Monday, July 20, 2020

MY July 2020 Prediction on the November Election

President Trump sits down with the Lib. C. Wallace for an interview, and asks if Trump will casually accept the election results.  Here is my prediction:

"Great interview by a great President.He knows he has his detractors, but that strengthens him because he knows how to handle them, and he takes nothing for granted.  He was fair with Wallace who is not always fair with him.
Pres Trump is right about this election. It will be rigged by the DNC who sadly control most of the polling places in America.  They will and already have ballots printed where his name does not appear as a candidate .  I believe s majority of Americans want him to win to restore law and order and stop the Communist and Marxist movement.  Yet there is a possibility the DNC will prevail and suppress the many voters who if given the chance to vote at the polls would cast votes for Trump.  We will see how it all works out.  I predict that election night no winner will be announced. Then followed by endless back room counts and fake ballots where the DNC drags it our until Christmas, and then suddenly announces Biden is the President. Then followed by the same situation that took place in Florida years ago with Al Gore that dragged on in courts etc.  It will be painful, but if it goes that far, Trump will be the final winner."