philanthropist. Currently, as one of the lead members of the Davos Devils and their CCP assisted Palandemic, he has put the entire planet in the chains of Dictatorial tyranny,, The loss of our freedoms and rights is unbelievable. The hoax is astounding[never knew there would be that many people to fall for these lies and never questioned the scientific facts or medical validity of a seasonal SARS-2 flu] Now Gates and his Devils want to prolong this global agony so they can lock people down and cower them with fake numbers of millions being infected and dying from a seasonal flu.. Truth is all these numbers are carefully used to control and keep people fearful. The actual numbers show that like any other flu season this SARS-2 is killing less than 1% of the global population. That is the same CDC and WHO seasonal flu statistics reported for the past 20 years. The population is being manipulated and lied to every day. So now the once Benevolent Philanthropist [ if he ever was one] has joined the Davos Devils team. Gates contribution which raises global ire and consternation is his part in the plan solve this problem is to Kill off 47% of the world population. I don't care how liberal of left you are, when this guy says he wants you dead, you simply can't sit there and nod your head. It is a wake up call. then you have his fellow Devil, Klaus Schwabe using the new slogan for the Plandemic ..."Soon you will have nothing, but you will be happy.' What's not to hate and seek an end to these demented fanatics. The people are slowly coming to realize that they are being controlled by a few billionaires who gained all that wealth from the very people they are torturing and demeaning. I firmly believe that by the end of 2022 none of them will still be in power once more people wake up and learn this entire exercise was one giant HOAX Plandemic by the Davos Devils. Sorry Bill we do have a choice, and we do not chose you

Gates says we will be back to normal after 2022.

Here is the link from :The Right News on Bill Gates insanity.  Have you ever asked why a guy who forced the world into using his almost Ubiquitous software which punishes users who buy it and fail to allow its tentacles to pernitrate their computers is in the Virus business?  He is not a doctor nor does he have any training in Virology or pathogen medicine.  As close as he comes to a virus is introducing new ones into his Microsoft software every year so you have to buy a new version.  This guy is like a mad scientist.  Gates 

Here is the link and my Response to this article:

We do not need Bill Gates and his ill gotten Billions. This man is one of the most demented creatures on earth posing as a Philanthropist while announcing he must get rid of { eliminate 47% of Humanity] He believes this will help reach him and the goals of the Davos Devils and his pals George Soros, Klaus Schwabe, and Zuckerberg. If he the Davos Devils feel such a great need to reduce Humanity from the planet , I too am all in favor if it, as long as these Devils volunteer to be the First to go.. There is no VIRUS. It is all a hoax. It is on big magic act. As with any magic trick the magician needs something to create a diversion while they are reaching their main goal of fooling the audience. In this case, they cooked up COVID- Got China to participate by telling them they could help get rid of President Trump, and take down America so China can be the Global leader. While all of this is going on, Soros and Klaus are having laws enacted all over the planet to legally take all of our wealth and savings , and close down all small business so they can then fill the need for goods through their large conglomerates. To quote Klaus Schwab in his book COVID-19 and The Great Reset” …Soon you will have nothing, and you will be happy.” Don’t let them play you, every chance you get tell them you do not believe the lies. Take off your mask which is a sign of submission to the NWO. Ignore verbal dictates from anyone in authority. before they make any more demands that restrict and remove your God Given Freedoms. Demand they hold full and open uncensored debates where the public can listen to all the pros and cons about this China virus. Most doctor’s groups like Front Line Doctors. Doctors without borders and the German attorney , Reiner Fuellmich, representing thousands of European doctors opposed to lockdowns, vaccines that are untested, and masks that prevent nothing but are imposed to show the NWO how many have been subjugated to the Davos Devils and their Global Hoax. Here he exposes himself as the out of control megalomaniac he is, as he struggles with the reality that people are starting to wake up to his massive hoax.  He is so desperate he is throwing all kinds of emotionalisms:  You will be killing everyone at the football game if you don't wear the mask he has ordered you to wear, You will be killing your parents and grand parents.  He knows that being infected with this Seasonal flu is like any other year we have lived through flu season. Only this time this madman and his Davos Devils have managed to convince many people on the planet that they will all die of they do not bow to hie demands and take the Billy Juice":  which First, cannot kill the virus and "Cure you"  Second, it cannot make you immune from getting it again, and Lastly there is no telling what detrimental effects it may have on you now and in the future.  Gates here is in a clear panic as he sees his perspective "Sale" start to walk away realizing this "Used Virus and computer salesman is full of Crap.  He is losing and so he is becoming desperate because all of his evil plans are failing and as the days go on, more people are finding that ditching the mask ond the other Bullcrap things we have been told to do are all LIES.

Thursday, March 25, 2021

Friday, March 19, 2021

Do we really have a pandemic from an unverified virus


 Is there a cure for an unknown virus the Chinese named COVID-19 After it was first suggested it be called Wuhan flu after the Chinese city of Wuhan where it was released in 2017?

 Is there a cure for it?  

Is there a cure for a global population placed under an evil spell with no resistance but from a few who are made to look foolish and anti-Social?

Also,  a massive international study has shown that countries which allowed the early prescription of hydroxychloroquine had a 79% lower mortality rate. So, of the 9,684 who perished from COVID, 7,276 might have survived, if governors and local pharmacy boards hadn’t interdicted the prescription of HCQ for COVID.

The scope of the criminality is hair-raising. It’s all I can do to not go apoplectic over this.

OF course the other bug question is how did the governments of China and the US cause people of the globe to become so gullible and unquestioning of such a fraud being committed across the planet in plain sight.  It is like seeing a large audience { of epic proportions] falling for "magic tricks" all at once with almost no dissent. When Doctors and Scientists do speak up, they are ridiculed for not "going along to get along", another false and dangerous planted in the minds of people as far  back as the 1980's.. I covered this in another essay post earlier in my Blog history.

Saturday, March 13, 2021

Tucker Carlson Responds to the Criticism Fom the Pentagon.

 I ask Tucker to respond to all the negatives he spewed out about the current American deplorable Conditions we are facing under China Joe,

Tucker. Wish we had answers to all the good questions you posed. Over half the country was banking on getting some good answers from President Trump. However, a conglomerate of News, Tv, Hollywood, Big Tech, the UN , EU , corporate America the Chamber of Congress and the bleeding Socialists' all sided with the Communist Chinese Party to make sure that did not happen.. SCOTUS is refusing to hear the facts of that Debacle. Now you are telling US the Military is Complicit in taking down America. What is left? Prayer? We pray everyday, but Spiritual Support is a long game ending in Eternity. So what exactly can we do now, at this moment, in the next few years to save America. Praying you have some , even partial answerers on one of your next broadcasts. Finally, Do you think that by painting such a bleak picture highlighting the overwhelming success of America's enemies "Foreign and Domestic" that you strengthen them? Like the Nazi's and other evil totalitarians of the pat, they may be winning many battles, but so far they have not taken over ALL of the hearts and minds of the American people I think you need to ponder this last part., and respond to it on air. Thanks and Blessings for the Insightful editorial tonight.

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

20 States Protest the New Democrat Take Over of all Voting, Thus, Back-benching ALL states Sovereignty and Constitutional Rights,

The House Passed HR1 which destroys the US Voting system as defined in our Constitution.  Olny 20 

states protested.  Where are the other 30 [must be all blue]? 

My response:

Why only 20 states? Do the other states not understand that this Bill has just taken away the States Rights and duty to manage their own elections. This Bill is illegal and short sighted. It was only drafted with the General Federal{Presidential election in mind] What about all the local , county, State and Municipals elections? This Bill will also take all the checks and balances away in that area. States are now hollowed out, and the state legislators have just lost all their power to the Likes of Pelosi and Schumer and the Deep DEEP corrupt Democrat Socialists. This is as bad as if not worse than the influx of the 20 million illegal, uneducated, diseased and welfare dependent foreign invaders crossing our borders at more than 20,000 per week. Biden./Harris/Pelosi/ Schumer have destroyed America in les than 45 days. That's how long it took the globalists to remove all freedom of speech and freedom of movement, and freedom to worship using the China Virus [ China propaganda brainwashed people into believing it was all for our own safety and protection against SARS-2 which is the common cold]. Folks we have become a totally repressed Centrally run nation ,just like China in less than 18 months. At this rate, the Chinese military who are already staged in Canada, and who are part of the illegals crossing our southern border will be sitting in our former USA offices all across the nation. Before 2022, and there will be no election which we need to remove all Socialists

Saturday, March 6, 2021

How China Caused the World to Lock Down"

 My Reply to You Tube video "

IN response to a comment or who said it was the Rockefellers who did all this , I felt he was unfairly leaving out China and the Davos Devils.

Close. They started it, but the new players are two left over NAZIS trying to start the Fourth Reich. Klaus Schwabe head of the World Economic Forum, and author of COVID-19 and the GREAT RESET Former head of the Nazi Youth movement,. Then there is Geo Soros , oldest living Nazi and self proclaimed bag man who stole all the assets of the Jews before he fingered them for the SS who then sent them to the CAMPS. Since then he has become a world renown finance Cabal Leader and destroyer of national economies, so destroying the global economy is a great project for him. They are helped by demented fools like Bill gates who was born and bred to lead the worlds largest Eugenic Cult. His parents were protegees of Margaret Sanger architect of wide spread abortion who has now led the black population of America to a zero growth race, and dwindling. Listen as Bill Gates tell us that by ridding the planet of inferior races we will save the Planet and reduce CO2 emission. Ask why Gates [ not a medical Dr. of any kind] was involved in the death and sterilization of millions of Africans during the Ebola mini plandemic during the Clinton Administration. He helped find some mad scientists and Pharmas that produced a VACCINE which either killed off Africans directly, and left all {Male and Female} sterile. research his video put out by Schwabe's Great Reset, and you will see him looking like a mad scientist in a horror film speaking of "Jabbing children" in the veins[ yes that's where the "Jab" term comes from] while administering their much needed "Billy Juice "Vaccine" It is all sickening even more than the masks and lockdowns, loss of jobs, kids not getting educated, no recreation, sports, restaurants. All Freedoms instantly taken away. I am amazed that the whole planet is following these evil monsters into oblivion. As TS Elliot {said in his famous 1939 poem " Hollow Men":

"This is the way the world ends,
This is the way the world ends,
This is the way the world ends,
Not with a Bang, but a Whimper."

Will you let happen, and ignore these warnings?. Read General Spaldings' book " Stealth War :How China took over America while the Elite slept" Wake up and do something. Support anyone like Gen Spalding or the German attorney Reiner Fuellmich who want to take all these devils to the world court to be prosecuted like the Nazis after WWII. Read Klaus Schwabes' book on Covid-19 and the Great reset. He lays it all out in plain site, He tells you up front his DAVOS Devils are planning to KILL OFF 47% of the global population. How can such insanity go on unchecked? Do we fear a Seasonal Flu more than a recurrence of the ghastly holocaust a million times worse than took place under Hitler? This needs to be done if humanity and Human dignity is to be salvaged from this Great Train Wreck led by a hand full of madmen.

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Chief Justice is not above the law

Last Friday, Chief Justice John Roberts voted 5-4 to deny The American people Equal Justice under the law. This is high Treason.  By not, at least, hearing argument concerning Potential illegal activity and possible proof of Foreign influence in the 2020 election, Roberts has shown US he may be a part of the process that may have altered the US election of 2020 and thus corrupted the US election System Integrity now and for the Future.  This is not the first time Roberts has engaged in election tampering.  Back in 2014 he and his court allowed Unions and Corporations to use unlimited funds to influence US elections.  Big Tech Social Media made full use of that ruling in the 2020 election pouring billions into the election with direct payments and "Grants" to the election officials, Companies tasked with counting the votes and poll workers in many states across America.  They also prevented fair messaging by US citizens of factual reports concerning the Candidates, thus skewing the message of each candidate. Thus, allowing only one sided reporting and ignoring fair and balanced critical issues.   By doing so they disenfranchised the voters Equal Access to critical information they would have needed to make their own fair decision.  All of these improper actions are now denied a hearing by the very Chief Justice who has a history of unduly influencing US elections.  This is not the proper role of the  Judicial branch of government which professes to have a "CO-EQUAL role in government as defined by the Constitution in Article II Section 4 and  Article III Section 2.. There in lies the basis of Impeaching Chief Justice John Roberts for his violation of the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments to over 74 million Americans.  By not granting a hearing of the facts and sorting out the truth, SCOTUS is denying Americans EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER THE LAW.

Below is my letter to Senator Marco Rubio of Florida to intervene, and possibly team up with House members Josh Hawley or Matt Gaetz to bring Impeachment articles against Chief Justice John Roberts for his refusal to hear this MONUMENTAL case against the US Elections system.  If needed the other 4 justices siding with Roberts should be questioned.

Email to Senator Marco Rubio

Hon. Sen. Rubio,

The SCUTUS decision to not hear any cases of potential US Election tampering and fraud is criminal.  We live in a Constitutional Republic.  Their refusal to hear an issue which is on the minds of more than 74  Million Americans is a dereliction of duty, and a High Crime.  It shows that Roberts is not exercising "Good Behavior" by not defending the US election system.  He and his COURT must hear this case.  Under Article II . Section 4 of the Constitution his reasons for not hearing these cases must be questioned.  Our governing system is one of checks and balances.  A SCOTUS member can be called into question by the same process used two times to question President Trump.  By  trying to use the [improper ruling of 2011 -2014 allowing SCOTUS to invoke "Certiorari" giving them the sole right to select their own cases it has taken away any Checks against SCOTUS and allows them to act "Above the Law " and the intention of a Representative Republic of Checks and Balance where we once had three CO-EQUAL branches of Government.  Currently, Roberts is the Supreme dictator over all America. He MUST hear the people . This is not an effort to change the election. IT is a just necessity to examine what took place in the 2020 election.  By not hearing the case, he and the 4 who voted with him have shut the door on more than one half of America , committed Treason against Americans who are denied "Due Process".  This SCOTUS is breaking both the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments both on Procedural and Substantive DUE PROCESS.  I would like you to discuss this with Josh Hawley or Matt Gaetz since the process of impeachment must start in the House.  I further fear that this ill advised decision could be just as serious as the SCOUTS Dread Scott decision of March 6, 1857 which resulted in a Civil War.

I further urge you to help these cases be heard so if they are not factual, or if they are, we can still put the lingering doubt to bed once and for all.