Tuesday, August 4, 2020

New book out by Will Rodgrs MY Journey By Faith on Amazon

Several years ago I had an epiphany and rededicated myself to the Lord. After re reading Revelation 3: 14-16 I understood I was being a lukewarm Christian, as those in the  Church of Laodicea were described.
I decided to do something about it.  I went on a mission to Nicaragua and then to Russia and Eastern Europe with my church and took a evangelism course written by Dr. D James Kennedy.  My  teacher, Brian Doyle became my mentor as I went out on a 30 day mission on my own.  
This story, "My Journey By Faith" tells of the many, many encounters I had with dozens of people as I shared my beliefs with them, and they in turn gave me their views of their Experiences with God and Religion , in general.
I hope you find it a entertaining read. It is a story of hope and faith as well as a fairly good Travel adventure by a poor and humbled Christian man who had just retired from a very busy and successful career in the Cable TV business.

Your Brother in Christ,
