Sunday, February 21, 2021

Nancy Pelosi is the real person who should be tried for not acting on prior FBI information that Antifa would storm the Capitol


ANTIFA had placed pipe bombs near the Capitol and were set to start pushing the Trump peaceful protestors into the building in order to make it look like this incident was staged by President Trump.

Because sh had prior knowledge of the deadly attack and let it goon un abated so shw could blame the President , she is the one guilty of a serious crime.

This  issue has to do with who was the person ultimately responsible for the incident at the Capitol since the Self Righteous Dems [ Which they are not] are making legislation to try to hammer President Trump into the ground.

My Response:

They knew. Yet they tried to hang it on President Trump. It is an old Communist / Nazi Trick. Hitler had the Reichstag Berlin Capital set on fire by his brown shirts and then convinced the people it was done by the communists. All dirt bags. Pelosi is in charge of Capital security on the House side. IN Fact, she was informed by the FBI and Capitol police days in advance of the ANTIFA attack and the FBi had the locations an names of the Antifa criminals who placed pipe bombs near the capitol the day before the incident. Thus, Pelosi should have been impeached for knowing in advance and letting it happen in dereliction of her Sworn Constitutional duty to her fellow Congressmen. The DNC is so corrupt and this incident and the Rigged election is a mountain of proof that the whole party should be disbanded and all their leadership should be tried and jailed. Yet, Look at how the Dems are now going after each other. Pelosi hired some mad dog former military officer to go after the Capital police saying that 30% of them were Trump supporters. So now it is actually a crime to support the party not in power.  USA. Wake up !!! The Democrats are putting the US on par with the rest of the crap hole nations in the world. 50% of America is sleeping through it all. TDS is a worse virus than the China Virus


This week of 2/13 -20/ 2021  a woman was harassed at 9PM in her Palm Beach Home by the police.  She committed no crime but posted on Face Book [ Urge all to get off it while you can] Something about a member of the city Council that the Councilwoman took offense to. She had the police go to this woman's home and harass her.  The victim/citizen asked for ID from the police because the main guy speaking was in plain clothes with jeans and a blue t shirt.  His response was he cold show his badge, his gun and handcuffs.  All three items used as his power weapons threatening this innocent woman.  The victim was being threatened with criminal intent to trespassing on the Councilwoman's property. If you read her post it says something about free speech.  Something they were trying to deny her by this late night intimidation [ Satan's devils only like to work in the dark]

Many comments on the story were in the victim's defense, and in support of the constitution. One detractor asked what article in the constitution gives you the right to sneeze on people and spread a virus.  First, there is no science that says that is how the virus is transmitted. second tor the previous 18 years masks were NOT mandated for any annual flu season.  However, Freedom of movement, freedom to worship, freedom of speech and freedom to voice political beliefs are the bedrock of the Constitution.  I responded to this lady saying:

My Resoponse

A bigger offense is making millions of people involuntarily wear a mask when there is no scientific evidence that masks prevent any virus. transmission. However it is a scientific fact that masks cause you to inhale your own CO2 which reduces Oxygen to the brain , shrinking it.  IN fact, the COVID is a great hoax being used to spread "The Great Reset" First they soften you up with the "Simon Says do this and that"[ any silly thing they want just to show you they have the power to tell you want to do no matter how insane].  These Bureaucrats are like Woody Allen in his movie Bananas where he becomes dictator of a central American small country and tells everyone to wear their underpants outside their clothes. Why? because he says so and he is the dictator. I think we have seen enough of these little monster mayors, Governors and bureaucrats who let a little power go to their heads. Then via a rigged election we get the Littlest mind on the planet who tries to do the same thig to the entire country. I support this woman all the way, and The police should be ashamed for doing this, since it violates our Constitutional the Bill of Rights. Help is on the way. A prominent German Attorney , Look up Reiner Fuellmich,  has gone after some large Corps with success. He and others are now suing WHO. EU. UN and China and the politicians and MSM who are helping to spread this Hoax. Almost daily groups of Doctors {Real ones not Jill or Fauci ] are opening up the green curtain and exposing the self proclaimed "Wizards" behind the greatest hoax and Crime against Humanity ever devised by evil people. Klaus Schwabe, Gates, Fauci, Soros, Zuckerberg, Dorsey and all the MSM liars will soon be naked and out in the cold before they realize their Satanic dream of killing off 47% of the world population as shown in Klaus Schwabe's book "Covid-19 and the Great Reset" Now, this all is true and verifiable, but I am sure the CCP censors monitoring this site via their Huawei 5G tentacles will not publish it or may come to my home at night too. Damn them all, and pray God's will prevails for His people against these devils

Sunday, February 14, 2021

Responsse to Market Watch's panning of Absolute Proof Video on Election Fraud 2020


Some people are saying there was no case and that all the cases presented were thrown out by the courts or they lost the litigation.

This is another BIG LIE.  No cases were lost.  Here is a recap of what took place since the fraudulent and rigged election.  

Actually no court cases were lost.  The courts refused to hear the cases "For Standing"  that means they knew the cases were legit, but the Deep state does not want the truth to be told for fear the US election system would forever be compromised and we lose the façade that the US holds the fairest elections in the world.  SCOTUS should have heard the case, but Roberts is a famous Compromised judge.  China owns all the data  on him and thousands of others running the US. Many smaller countries who have their elections hacked by the US [ Mostly by guys like Brennan} have gone to paper ballots for this reason.  BTW the Dems spent 4 years investigating the 2016 election, and they never proved their fake news that the Russians hacked it, or that any of the MSM lies you believe are even close to being true.

IN a rush to claim credit for the temporarily successful Coup against Our President Donald J Trump. 

 Time magazine printed a tell all article of who, what,  where and when the Criminals were who were perpetrators of this heinous crime against the American people.  From a business prospective of short term gains Market Watch would be proud of the Chinese investment.  A few billion to the Biden Crime Cabal, and probably less than a billion to harvest votes and pay off the heads of Social Media and Google along with Dominion and the vote counters in the key locations.  Wow for that you get to topple the US and dominate the world.  So the elite Cabal in Davos with the help of the World Economic Forum headed by the old Nazi Klaus Schwabe, just hired the Chinese to do a job on Trump because he showed that China is one giant Ponzi Scheme and Paper Tiger, and the Market will soon find out the same. Perhaps when you do Market Watch will go the way of the VCR.

Reaction after watching the Faux Impeachment Hearings

 The big debate seems to be the First Amendment, I applaud the fact that the defenders of the President, Donald J Trump point out the validity of his actions and words as a free speech issue.  I like the argument.  It is sound and provable.  I am glad they have so  far stayed away from the election Fraud.  That is also a grave matter of Free Speech for the 553 million people who according to results certified [ unlawfully so by the Secretaries of State]   throughout the USA.  All voters were denied their Freedom of Speech because not one of their votes counted.  

Here is why.  The Cabal that is detailed in the Time Magazine Article admits there was a Cabal who initiated the Coup against president Trump by subverting a free and fair election.  "Absolute Proof "is True and well documented assessment of the fraud that took place.  What they did was to disenfranchise ALL Voters  See this:

Election Tampering and Interference by others to neuter the American Voter

The evidence of election tampering and interference by Big Tech, DNC, China, and Iran is overwhelming. Time Magazine boasted that the Left with their election tampering and outright purchase of votes, and vote harvesting admitted the election was heavily influenced by many operatives paid for by the companies Elites, Billionaires and foreign operatives hell bent on taking away the power of the people's vote. They took it from ALL. The evidence of election tampering and interference by Big Tech, DNC, China, and Iran is overwhelming. Time Magazine boasted that the Left with their election tampering and outright purchase of votes, and vote harvesting admitted the election was heavily influenced by many operatives paid for by many US companies and foreign operatives hell bent on taking away the power of the people's vote. They took it from ALL VOTERS, not just the Patriots who voted for President Trump, but from ALL VOTERS. The left Elites feel they know better than the American voter what is best for America. They did not even trust the brainwashed masses they created on the DNC side.

Winning by Intimidation and massive collusion

Thus, they conspired to ignore ALL votes, and to create a fake election result that would satisfy THEIR NEEDS AND WISHES. The public and all voters be damned. The left should be just as furious as the right because this election was not only stolen from the GOP voter, but from ALL VOTERS. There was no real election, because the Elites who manipulated the vote and thus the outcome did not trust ANY American voter, and without the consent of either side they changed all votes to their end and ignored the truthful WILL OF THE PEOPLE. This was not only a stolen election . It was an election run and controlled by the ELITES who bypassed the American Voter, so it is pointless to deny that the election was stolen. It was not even an election, it was a public display of the power of The Elites [ who no longer trust the "little People [voters from both parties]. They planned and took part in this almost well orchestrated and preplanned stolen "election", and they are gleeful they were able to pull off their goal of helping in the Coup against a Sitting President.


In short, there was no election, only a show using the MSM as the front men to give seeming credibility to a well scripted and planned out "Election Coup" . All voters must understand none of their votes they cast were ever counted. They just made it look that way so you would believe Biden won. Look at a very simple and uncomplicated fact. The perpe-trators of this hoax wanted to make it look real, but they made many ,many mistakes.

The general public which is not as stupid as the DNC believes saw instantly the large anomaly when Biden was losing at 3AM EST on the 4th. Suddenly they saw the vote count stop. When it resumed Biden was in the lead. Implausible and unbelievable. This is just one flag.


Another is the error in the overall results showing The President [Trump] getting 74.222,960.. According to the final count recorded by the MSM Biden got 81,283,361 for a total of ballots cast of 155, 507, 321. Fact check disputes this, yet the fact checkers use the Federal Election Board's own faulty numbers to dispute it. Here is what "Fact Check[ CCP operatives] reported on December 20, 2020:

Were there just 133 million registered voters in the United States for the November 2020 presidential election? No, that's not true: While we could not find a total for voters registered in for all 50 states as of November 4, 2020, we did find a cumulative number from before the election. The U.S. Census Bureau counted 153 million reported registered in 2018. With 21 states allowing citizens to registered at the polling sites on  the same day the vote -- and North Dakota not even having voter registration -- that number is far short of the final 2020 tally. The number of eligible voters -- not the number of registered -- is a more relevant number. 

FACT CHECK, November 20, 2020  BY ALAN DUKE.

The CCP "Fact Checkers" say that even though the Federal Election Board shows 133 Million legal eligible voters on the books. more votes could have registered in the ensuing 22 months or over 1.1 million registering per month in the run up to the election counting those registered on election day  which Democrat controlled states allow.  

Summary.  Early after the election some called foul because the total exceeds earlier Fed Election totals of 133 Million [2018].  The votes allegedly cast total  calculated that if you total the votes MSM reported from the various Secretaries of State [ an illegal source] as accurate you come up with 155,507,321  -133,000,000 or 22,507,321 eligible voters gained in a 22 month period. Another point they did not consider is that over the past 20 years we only had one election that had one election total where over 60% of eligible voters  voted.  That was Obama in 2008 where 61% voted.

If you believe the Fake news and the fraud election, even giving them an incredible boost of 22.5 million new voters in <22 months.  It would still mean that 100% of all registered or election day registering voters cast a ballot in this election  Not true, not provable, not Credible, Plausible or Satistically possible.

What they fail to point out is that there is clear evidence and examples of voters taking advantage of registering on the spot the day of the election.  Couple that with the large number who voted twice and in two different states. 

A small part of how they did it. 

Example:  I somehow got a mail in ballot, and filled it out then dropped it off in Alabama into one of the Face Book provided Zuckeberg boxes on Nov 2, 2020.  This is really an illegal ballot. The next day I drove across the border to Georgia, registered for early voting on the spot, [ no voter ID needed} and voted there for Biden.  sounds like you'd need a lot of cheating to do this.  But when you consider that Zuckerberg, and many CCP operatives who snuck into the US who also voted more than once using this same illegal method.  So it cost Zuckerberg $400 Million to do this, and they do not admit how many CNN , Twitter, Google operatives were hired by the CEO's of these companies to go out and harvest and Steal votes or to vote more than once in more than one state.  Estimated cost to steal the election  about 5 billion. Not counting hat the paid the Bidens.


So what is the point of all this?  The point is that when you read the Time Magazine story February 6, 2021. They admit the election was a fraud.  They really said everything detractors of the 2020 election said. However, it is interesting that millions of "little People" said the same thing and were shut down and had accounts closed and businesses damaged and financially ruined for saying the same thing Time is admitting.  The only word they changed was Time Magazine article adds it says "The 2020 election was SAVED. [not Stolen] When in fact they provide grave detail of how the election was stolen.

Read the article where the Leftist propaganda rag ,Time magazine, admits they helped alter the election. results bypassing the American Voter. Then watch all the detailed data presented in the video, "Absolute Proof". There were many screen shots from DoD and FBI sources showing how they tracked China's CCP operatives hacking into our election machines real time with actual IP addresses from China doing the hacking and changing the votes for Biden. That is incontrovertible. It is not that there is a lack of proof. There is a Plethora of Proof. There is simply a lack of recognition that these events really took place. If you are blinded and brainwashed by the 7/24 Left Fake News you will continue to ignore the TRUTH. This is aptly termed Trump Derangement Syndrome [TDS], Not just the Patriots who voted for President Trump, but ALL VOTERS were distrusted and disenfranchised by the Elites. The left Elites feel they know better than the American voter what is best for America. They did not even trust the brainwashed masses they created on the DNC side, Thus, they conspired to ignore ALL votes, and to create a fake election sham that would produce a result that would satisfy THEIR NEEDS AND WISHES. The public and all voters be damned. The left should be just as furious as the right because this election was not only stolen from the GOP voter, but from ALL VOTERS. There was no real election, because the Elites who manipulated the vote and thus the outcome did not trust any American voter, and without the consent of either side they changed all votes to their end and ignored the truthful WILL OF THE PEOPLE. This was not only a stolen election . It was an election run and controlled by the ELITES who bypassed the American Voter, so it is pointless to deny that the election was stolen. The Elites [ who can no longer trust the "little People [voters from both parties] took part in this well planned stolen "election", and they are gleeful they were able to pull off their goal of helping in the Coup against a Sitting President. The Leftist propaganda rag ,Time magazine, admits they helped alter the election. SAVING all of us from the Greatest President in US history, and bypassing the American Voter. Then watch all the detailed data presented in the video, Absolute Proof. There were many screen shots from DoD sources showing how they tracked China's CCP operatives hacking into our election machines and changing the votes for Biden. That is incontrovertible. It is not that there is a lack of proof. There is simply a lack of recognition that these events really took place. IF you are blinded and brainwashed by the 7/24 Left Fake News you will continue to ignore the TRUTH. This is aptly termed Trump Derangement Syndrome [TDA]


They should be taking action to refer the case to the US Circuit Court for his illegal actions in the 2020 elections. Both in the Nov 4th Presidential Federal Election and the January gubernatorial runoff election for Senate.
Knowing this , as many did prior to the first vote being harvested. Mark Zuckerberg and all of those paid by Zuckerberg's election tampering schemes should be tried and punished for election interference. the AG should refer Zuckerberg to the US District Court to be tried under Federal Law for the same reasons. He clearly violated the Federal Election Campaign Act passed by the Senate in February 1971. This law passed by both houses regulates political fundraising and spending in US Federal Elections. Zuckerberg and all the officials he paid off should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law, and the election results of the Presidential and congressional races , illegally certified by the Secretary of State, should be nullified and new elections held. Under 52 U.S.C. S 30101et.seq. Penalties are laid out in a subsequent 52 USC S 20511 which imposes imprisonment and fines and pursuant to 3303 sec 31 shall be fined and imprisoned. see statute below:
shall be fined in accordance with title 18 (which fines shall be paid into the general fund of the Treasury, miscellaneous receipts (pursuant to section 3302 of title 31), notwithstanding any other law), or imprisoned not more than 5 years, or both. (Pub. L. 103-31, § 12, May 20, 1993, 107 Stat. 88.)

Let us see justice done to Zuckerberg and all the election workers he paid off in at least 5 to 7 states. 

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

President Trump 's Path to Return in 2024



We can be assured that President Trump  will be working as the leader of the GOP until he can run again in 2024.  Given the bold Admission by Time magazine as the spokesperson outlet for the ever expanding Swamp,  We now know for sure the extent of the collusion and criminal efforts to interfere in a big way with the 2020 election.  Based on this article, I see many ways to prosecute the issues of Collusion, Subversion and out right purchase of votes and fraudulent Vote harvesting by the  many business, Media, and DNC operatives who took part in their Coup against a Sitting president.  

The other side of this coin is that any social media platform that removes a person for using the terms  Voter Fraud. Sham Election, Stolen Election, Illegal President Biden or other such terms which refer to the Stolen election which Time has willfully and proudly admitted to being a part of can now be met with a law suit against Face Book, Twitter or any other media Oligarchy who banned its customers from their platform  for telling the truth.  Also CCP can call back all the " Fact Checkers" they had o the payroll for these Tech Oligarchs. because the facts of the Left Lies are all exposed.   

 President Donald J Trump should have his account fully restored and Zuckerberg should make a public apology for closing his account and for his part in US election interference. The same for Mike Lindel and all of the others who were forced off these corrupt Social Media scams.  I for one would never return to these Satanic Cyber Criminal outlets.

 Our hope is that President Trump can achieve this by 2022.

Take back the House and Senate with a strong GOP majority.

Pelosi and Schumer would no longer be in power, and the house could vote to impeach Harris for her criminal actions.


The new GOP House should then appoint Majorie Taylor Green to char the House Intelligence Committee replacing shifty Schiff. Once she is through grilling the Democrat criminals on crimes VP Harris has committed while in the Senate, she can then begin her impeachment charges against Biden. With the House majority GOP she will get a quick conviction on both.

Do an extensive investigation of Biden's illegal deals with China, Russia and Ukraine. Justice would be to have Followed with Impeachment. That would put McCarthy in as President until 2024 and then President Trump is reinstated and collapses China.


  • 1. The former President forms a union of the 180 Nations attacked by China, Sue them in the world court for the Viral Germ Warfare, remove all their illegal and unvetted stocks from the NYSE and NASDAQ.
  • 2. Remove China from the IMF and WTO for unfair banking and refusal to live by global Accounting standards { FASB } and other standard accounting rules.
  • 3. Invoke Senate Bill 945 which passed last May but was never enacted. This is the HFCA Act that would delist all Chinese stocks that do not follow NASDAQ or NYSE Accounting rules like others offering stocks.
  • 4. Get all allies to withdraw from any of their Economic and political Silk Road deals. including their 5G data sponges they have deployed in these countries.
  • 5. Nationalize all Chinese physical assets they built to use as tools to control their national commerce and transportation. of nations China forced into untenable agreements due their small size and inability to deal with the Imperialistic Chinese.
  • 6. Refuse to share any US technology.

These actions would see China's Paper Tiger burn and collapse like one of their Paper lanterns and faster than what Reagan did to the Soviet Empire. Let's face it, Communist nations only get about a 70 year of or less run. their bloody course They are not ,like the globalist favorite word, in any way Sustainable.