Tuesday, October 25, 2022

 This posting is a response to a recent article concerning the Federal Reserve internal half hearted attempts to address the corruption of these private bankers guilty of insider trading:



Bidens current Treasury Secretary, Janet Yellen, formerly Federal Reserve Chair

My response which is probably too truthful to be published is as follows

First off let us be clear, the Federal Reserve is not a part of the Federal Government. It is run by private banks, so it is the Fox overseeing the daily slaughter in the hen house. There is no doubt that it has been corrupt since its inception. President Thomas Jefferson warned of the dangers of creating a Central Banking system as far back as the 1780’s Jefferson opposed a central bank. the corrupt Liberal Woodro Wilson allowed the US to be taken over by the banks with the creation of the fed in 1913, Then in the 70’s Richard Nixon, another corrupt president weakened our financial with his recognition of China and their admittance into the IMF and propping them up as a "Developing Nation. Finally, in 1973 he dealt the USD a fatal blow by taking US off the gold standard. We have been in free fall and at the mercy of the Globalist plan to TAKE DOWN AMERICA ever since. Jefferson knew it would lead to such corruption as we see today. He had written into our Constitution that only congress had the power to create and print USD’s money, and that handing that authority to a Private non- elected group of wealthy billionaires is insanity, and a formula for all Americans and all of their wealth and assets to come under the control of a former NAZI madman and self- appointed head of an international criminal Cabal, the WEF. Klaus Schwab who has set himself up as the Supreme Ruler of all banking and financial systems using his corrupt Cabal called the WEF. The more presidents allow such corruption the quicker the US and some semblance of what was the greatest Economy on the planet, is now being handed over to an unelected elite headed by a madman who has used COVID and other population control programs to take full control of control over our own money. We cannot let this stand. The IMF and the World banks are all falling in line with biden who is a paid stooge of the CCP and WEF. These entities do not own the US just because they own the corrupt biden cabal. the cure is to impeach biden the first chance as the GOP takes over congress. If Kevn McCarthy thinks this is political, then he should not be the Speaker. I believe Steve Scalise has a better understanding of the danger America faces with the attempts biden has made to allow the WEF to control US financial system He knows the dangers of having an unelected madman like Klaus Schwab in control of a digital currency that removes all US economic power over our own National Sovereignty, and our core wealth and power. McCarthy is too short-sighted and politically motivated to handle this crucial NATIONAL EMERGENCY. President Trump understood this better than anyone. That is why the globalists conspired with the corrupt DNC that has been selling out America power and influence for many years. to illegally remove him from office.  America needs President Trump back in Office to finish the job, take down the WEF, remove the CCP from our financial institutions, and to restore control of the US economy and trade to the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, alone.