Friday, June 11, 2021

Letter to the Minister of Health, in Lithuania


Comparing US handling of the PLANdemic to that of the EU, and Lithuania in particular

Currently I am a temporary resident in the Baltic Country of Lithuania and I frequently post my views which is not a very popular thing to do here.  However, just as the US has done in response to the Plandemic created by the  DAVOS Devils, too much unchecked power has been put into the hands of unelected officials.  

Dangers of giving Beaucrts power over your personal health

As in most cases these lower level bureaucrats now find themselves as more than the servants of the people.  The first thig they do is to start their dangerous game of Simon Says with the people who over the years have ignored them as merely Government lackeys' toiling the endless paper shuffling which is really just "Make work" to keep these useless fools employed at tax payer expense.  Thus, throughout the West we all have experienced creeping growth by filling needless high paid  government positions which mostly have the result of making life more difficult for anyone who is forced to deal with these brainless dolts.

How has the the global Medical profession lost all credibility by allowing politicians to become our Primary Care Health Advisors?

Over the past 20 months, these  zero information paper pushers have been raised from meaningless invisible bureaucrats to  the level of unelected bureaucrats who now provide unaccountable and unscientific and  non medical control over the Body Politic.  So now some guy like Anthony Fauci who was a nobody in a lab coat who has not practiced actual medicine on real and live  patients in over 30 years is now the Primary Care doctor for a nation prescribing Personal health and Human medical orders to 340,000, 000 people who have been able to successfully navigate the annual Flu season with little of=r no government intervention for their entire lives. 

This is happening all ovr the globe 

I look at France, Italy, Germany, the Baltics and the 23 nations of the European Union, and it is clear that this was all planned well in advance of China releasing this not to allow too many Virology scientists or front line doctors to be spokesmen for this Plandemic.

EVENT #201

Clear proof that this pandemic was well planned and thought was given to how it would play out on the Innocent suspects, we th epeople of the World.  The "Event was sponsored by John's Hopkins, Bloomberg School of Public Health, The World Economic Forum Headed by self appointed Klaus Schwabe, and The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.  Already the cards are stacked 2 to 1 against medical experts.  Control of the outcome and the press releases seemed to play a big part in the discussions.  

It is interesting to note that each of the three teams had a JD to give legal advice?  But Ithought thie was a potential pandemic study.  What part did lawyers play in the discussions?  Could it be that from the outset, this pandemic was planned and issues like leal authority to introduce an untested vaccine would come up when you want to "JAB" everyone on the Planet.  Perhaps someone knew of the Nuremberg Code, or the Constitutions likw in Lithuania where Article 3 r Article 20 .. as I point out in this letter, expressly forbids " human beings being used to test experimental drugs" without their consent.  THis same idea is present in the constitutions of most EU governments and others around the globe who have experienced massive government abuse of its citizens in this area of edical mal practice.  

One of the legal issues was culpibility of the Vaccine makers.  forms were developed that contained elusive language with the victim made to sign away any freedoms or human rights against the makers of the drugs or the governments imposing thie use on the Citizens.

They ignored what is obvious to the average person. They have Inalienable and Inviolable Rights'

To say that someone has 'inviolable rights' simply means that they have rights too sacred or too important to be broken by force or violence; and to say that someone has 'inalienable rights' (or 'unalienable rights') is to say that they have rights that cannot be handed over to someone else.  

Humans with souls whether they acknowledge God or not instinctively know  that as a human being each of is protected by the laws of God over those of man.  "Natural men like Gates Schwabe, Soros, or Bloomberg, cannot fathom this innate value within Human beings



Gmail - forced vaccinations

William Rodgers <>

Wed, May 26, 2021 at 9:23 AM

Under Article 9 you must hold a referendum and have

signatures from 300,000 before measures such as Mr.

Dukas unilaterally announce daily can be mandated.

You are violating the Constitution. We hear these are

emergency measures. What is the emergency? Less

than one percent of the population have died from the

annual Flu. All statistics show the number of sick and

the number of dead is even lower that the previous 20

years of reported Flu Season statistics. SARS -2 SKS

Wuhan, is a man made virus released by the CCP. and

you are not addressing that issue at all. I saw no

response from your department when a CCP member

openly bragged that China released this virus in

response to economic pressures by the US. They did

not consider how quickly it would initially spread, and

gave no help to the 160 countries they infected since

they were originally targeting only the US.

The Lithuanian constitution Article 20 says "The

freedom of a human being shall be inviolable....

Article 2I: States, "It shall be prohibited to torture,

injure a human being, degrade his dignty, subject him

to cruell treatment as well as to establish such

punishments" Further:

"No human being may be subjected to scientific or

medical experimentation without his knowledge and

free consent."

The disclaimer you sometimes hand out to the "Full

knowledge and Free Consent" of the victim does not

mitigate your responsibility to the Body Politic. Most of

the people have no idea what they are signing, and

there is no language on your form clearly stating that

they are about to consent to be a part of a

massive medical experiment. They are not told that

over 5,000 people have been injected have died from

this experiment.

I am sure you do not want that made public, for fear no

one would consent to be a part of your part in the

Global initiative of the Davos NWO.

In addition, you are constantly breaking International


The Nuremberg Code ( 1947) tried and hung Nazi

Doctors who experimented on the population without

their consent and full knowledge of the dangers of

these experiments.

What makes you think what you are doing is any


I suggest you cease your propaganda campaign

efforts to make everyone a victim of your uncontrolled

experimentation. There is no need for it.

First, there is no scientific or medical evidence that any

of these experimental vaccines will cure the virus.

Second, there is recent evidence that these vaccines

may be the cause of new strains of the virus, Thus,

you are spreading more infections because you cannot

cure or stop it.

Second, the vaccine does not make you immune to

the virus, nor does it prevent you from spreading it to

others. So, other than making the drug companies

wealthy and perhaps some on the inside of the

government who are promoting these

experimental drugs, why would you force people to be

injected [aka "jabbed"]? This violates Article 3: "No

one may restrict or limit the sovereignty of the Nation

or make claims to sovereign powers belonging to the

entire nation. Your department is clearly violating this

Article. [Saying you were ordered to do so by

President Nauseda or Prime Minister Simonyte is akin

to the arguments the Nazi doctors or others used at

the Nuremberg Trials. It did not work. They all hung.]

THe Nation and each citizen shall have the right to

resist anyone who encroaches on the

independence, Territorial integrity, and constitutional

order of Lithuania by force."

Mr. Dukas, Preventing Freedom of movement if a

person has not agreed to be one of your victims is also

a violation of the Constitution and the Schengen


Your edicts on forcing people to get a vaccine to travel

and participate in many societal activities does all of

these things. The vaccines are experimental

drugs being forced on people against their will by

Politicians like Mr. Dukas.

-William Rodgers [Vilius]


It was all a fabricated Fraud

 The virus may have been real, just as in any other of the thousands of Flu seasons we have had forever, but the fraud was in how they hyped this one and made it much more than it was.  All this in an attempt by the Deep State and the greedy elites like Gates and Soros and Xi in China who thought they'd use it to scare the world into bowing to  them the as the slave masers over all humanity.

We discovered Bill Gates was no humanitarian Philanthropist

Anthony Fauci is no noble Doctor.

George Soros is still a Nazi war criminal on the loose.

Klaus Schwabe is still the same trader that he was when as a "Neutral Swiss citizen"  he secretly supported Hitler's Nazi war effort to help create an Atomic bomb.  That like this latest global effort to control all  mankind through massive deceit and subversive propaganda about a fake Plandemic too will fail. 

Xi Jinping is a ruthless dictator who is guilt of massive slavery, strict restrictions of free speech, and an Imperialistic Monarch who has illusions of creating a world ruled by himself since he appointed himself ruler over China for life,  [ Where do these delusional madmen emerge from?]

Mark Zuckerberg, Jack Dorsey and Sundar Pichai , heads of big tech and social media and your personal global data, are all in collusion to steal your personal data and to make you say and do whatever they want.  Algorithms censuring what you can say, post or google to their ends are being used to control the global narrative toward the elite goal of taking over the world and imposing the NWO.  It's over, and all have been exposed as criminals and frauds.

Here is the expose that revealed what they really represent.

We even found out this week that like GatesChief Justice Roerts had some frequent flyer miles on the Lolita express and that was how they compromised him so he would refuse to hear the election fraud cases and other presented to the SCOTUS which may disrupt their globalist plans.

Very sad days for America.  We need to bring back leadership that had integrity , candor and a love for this country and the American people

Sunday, June 6, 2021

Follow up to my previous post

 Need I say more.  The crap storm against the perpetrators of the PLANDEMIC  has just begun.  Read this post:

As I have been saying since day one

This post is based on an article exposing the entire group who made up the Virus pandemic for political, power, and monetary gain.  See this article:

I knew this because I followed the Dirty Dozen Davos Devils as they schemed with which the CCP planned to take over the world and take down the US.  I also read the Plan in Klaus Schwabe's book.  "COVID-19 and the GREAT RESET"  Taking out President Trump was a personal vendetta by Xi.  He figured he'd humiliate President Trump and buy the worst candidate in the US then pay billions to get him elected. Xi figures with such humiliation, he'd never hear from Trump again.  WRONG!!! His planned revenge stemmed from Trump  exposing their Ponsi Scheme ride to power, and their Imperialistic goals to rape the world with their belt and Road initiative.  Now that the entire scheme is exposed, and all the operatives laid bare, Fauci, Soros, Gates, Schwabe, Zuckerberg, Dorsey, Pichai, and others yet to be named like the DNC  WHO, CDC and more to come as their Paper Mache tiger crumbles.

Read this to see how their scheme to destroy all of us unravels like a cheap Chinese suit.

I don't know about you, but I am mad as hell that these bastards put us all through a mess that cost countless jobs, careers, businesses and millions of lives all for monetary gain for the Elite and the Chinese Communist Party.

 President Trump was right all along. The moment he got out of the Hospital he recommended Hydroxychloroquine along with ivermectin as a cure since it cured him in a few days. In less than a week Fauci had it banned and WHO followed globally. They are another China operative that needs to be disbanded.  Fauci did not have the authority. He is head of CDC. A study would have had to been made by the FDA the agency which approves drugs; not the CDC which is Disease Control, not drug control. Fauci and his entire staff should be prosecuted. Everyday, we are learning this whole PLANdemic was China's plan to get back at the US and others who joined us in using the tariffs that were hurting their Ponse Scheme fake economy. They attacked the world with Germ Warfare. IT is their belief they must win and take over the world at any cost. 3 million deaths are nothing to an overpopulated nation of 1.4 billion of which 90% are members of the Communist party and were expecting substantial gains if they could knock out Western and Central Europe and then the US as major competitors. The $10 Trillion Trump demanded when speaking at the North Carolina GOP meeting last week will hardly be sufficient to pay for all the loss of life and the hardships and lost business the globe has experienced at the hands of the Chinese Communists most vile and Evil Imperialistic dictatorship on the face of the planet. I agree with President Trump that all nations should impose a 100% tariff on China, and stop all Chinese project around the globe. The Belt and Road plan of China is for the purpose of taking over each country where they have infiltrated to steal land and resources. They have done this to, others like they did in the US by buying the Elites in Business, Agriculture, All forms of Communication and government. In Africa they built Mansions for the elite dictators of those countries. In the US they paid Biden's Cabal some $1.53 Billion to have him do their bidding. BHR paid crack head Hunter 4.2 Million . All together with China, Russia, Iran and Ukraine it is estimated that the Bidens were bought for about $13 Billion, and were never investigated for taking such a large haul of cash from foreign governments in the middle of a Presidential election. While they investigated Trump for any penny he received from legitimate doners . Chinese have raped the planet for the past 30 years,, stealing everything in site and taking lands and natural resources from countries all over the globe on the promise they were "there to help".[ Remember what Reagan said about that line?] In short, the Chinese Communists are the current version of the BORG on Star Trek, They wish to assimilate[ enslave or destroy everyone or everything in their path.] The Silk Road of Xe is the road to hell and slavery

Friday, June 4, 2021

Now we know the real reason Roberts would not take part in the Impeachment or hear any cases about Election Fraud

Chief  Justice Roberts had been COMPROMISED in many ways.  He is under control of the LEEFT .  Evidence shows why and how they go to him.  see this:


Justice Roberts ( wagers ) Not on My Shift He won`t or I WILL Resign?  Phone conversation with Justice Stephen Bryers.

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

BY Fauci imposing the elimination of the use of Hydroxychloriqiuine 100,000 more Americans died

 Early on in the CHINA PLANDEMIC, President Trump recovered from the CHina Virus .  His doctors at Bethesda medical center gave him this drug tht has been well tested and in use for over 70 years.

The President took this drug and Ivermectin and he survived the Chiba Virus.  Soon after, Fauci saw that this $7.00 over the counter drug worked, he had it banned.  His actions, we can now see contributed to at least another 100,000 who died needlessly because of Fauci's part in the PLANDEMIC cooked up by the Davos devils Gates, Schwabe, Soros, with the assistance of MSM propaganda, and Big Tech guys like Zuckerberg, Cook, Dorcey Bezoa Pichai and Gates [again].

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