Friday, March 27, 2020

CAIR is an anti American arm of the muslim brotherhood, an ancient tribal Cult from the 6th Century

The US needs to wake up and ignore the name calling from the left. Islamophobia is not even a word. If you are trying to protect yourself and your way of life from a hate filled 'ISM' that wants to take your family, your wealth, deny your access to your religious and cultural beliefs, you are a normal American. The citizens of America have fought from the start of this nation to protect the best and most fair system of government that has ever been derived on the Planet. Yes , and because it it is run by man even though it is God inspired it has it's flaws. But it is the only system on earth that allows its citizens to redress inequity bigotry and hatred.
We fought for these rights against tyrannical monarchs who once ruled here. We fought many wars to protect ourselves from 'ISMS" that are opposed to our freedoms. Now our new enemy is eating away at us from within , and posing as a 'religion' we are having a difficult time trying to define and identify why it is just as malevolent and threatening as all the other life threatening obstacles this nation has had to overcome in the past. We won all those battles and preserved our people, our Nation, and our way of life.

Today, our enemy is any "ISM" that wants to remove our legal system, dilute our heritage; destroy our history, and subjugate us to some Pagan Tribal Law of the 6th century barbarians. When Americans ignore the propaganda of this enemy and define the enemy not as just another religious "ISM", then they will understand the real intent of this 'theocracy'. We will understand the premise of muhammaddamism is not cultural diversity, but cultural death to those who will not be subjugated. Only then will you know that you are ceding all of your God given rights to a Theocracy that follows a false god who demands everything from you.

This theocracy wants to replace our Republic. It has no intentions of allowing redress or your personal freedoms. Under any theocracy, plain and simple the un-elected leaders will demand "My Way or the Highway [death]. Do you really want to elect people who think along those lines? A system that will not be willing give up its goal of subjugating all citizens and denying their Inalienable rights.

CAIR is the political and legal front of our enemy. Back in the 90's they began an effort to infiltrate every aspect of American life. They wrote a special document outlining their goals to attack America differently than their physical barbaric bloodletting ways of subjugating less developed nations.

CAIR is the enemy of the US they are an internal enemy who the liberals allowed to take a foothold in the US under the deceptive flag of being a "Religion" they are not a religion. they are the cult followers of a 6th century pagan war Lord who used the power of the sword to expand this Tribal Theocracy all across the globe. They have always expanded using the power of the sword, Financial intimidation, brutal coercion, and Pagan tribal law to advance this dangerous cult. We will never be a Socialist nation or a theocracy under a brutal Imam.