Friday, September 15, 2023


 Response to an article in the Republic Brief

Makes prefect sense, Newt. Here you pair a career politician who never worked a day in his life, Was always protected by his dim witted staff, and the US Pravda fed master talking heads of MSM. He had to make no decisions even in Congress, and had inbred corruption in his family. Who do they pair him with? obama, a career Marxist born of a radical anti American leftist family, trained in the Saul Alinsky school of how to hate and destroy America, who was spawned by the Chicago political Corruption machine, then who picks Hillary Clinton the same breed of criminal and USA hater as his SOS to enable her to extort more money for herself her Treason and the destruction of America by selling off our Strategic Uranium reserves. Obama is the articulate one with the evil brain, Biden is a career Political criminal "yes man" who has been living off the Government dole and all he can extract from lobbyists and campaign donations for 40 years [ at the time the DNC paired him with the real masters criminals of extortion and treason, hillary and obama. One problem is that biden is not as dumb as obama thinks he is. He brings in "the smartest man in the world" {haha} baby Hunter to show dad how to ratchet up the theft by selling his dad's name brand "Crooked Joe". during the obama years, obama. decides to show Crooked joe and hillary how to really cash in and leave no trail, like they did. He creates the phony "Cash and Dash " pay out illegal prisoner and cash deal with our enemy , Iran. [BTW thatiitial 400 Mil was followed by more totaling 1.7B billion between 9/8-11/16. It took several days to complete the cash transfer. Small private jets can't carry too many pallets of cash] People are shocked that he initally put 400 million unmarked cash in different unmarked untraceable cash on board a private jet to be delivered in the dead of night to Iran for freeing 4 US hostages. Recently biden played one up-manship by handing over six billion for five US hostages, and then tosses several Iranian Terrorists captured by America for free. This costs America 6 Billion plus the us Military lives lost capturing these top Terrorists. Largest ransom in US history, totally illegal. Some day we will fond out how much of these cash transfers would up in the hands of obama and biden and hillary.. obama was more clever than joe he took cash, unmarked in differing currency, USD, Swiss francs, Euros, Pound sterling, etc. Joe used his 20 LLC's and Hill the Clinton Cabal foundation

Thursday, September 14, 2023

Biden going back to Hiding in the Basement and pretending he knows nothing

It's about time.

Today the House announced t Biden will get a fair impeachment Inquiry Hearing, But he may want to stay out of his basement, because a flood of damaging information and records will flood him out.

 Biden is using his :Hide in the basement and play dummy like he did in 2020. It wont work. So much is know about his crimes. all of it well documented. It is only a surprise to the "Woke culture" Who is kept in the dark listening only to the MSM.. They never report on biden he is their darling old grandpa, and their meal ticket as long as they let him alone and ignore his crimes. Their approval rating is about  the same as his because people know they are complicit in shielding him. Yet with the economy the failing, as it is and joe giving no hope or help, They are pissed to know the biden family is not suffering like the rest of America. Joes plan carried over from the obama years PLANS  to kill off the middle class. all the while they deny you, they are feathering the nests of the biden clan, little kids getting enormous checks for doing nothing. America is still a country of fairness. That is why they so easily see through the politics they are using to undermine President Trump. It will not work for crooked joe like it did in 2020. Also, the election is now under a microscope thanks to President Trump's heroic efforts to expose the corruption. The crooks who helped rig the last election, Zuckerberg, Soros, the WEF, and Bezos, Gates, Oprah and the rest of the Elites will be shadowed like they did Trump, and if Zuck tries another ballot box stuffing campaign he will be arrested.

So joe may not be impeached because of the Senate majority, but he is more tarnished than they tried to do to Trump. so the DNC wants him out, but they can't figure out yet how to fix the major screw up of 2020. They put Cackling Harris in as protection against impeaching him, but the House has been working on her case too. She is almost as dirty as joe. They don't want either. Pelosi is still lobbying for her darling Nephew, but there is so much to tell about how he destroyed Calif, that I'm sure the GOP is already testing some commercials on the market with photos of the streets and tax issues in the "Golden state" I would add, that the Hollywood elite that generally supports the corrupt DNC is ducking and hiding the Maui issue, and the Pedophilia issues that have long plagued them and is finally being exposed. Don't expect Orpha and those other liars and manipulators to be throwing millions behind Baby face Nescience. They will need the cash defending themselves in court for potential mass murder allegations in Hawaii.

Sunday, September 10, 2023

SCOTUS under Roberts has put themselves between a rack and a hard place. Almost no way out without leadership change


 Our failure of SCOTUS to do what is required in the Constitution Is leading to the demise of the United States of America

 It is all a show to force SCOTUS to have to look at all the election fraud solid evidence rump has been amassing over the years. All that time they have deflected, delayed and failed to have any hearings on the matter. So the result had been that no one on either side can say as MSM idiots say every day Trump is lying, because the facts have never been before a Federal court at that level in 3 going on 4 years. They are afraid to hear it because if Trump is right they’d S*it their black robes not knowing what to do or how to rule. They can;t put the toothpaste back in the Tube they cant just toss biden out and out amd put Trump in. That would be the right decision, but they fear for their lives, and see apossible civil war coming from any rulings. Roberts forwardness has damaged SCOTUS forever, So coward that he is, Roberts thinks he can ignore the Elephant in the Room and he will just go away, It aint that simple. The most Law and Order country on earth,[ or it used to be before the biden criminal cabal was illegally installed in the WH] has 350 million Americans on both sides looking for an answer

Cackling, Clueless Harris says she is ready to replace Bumbling, Witless, Demented Biden, God Help US


This post is a response to Liberty Sons 9/10/23 Article

Kamala To Take Over Presidential Seat?! 

Biden's Role in Question!

Cackling Harris may say she is fully ready to take over the office of President, but very few Americans agree they are ready for her.  She is a failure at everything she tries. 
She is the epitome of the failure of the liberal Racial Quota system.  It has become even worse, now that they have added the burden of dealing with Homosexuals, and a plethora of sexual deviants who have, in some cases pushed blacks aside and taken over their cherished VICTIM  STATUS which allows them to get anything they want.  

Since the 1960's ALL have all experienced it in every walk of life , especially in our jobs and professions;  In our schools.  We see it in any place where a position has to be filled, using quota mandates. We see total idiots like her promoted to leadership positions at the office. We see illiterates promoted through academia, and then become college professors and deans.  America has been duped ever since Khrushchev told us he would destroy America using our own system of minority rights legislation.  I left America 5 years ago because I saw that we were committing  NATIONAL SUICIDE  America is not only killing off its future by aborting our future generations.  We are killing off the foundational principles that made us a world leader in every field and strata of  humanity.  It was all given to US by following God Given Principles that we lived by and practiced for nearly 250 years.  Those golden years of   progress in Science, wealth building and the Rule of law are being destroyed by members of the evil Soros Open Society.  It spawned ANTIFA, BLM, NAACP, and other corrupt organizations of hatred and division in America.  Shut them all down and perhaps America can again be able to practices the basics in order to heal itself

Friday, September 8, 2023

Microsoft will collapse under its own weignt and indifferencet to Customer needs


Here's some feedback.  
I have used MS from its inception.  We can now be fair and accurate in calling it a legacy system.  Like 100+ year old ATT it's nothing to brag about.  
You Gen Xr's or whatever you call yourselves these days may want to pull a Biden and tout that with age you gained wisdom.  NOT TRUE!!.  With age you have tried to become a magnet for a hodgepodge of systems that you can't fully handle.  
Now that you acquired Skype  you are fucking that up too. I can no longer pay my Skype or many other things with Pay Pal since you screwed that all up .  I call  Skype they say it is Pay pal.  I call Pay pal, they say it is Synchrony bank.
 The customers are all on their own with the three major big tech CON - Glomerates.  ON our own we will leave you to inhale your own VAPORWARE, and find more suitable services that are Pre Legacy. Who Build a better Product, and have a fresh approach, llike "we should care for customers because if we don't we will no longer remain in business. I recall going through this same metamorphosis when I was the IT  director for a major US  Com provider.  When there was a serious issue I'd call in  the key contributors to the problem; confront them with the issue, and chuckle as I watched the Circular Firing Squad all point to the other guy as the problem. I'd fire them all and replace them with new blood who could understand that their jobs and livelihood all hinged on making good products, that work for the customer and mad
ke him feel good about himself and our services. 
This is  NOT the same level MS has reached.  AS wannabe Elites you look down on the customer, and see his issues as just a pain in the ass to what you want to achieve.  Ignore that insignificant customer and his nagging needs.

Time to shut it down and start over. Know and respect your customers.   Focus on your core product [ it helps to know what it is]. Software model for basic small business and general communications needs.  You can't be all things to all peoples needs, because, currently you do not have the genius to handle so many products well.  

I see Gates sitting on the fence.  Are we a software company for businesses or for the General population wasting their time on games, fakebook self aggrandizement, and messages to Family and friends where we can also order items on line?  You haven't answered that question fully in in some 35 years of selling aproduct that only half fulfills the needs of each segmen of the marketAs you add new stuff here and there. other products suffer [ along with your customers].  I have had login problems ever since you tried the concept of having your hodgepodge of products geared to be accessed with one logon.  Then who knows what log on to use.  For over a year, I have had to create no less than 100 passwords because when I log in I am told my password is wrong I look at my MS passwords file, and it is the same one that I changed last week.  You have, MS mail, hotmail, outlook, and now Skype linked, but they do not really work under one PWD.  I spoke with a fellow author who has written and published 32 books.  He got off all MS products, and improved his accuracy, and is no  longer getting the bugs you always sell us which you call upgrades.  I am following him out of  the MS jail cell that has tried to ubiquitously  control all my  interactions with this box and  screen on my desk. After all these years this "Window to the Friends. family business transactions, and my readers has become so dirty that it is filthy on both sides.  I can't clean it, so I am replacing this legacy window with a new and improved weather proof  insulated one that will fulfill my needs.  Over the painful years with MS I never loaded an MS "Upgrade" that didn't mess up everything I had been doing since I fixed all your BS changes from the previous upgrade.
friend  is now Free of MS, and writing more books.  I am working on kicking you out, I think I will be ready in early Jan 24 to start my computer life over.  
You guys can keep making $$$$ for Gates as he works with the WEF to plan his elimination of 45% of the earth's population, and to cut down as many forests as he can, and help China create new killer viruses, and starve us out by capturing all our productiveUS farmland  I always wonder what he  will do when the Evil Elite guys are left.  Who will make anything for him or support his insanity? 
 You guys will be replaced by AI and  your Liberal minds, and  will then finally be happy or satisfied that they killed off an entire planet.  Musk may be the only salvation if he can make it to mars before they kill him off like they did Mr. Tesla before he could share how to provide the globe with infinite electric power . 
Just thought I wanted to tell you how I feel about your lack of efforts to actually provide for the needs of one of your lowly customers.