Saturday, November 7, 2020

Pray President Trump will Prevail and save America from Ending

 We knew from the start with the [ covid ]China Virus fraud was the way to control people for this election. There is so much factual evidence from Postal workers, Poll watchers who were allowed to do their job and plenty of video from Project Veritas of people bragging about how they harvested ballots. When I was a poll watcher in the 2016 election we saw all this happen in Broward on a smaller scale. They called the police to remove me from the precinct because I had observed so many illegal happenings. We had video of the ballots that were loaded on to a sealed truck leaving the voter site then stopping out front where POV cars were waiting to open the truck and stuff boxes of "Ballots on to the sealed Truck. Thanks to Mat Gatez for having us surround the election headquarters and keeping Brenda Snipes in check while we got a court order to go in and see what was happening, and just like this time it was around 3AM we were there to monitor the legality of the vote. Satan's devils love doing their evil work in the darkest hours. The outcome there was the counts that were going up and down for Scott and DeSantis suddenly leveled off and they won. Snipes was allowed to resign and collect a fat retirement. She should be in jail. The GOP needs to find a way to become the ballot counters. It can be done by voting out every Dem who ever runs for anything even dog catcher. I pray the Trump Campaign is successful in the courts. For those reading this who do not know , Nowhere in the Constitution does it say that the Media can call the winner in any election. What they are reporting is the worst FAKE NEWS EVER. Also, President Trump is still the President until they prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that the counts were not rigged. So Biden strutting around saying he will forcefully remove President Trump from the White House is as Fraudulent as the reported election results. Again let me remind people the Constitution says Inauguration day is still January 21, and Biden cannot sit in the Oval Office before that date, and we pray NEVER.