Monday, July 27, 2020

La Bron complains there is no movement for helping black people

 A recent article in Conservative Fighters News July 27, 2020 , La Bron James was complaining about America. and the oppression of Blacks.  He never mentioned the 450 million he made here. He lauded China, and ignored the slaves that make the Nike Shoes he wears and had made big $$ on.  He is a sorry Hypocrite.

My Response"
La Bron. You are correct. That is because your people let the Marxist Communist hijack another one of your causes, Now the guys who are black pedophiles or are Marxists too who have infiltrated BLM by white liberals. You all should go back and listen to the warning that I personally heard and was present at a  Malcom X speech in about 1964-65.:
“The white liberal is the worst enemy to America, and the worst enemy to the black man. Let me explain what I mean by the white liberal. In America there is no such thing as Democrat or Republican anymore. In America you have liberals and conservatives. The only people living in the past who think in terms of I’m a Democrat or Republican, is the American Negro. He’s the one that runs around bragging about party affiliation. He’s the one that sticks to the Democrat or sticks to the Republican. But white people are divided into two groups, liberals and conservative. The Democrats who are conservative, vote with the Republicans who are conservative. The Democrats who are liberal vote with the Republicans that are liberal. The white liberal aren’t white people who are for independence, who are moral and ethical in their thinking. They are just a faction of white people that are jockeying for power. The same as the white….. The liberal elements of whites are those who have perfected the art of selling themselves to the Negro as a friend of the Negro. Getting sympathy of the Negro, getting the allegiance of the Negro, and getting the mind of the Negro. Then the Negro sides with the white liberal, and the white liberal use the Negro against the white conservative. So that anything that the Negro does is never for his own good, never for his own advancement, never for his own progress, he’s only a pawn in the hands of the white liberal. The worst enemy that the Negro have is this white man that runs around here drooling at the mouth professing to love Negros, and calling himself a liberal, and it is following these white liberals that has perpetuated problems that Negros have. If the Negro wasn’t taken, tricked, or deceived by the white liberal then Negros would get together and solve our own problems. I only cite these things to show you that in America the history of the white liberal has been nothing but a series of trickery designed to make Negros think that the white liberal was going to solve our problems
In 1965 when Malcom X made this statement he used the term Negro. Today, the term “Black” is used. Other than that, everything else is the same. Nancy Pelosi is not your friend. Chuck Schumer is not your friend. Look to the person who is actually making changes that effect you and your community in a positive way. Enterprise zones, prison reform. hiring and promoting processes. Stop thinking the Democrats will help you. Listen to one of you own great leaders. The White Liberal is your Enemy .

Monday, July 20, 2020

MY July 2020 Prediction on the November Election

President Trump sits down with the Lib. C. Wallace for an interview, and asks if Trump will casually accept the election results.  Here is my prediction:

"Great interview by a great President.He knows he has his detractors, but that strengthens him because he knows how to handle them, and he takes nothing for granted.  He was fair with Wallace who is not always fair with him.
Pres Trump is right about this election. It will be rigged by the DNC who sadly control most of the polling places in America.  They will and already have ballots printed where his name does not appear as a candidate .  I believe s majority of Americans want him to win to restore law and order and stop the Communist and Marxist movement.  Yet there is a possibility the DNC will prevail and suppress the many voters who if given the chance to vote at the polls would cast votes for Trump.  We will see how it all works out.  I predict that election night no winner will be announced. Then followed by endless back room counts and fake ballots where the DNC drags it our until Christmas, and then suddenly announces Biden is the President. Then followed by the same situation that took place in Florida years ago with Al Gore that dragged on in courts etc.  It will be painful, but if it goes that far, Trump will be the final winner."

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Our President Trump saves this moron's DeBlasio's a$$ and he is complaining. It is he who will be judged harshly . Wuhan prevented it's fleeing citizens from entering any place in China, but they had no problem putting them on planes to Italy, Spain, France and NYC. Dip Blazio ignored the President's travel ban from China announcing that NYC welcomes the people of the world with open arms. He and Cuomo both ignored the President's travel bans and directives on how to control the China virus. The last direct flight from Wuhan to JFK was jan 23. 2020. However, Di Blasio was still letting flights land as late as March 27th. While on March 12th he said the Trump travel bans were ineffective and that the President had no authority to tell him what to do, Then he went to the gym, worked out and ordered that all gyms be closed. Meanwhile the Chinese who had been exporting the virus to the tune of over 400,000. Chinese to the US feared that DeBlasio would follow Trump's orders and close all flights originating in China. They then started exporting them to the three hardest hit EU nations where they then transferred to flights to NYC and other locations in the US. So I'd say there is enough blame to go around for all. However, I would temper that with the fact that we are falling into the Devious Chinese trap of arguing with ourselves about how the pandemic was handled. This is what the CCP propaganda machine wants because as long as we argue who in the US did what and when, then we take our eye off the ball and miss the goal of targeting China the evil perpetrators of this Global pandemic. Did they do it for revenge or because they thought it would harm the rest of the world making them the only safe country to do business with. In any event they are devious and evil, and must be made to pay for killing off so much of the planet.

Hell hath no fury.......

The democrats are like a wild heard of animals they do whatever they are told blindly following emotions not logic, sometimes it even means they will kill their own and eat each other just because they are led to do so. The problem is that over the course or the Trump Presidency and even prior to his winning, this left //right dichotomy has transcended the economy and the liberal talking points. It is all about emotions and hatred that are clearly expressed on every liberal news channel. every supposed entertainment or talk show, in Hollywood, and by every liberal politician in DC. The supports of the President know we are engaged in a civil war. They will not fire a shot, but they will stand their ground against Tyranny. The left as you can clearly see at the former Trump rallies attract the Anti-fa gangs and the mobs that gathered outside the Trump rallies all over the US, and were the most vocal and often violent if the two factions. Evil drives them, and emotions and anger rise up over common sense and logic. So we are in a war driven by the hate inspired by the leaders on the left. Obama is a hater. They are driven more by the antics of a House speaker who openly displays her visceral hatred for our President. At both State of the Union addresses she acted like a catty female with her gestures and facial expressions.The clapping like a spurned lover.This does not go un-noticed by her cult who emulate her in every way on the streets and in social media posts.

Reaction to "Yahoo Fake News" article by leftist Catlin Dickson Jiluy 1, 2020

All lies and propaganda because they want to defame the very people who could protect innocent Americans now suffering under the Left led attempt to destroy America..  Consider the source, Ms Beirich is former member of the SPLC a most radical left propaganda group that has done considerable damage by inserting their influence in defending criminals all across America.  This group should be banned and forced to stop using a derogatory and hate filled name associating the Southern States of America with the term poverty.  The name reeks of racism and is the same as calling all Southerners poor bigots.  Further, Catlin Dickson [the author of this biased trash piece] is a political Lefty and former Daily Beast radical Liberal who has produced another propaganda piece trashing the Right.  She cannot be objective in this piece, because it would destroy her "Mockingbird" narrative that the Right is radical and not the left. when she says “The idea of a second American revolution, where armed patriots gather, rise up and overthrow the tyrannical government has been the dream of the antigovernment extremist movement for decades,” She has the right words tagged to the wrong group. This comment aptly describes the Soros Radical and violent  secret militia he has formed within the US underground.  Yet we know Antifa is a fascist wing of George Soros Move global violent effort to put him in charge of a One World Government. So this story is a fake and Yahoo News is just another Fake wanna be Propaganda outlet for the radical Left. Her article ends with this passage which again defines the radical left, and not the Silent Majority of the Right. “As long as there is chaos these groups will thrive,” said MacNab. While some members of extremist militias are waiting for a catalyst to launch the violence, many others, she said, “will do what they have to do to bring chaos to the situation.”

Simply put, MacNab told the subcommittee, “if you do nothing, people will die.”  We really know this is just another failed attempt to invoke Saul Alinsky's Rules For Radicals:.  Alinsky wrote the playbook for the subversive tactics being used today by Radical left , the DNC and Soros Globalism.  He pushed for a large scale Social engineering by "unfreezing" our society to create Chaos and make over our legal system to conform to their radical Marxist system.  Today this is being fostered via his use of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and all the social media platforms. Alinsky would have loved to exploit this media to spread his perverted evil agenda. He died in 1972 just after spewing out all of this evil garbage which he dedicated to Lucifer [Satan].  But his cause has been renewed by the likes of Hillary Clinton and her left wing Legions who still spread this evil in an effort to Destroy America.   McNab's comment above is only half of what Edmund Burke and the Holy Scriptures have said long ago."   “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”