Friday, July 5, 2019

Nike controversy reveals more about Kaspernicks Anti Americanism

Response to DonalsdTrump Jr's tweet concerning the Nike decision to discontinue the  Air Max 1 Quick Strike shoe that had the original Betsy Ross flag on it becasue it was deemed "too controversial " by Kolin Kaspernick as egged on by his muhammadan girlfriend Nessa Diab.

 Kaepernick should put this logo:
on his uniform  right under his name along with the Crescent moon and star of islam.  His real motivation for his anti American views stem from his muhammadan girlfriend , Nessa Diab, who is well versed in the Muslim Brotherhood's Memorandum to North American Muhammadans which states in its prologue  a summary of their goals to Destroy and conquer America :

"“The process of settlement is a ‘Civilization-Jihadist Process’ with all the word means. The Ikhwan [Muslim Brotherhood] must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and “sabotaging” its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God's religion is made victorious over all other religions.”

She is an Anti American follower of this cult, and her radical support of the Black Lives Matter movement, plus her personal 'cultural jihad' have been instrumental in furthering the plans laid out in the muslim brotherhood document detailing  how to destroy America from within.

Kapepernick [with all his brains in the head of his penis]  is a useful and influential tool to further her agenda.  It may surprise people to know that raadical muhammadan thinking like hers has dramatic and negative effects on an open and receptive culture like we enjoy in America.  That is because rather than fight their thinking with logic, we cave in based on emotional appeal of their radical positions. This inherent weakness to rely on emotional appeal of any controversy rather than common sense, logic, or legal and cultural precedent is seen by muhammadans as a major weakness in America and our Achilles Heel in their Cultural Jihad against US.  Her recent tweet and photo comparing Baltimore Ravens owner Steve Biscotti to a slave owner resulted in many  weak minded NBA teams to respond by dropping the term "Owner" since they were convinced by the muhammadan emotional appeal that it denoted "slave owners" buying and selling people.   

Of course, the real irony is that the Quran blesses the  muhammadn practice of slavery all over the globe. They justify slavery as it is laid  out as an inherent right of the muhammadan conqueror in their own Quran [ chapters and verses:  2:178; 4:24; 8:69;16:75;23:5-6;24:32;33:50] most of these verses refer to making women sex slaves].  While it is fashionable to blame Russia  given the past  three years of MSM and Democrat emotional hype against them, a closer look would reveal our real enemy is the Stealth Jihadists hiding among US.