Sunday, July 19, 2020

Reaction to "Yahoo Fake News" article by leftist Catlin Dickson Jiluy 1, 2020

All lies and propaganda because they want to defame the very people who could protect innocent Americans now suffering under the Left led attempt to destroy America..  Consider the source, Ms Beirich is former member of the SPLC a most radical left propaganda group that has done considerable damage by inserting their influence in defending criminals all across America.  This group should be banned and forced to stop using a derogatory and hate filled name associating the Southern States of America with the term poverty.  The name reeks of racism and is the same as calling all Southerners poor bigots.  Further, Catlin Dickson [the author of this biased trash piece] is a political Lefty and former Daily Beast radical Liberal who has produced another propaganda piece trashing the Right.  She cannot be objective in this piece, because it would destroy her "Mockingbird" narrative that the Right is radical and not the left. when she says “The idea of a second American revolution, where armed patriots gather, rise up and overthrow the tyrannical government has been the dream of the antigovernment extremist movement for decades,” She has the right words tagged to the wrong group. This comment aptly describes the Soros Radical and violent  secret militia he has formed within the US underground.  Yet we know Antifa is a fascist wing of George Soros Move global violent effort to put him in charge of a One World Government. So this story is a fake and Yahoo News is just another Fake wanna be Propaganda outlet for the radical Left. Her article ends with this passage which again defines the radical left, and not the Silent Majority of the Right. “As long as there is chaos these groups will thrive,” said MacNab. While some members of extremist militias are waiting for a catalyst to launch the violence, many others, she said, “will do what they have to do to bring chaos to the situation.”

Simply put, MacNab told the subcommittee, “if you do nothing, people will die.”  We really know this is just another failed attempt to invoke Saul Alinsky's Rules For Radicals:.  Alinsky wrote the playbook for the subversive tactics being used today by Radical left , the DNC and Soros Globalism.  He pushed for a large scale Social engineering by "unfreezing" our society to create Chaos and make over our legal system to conform to their radical Marxist system.  Today this is being fostered via his use of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and all the social media platforms. Alinsky would have loved to exploit this media to spread his perverted evil agenda. He died in 1972 just after spewing out all of this evil garbage which he dedicated to Lucifer [Satan].  But his cause has been renewed by the likes of Hillary Clinton and her left wing Legions who still spread this evil in an effort to Destroy America.   McNab's comment above is only half of what Edmund Burke and the Holy Scriptures have said long ago."   “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”