Sunday, July 19, 2020

Hell hath no fury.......

The democrats are like a wild heard of animals they do whatever they are told blindly following emotions not logic, sometimes it even means they will kill their own and eat each other just because they are led to do so. The problem is that over the course or the Trump Presidency and even prior to his winning, this left //right dichotomy has transcended the economy and the liberal talking points. It is all about emotions and hatred that are clearly expressed on every liberal news channel. every supposed entertainment or talk show, in Hollywood, and by every liberal politician in DC. The supports of the President know we are engaged in a civil war. They will not fire a shot, but they will stand their ground against Tyranny. The left as you can clearly see at the former Trump rallies attract the Anti-fa gangs and the mobs that gathered outside the Trump rallies all over the US, and were the most vocal and often violent if the two factions. Evil drives them, and emotions and anger rise up over common sense and logic. So we are in a war driven by the hate inspired by the leaders on the left. Obama is a hater. They are driven more by the antics of a House speaker who openly displays her visceral hatred for our President. At both State of the Union addresses she acted like a catty female with her gestures and facial expressions.The clapping like a spurned lover.This does not go un-noticed by her cult who emulate her in every way on the streets and in social media posts.