Thursday, August 6, 2020

My Journey By Faith Book, Just released on Amazon

Attention Readers of this blog and of my FaceBook and Twitter pages. Here is an offer you dare not refuse.

Have you ever wanted to have the freedom to get on a plane and travel to any place you can imagine you would like to visit.  Have you yearned for the adventure of a Lifetime that puts you in a different favorite location every day.  The streets of San Francisco, the Cable cars; Chinatown or Fisherman's wharf?  What about seeing Niagara Falls the next day, or Visiting the San Diego Zoo and Balboa Park Botanical Gardens or watching the Blue Angels soar while sipping an Ice Tea on the terrace garden of the Hotel Coronado overlooking San Diego Bay? Have you wanted to see the beauty of the lush tropical Island of Aruba, Netherlands Antilles, while sitting under the shade of a Divi-Divi Tree watching the morning sunrise turn the azure waters of the Caribbean Sea into a field of sparkling diamonds?  What about opening with the pristine  beaches and summer homes of the rich and famous near Georgetown's Bermuda or Drews Bay where The famous Pirate Cove, Hideout of the Pirates of the Caribbean lies next to the old 15th Century Fort of St Catherine?

What about a trip to Buena Vista in Orlando, Florida. Then a Stop at Niagra Falls in Buffalo New York. The next day you will be visiting Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty to find out the true History of American Immigration?
Follow me and experience colorful and informative travels all over America, Aruba and Bermuda for an exciting thirty day non stop adventure. 

Meet and listen to people reveal their innermost concerns and wishes which they often do not dare to share with anyone else sometimes that includes themselves.  If you want to learn what they say, read my book, and have your eyes and ears opened.

ON June 25th of the year 2020, I published a book of my 30 day journey on Jet Blue's special offer, All You Can Jet.  The details of that adventure are now in a book format that my blog readers and my followers on Twitter and Face Book can link to by accessing the information below:

Enjoy a good read and a great Travelogue with me as I visit some 22 Cities along with Bermuda and Aruba.  All this in 30 Days of being in the air with Jet Blue's great Service and excellent staff on the ground and in the air:

Click on this link to partake of all this adventure and Travel, and the many people who gave up their stories for you and me to find hope in.

Michelle Obama Cries Over Her Severe Depression...Blames the President

Here is my answer to the self centered former WH wife who now says she's depressed in an article posted 8-6-2020[CF's web site].  :

MY Response to Her self absorbed sobbing and promoting herself as a Victim:

Well, look in the mirror. You and barak are the root cause of the renewed racism in the US. Prior to 2008 racism was not uppermost in the minds of most Americans. 

You led a campaign based on racism. Hope and Change was always targeted toward more special perks for blacks only. Yet the American people who are fair and objective for the most part said “OK let’s give them a chance to see what they can do” Eight failed  years later; a million lies and disappointments later all you did was move the needle on blacks being more disappointed than they were in 2007. Barak promised Hope and Change , and never delivered on anything for Blacks or Hispanics or Whites or any Americans other than more welfare programs and food stamps continuing the Lyndon Johnson plan of making blacks slaves to the government and keeping them down on the Democrat Plantation in hopes of getting their vote.  That plan failed, and so did you and barak. You failed the Blacks, You failed and weakened America on the global stage. which depressed ALL Americans of all colors and genders. You helped increase black abortions making the black population flat or dwindling. 

So the depression you are feeling is NOT from our Great President,  Donald  J Trump. He tried to repair the damage you and Barak did. He gave Blacks the hope barak never could or even had a genuine interest in providing them other than garnishing the black vote which in 2016 went to the election of Donald J Trump.  This President delivered with Prison Reform. He helped with building up Black business in making prosperous Enterprise Zones [which your Antifa and BLM unruly mob of supporters burned down.  President Trump shored up permanent funding of Black Colleges and Universities. He helped blacks off welfare and food stamps and trained them and got them into real jobs to make them proud again. You should be depressed. This President is really a friend of the Blacks, and they know it. 

You and barak are still harming Blacks by supporting the Marxist BLM movement which is harming and killing  many other Americans in the wake of their "Locust Like" path of destruction throughout our Nation in nearly every major city in the US.  You are the cause of them killing each other while creating a racial divide across America. Yes. Michelle, look in the mirror to the cause of your depression. Perhaps what you really are suffering from is guilt for all the pain and suffering you and your weakling spouse have inflicted on America to people of all colors.

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

New book out by Will Rodgrs MY Journey By Faith on Amazon

Several years ago I had an epiphany and rededicated myself to the Lord. After re reading Revelation 3: 14-16 I understood I was being a lukewarm Christian, as those in the  Church of Laodicea were described.
I decided to do something about it.  I went on a mission to Nicaragua and then to Russia and Eastern Europe with my church and took a evangelism course written by Dr. D James Kennedy.  My  teacher, Brian Doyle became my mentor as I went out on a 30 day mission on my own.  
This story, "My Journey By Faith" tells of the many, many encounters I had with dozens of people as I shared my beliefs with them, and they in turn gave me their views of their Experiences with God and Religion , in general.
I hope you find it a entertaining read. It is a story of hope and faith as well as a fairly good Travel adventure by a poor and humbled Christian man who had just retired from a very busy and successful career in the Cable TV business.

Your Brother in Christ,
