Monday, December 31, 2012

What is Truth

Peter, I cannot speak for Kevin, you asked about the truth. My source of truth is the Holy Bible. It is not subject to the Relativistic Pluralism Social setting in which you seem to reside. I believing in human rights and our God given freedoms which seem to be "Right Wing" in your mind. You speak of fear and hatred. Yet you fear hearing any point of view that is held by those who disagree with you. Pluralists and Liberals fear more than anyone I know. They cannot express truth for fear it will injure others who see everything as relative. You all have a fear of expressing truth because you are afraid to tell the other guy he is wrong. There are some irrefutable Truths you may learn from Nature. You cannot flap your arms and fly! You cannot cause the sun to rise or the moon to shine. These things are owned by the One True God Who created you and all you see in His orderly Nature. What's is relative about these things? As to other views, yes I listen in awe at some of the dumb things people say. I then compare those ideas to past Historic reality: We should all share the wealth: Russian Communism lasted for only 70 years and then collapsed in on itself. I easily conclude Socialism or Communism does not really work as a long term solution for mankind. BTW I was in Russia several times and guess what? [they now embrace Capitalism. Putin recently said in Pravda that Obama is an idiot for trying to force Communism on the US]. Then you mention hatred: What is more hateful to your fellow man than to give him false Hope and Lie to him about how you can Change his future? Then as an added injury you over tax him; take away his basic freedoms and threaten his future with Indefinite Detention if he disagrees with you [note Obama's abuse of the Executive Order; His passage of NDAA and embracing Agenda 21 urging UN control of my Sovereign Nation. I have respect for the views of others, but I respect God and my human dignity He gave me more. Our world history is filled with sad and evil stories of people who thought they had a better idea, and failed. Yes Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pot Pol all had some seemingly new and great ideas. Read about how it all ended. I'm sure you also feel that believing in God is narrow minded. Just do yourself one favor: Google "List of Burial Places of Founders of World Religions". Note that Jesus Christ has no burial place. Wikipedia shows He was only entombed in the old city of Jerusalem for 3 days. Jesus, The Author of Truth and Life is alive. All other world religious leaders are dead and buried as are all of the leaders of man's failed "ISMS', and the millions of guilty and innocent left in their wake. Yes I listen to the views of those I respect, but I do not respect evil and lies. I spend a lot of my time in Mission work helping people find a new way of life, and keeping them from evil and the lies of corrupt people. These politics are a temporary bump in life. Jesus taught us in Mark 12:17 to"... render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's and to God the things that are God". What could be more damaging to politicians who believe they can control our thoughts and actions? God owns our souls and no political organization or leader has ever been able to get to the heart of man like God does.

I would like to thank Mr. Jim Geiger.  Some  of my response ideas came from his wonderful book 
The Gospel According to Relativity.