Sunday, May 30, 2021

More Bill Gates self generated propaganda to try to make himself look like a good guy

You can find more on this photo on my Freetalk post.

Gates is once again paying big bucks to try to revive his tarnished image.  No amount of money or slick ads or fake stories like this could convince anyone with common sense to love this guy who claims he is the world's greatest Philanthropist.  He is a dangerous person who should stand trial at Nuremberg or the World Court for trying to force his experimental vaccines on the world population.  

Add to that that many many times he has advocated for reducing the world population by some 47%  even Hitler and Stalin were not that nuts.  This guy needs to stand trial with his two elite NAZI buddies, George Soros and Klaus Schwabe, add in Fauci who helped China  in producing the virus .  All one would have to do is read into the trial the full text of Schwabe's book "The Great Reset and Covid-19".  In it all the criminal evidence of their evil plan to take over the world is clearly laid out.  There is Gates own quote about his "Final Solution" for his fantasy about a green Planet.  All he needs to do is eliminate most of the people on earth.  

If you were shocked at the films depicting the Nazi Slaughter camps of WWII, Gates, Fauci, Soros and Klaus Schwabe plan on doing that a million times over.  These mad men all need to stand trial before the remaining sane [ un-jabbed. people who have successfully avoided the Vaccine Trap] and be tried and hung for their heinous crimes against humanity.

Saturday, May 29, 2021

Bill Gates could better be described as a prevaricator or, Deceiver, but never in a Million years as a Philanthropist

 One must remember that all the Documentaries and praises lauding Gates as some " Do good Philanthropist"  were all created and paid for by none other than Bill Gates.

This article is no different. Recently Bill has been saddened and angered over thee fact that his lies and deceptions are falling apart.  When he was doing his dirty work in South America or the continent  of Africa, many  did not pay him much attention.  Now that he has teamed up with the two Nazis from Germany and Switzrland,  i.e. George Soros and Klaus Schwabe,  he is getting more attention, but it is not the kind he's paid for in the past.  Since he decided to join the Elite  Globalist Criminals of Davos, he is getting a lot more scrutiny about his real part in other manmade PLAN-demics he toyed with in his earlier years while trying to be the ruler of the entire globe.

Let's look at what other diseases and Plan-demics he had his hands in before the Current COVID debacle.



How Zuckerberg Millions Paid for Progressives to Work With 2020 Vote Officials Nationwide 

  One of my responses to this article was this:

BY THIS ACCOUNT, IT IS CLEAR THAT ZUCKERBERG AND HIS ORGANIZATION ARE GUILTY OF ELECTION TAMPERING. He and His hired agents broke the law in two ways. First, they gathered the votes and filled them out and signed them with the victims own name which deprives the intended voter of his right to vote for the candidate of his choice[ one person, one vote]. Secondly, many of these people were in most cases pole workers hired by their respective districts to handle and count votes according to the rules of each state. Thus, Zuckerberg should be fined the amount specified by each state, somewhere between $1,000 to $5,000 for each voter ballot he suppressed, and be made to serve, in some cases [depending on that states rules] 6 months to 5 years in prison for each vote he paid to suppress.

Here is another response to one commentator who felt a sense of despair and felt it is over and we lost:

Well, you have a right to feel that way. However, I am sure when Pearl Harbor was destroyed and the US fleet was sunk by the Japs, most Americans were in the same despair. They were lifted out of that depression when they saw something in America that others did not. They had the will power to fight back. The enemy was more clearly defined in those days.

Today we are fighting many on the inside hell bent on our destruction, but many of us know who they are, and they know we know.

We are also fighting on the International front, the Chinese launched a biological war Sneak attack even more deadly than Peral Harbor. on the USA . It has been difficult to fight because it is silent and and invisible virus they invented. They did it because they too knew their enemy was the power of US production, innovation and creativity being wisely used by President Trump to expose the Paper Tiger they know they are, and not the super Power they so desperately want to become.

They hate and envy America, but one thing they do not know or understand is that America come to power because they are one of the few nations that worked and planned dutifully to get to the top. Chinese are not the USA in any way shape or Form. They rule by hate, Intimidation and repressive power over all their people. America prospers because we believe in Freedom on many individual levels. In China there are no free thinkers or free creators. The State decides every aspect of your life.

That does not work here. China is good at stealing, lying, cheating and massive subversive criminal activity. They can replicate, duplicate but not create. The creative process is in our Constitution and the hearts and minds of our people> It is called "Inalienable Right" which is given to us by God. The Chinese mostly are Godless, That is to our advantage. In the long run people who cheat and deceive on such a massive level across the entire spectrum lose. They lose because Americans , with all our flaws, believe in fairness and integrity. This is a great Asset and something China never had and will never have.

Thursday, May 20, 2021

Federal Judge Steps in and Deals Heavy Blow to Big Tech - The GOP Times

Federal Judge Steps in and Deals Heavy Blow to Big Tech - The GOP Times    

Another  win for conservatives against the  Pig tech companies.

Much of this is too little too late, but slowly it is building a case against gagging conservative views. A win here and or there all adds up to a glacier heading toward sinking the Liberal big heads who think they rule everything even your thoughts and speech.

One day soon we will be winning cases against all those colleges who censor conservative speakers.  What about business ads, of those shunning any business who still supports or trades  with Trump industries?

The worm is turning, and it is going against the fascist views and demands of the liberals thinking they alone must be heard whole thy try to silence all other views.

Time for a Welcomed Change America.  Back to Normal, and back to liberal views being questionable. 

Breaking: Chinese Military and Major Pentagon Funding - The GOP Times

Breaking: Chinese Military and Major Pentagon Funding - The GOP Times

Well, well.  Sounds like the evidence finally came out.  Fauci is a corrupt little traitor weasel.  Put him on trial for his double dipping and treasonous antics.  tHe gave China th money and know how to create A bio Weapon. He took money from Big Pharma in conjunction with his partner in Crime Bill Gates to make a flawed vaccine.  This is exactly the Gates MO that he has been using for years to become a  billionaire.  He makes a WIN program.  Suddenly it becomes infected, and he sells the antivirus, or he puts out a new updated patch we all have to pay for.  What a giant Scam.  Both Gates and Fauci should swing together with all the little dictator governors and mayors who went along with the fake virus lockdowns and business closings; all this to make money and people fell for it.  Now they are injected, and do not know that at some time a massive attack on their systems will probably kill off millions.  Gates said clearly many times on video conferences, and news and in Klaus Schwbe's book  that his goal was to eliminate 47% of the global population to make the planet green for the survivors.

Friday, May 14, 2021

New Report Shows the STARK Difference Between Biden Team and Trump Team - The GOP Times

The other side of this story is that President Trump did his best to make the links to the Federal Register more accessible to the average citizen.  While the Obama crew used and abused that system by placing the required changes to law or EO's in the Federal Register at the darkest moments .  Midnight dumps of 250000 page changes to regulations so obscure even a 50 year bureaucrat like Biden could not decipher them.  All major changes that would be obvious to the average person were reserved for insertion on the eve of Holidays or in the middle of Christmas or Thanksgiving weekends.  IT was a sandal that no MSM outlet ever uncovered.  Partly as protection for the non citizen in the WH or because these MSM people are just plain stupid.. or paid to kill stories like this  They talk like they are god- like know it all's . They are just trained teleprompter readers.  Their material is carefully created and edited by propagandists who do not work for the media.  The most egregious propagandists is John Brennan creator of  "Mockingbird" which is the central source of all US propaganda.  Just watch the daily news.  Listen to any headline, and then  quickly switch channels.. NBC, CNBC, CNN, ABC and you will hear the exact same verbiage on the same story.  They dare not change the US propaganda lines or they get cut. The US is still populated by some people who learned Truth and reasoning back in the 50's-60's  There are still some investigative reporting outlets.  Sorry to say that many fell into the trap of using more "Social Media Outlets" to convey the message.  Brennan took care of that by persuading Zuckerberg, Dorsey, and then replacing Page, Brinn and Hassan with Pichal who come up in the ranks very quickly after he wrote the code for Chrome.  After that the company formed a consortium making Alphabet the trunk company for the other branches of Google.  Out of that many new branches grew.  The most worrisome was the creation of "Dragon Fly" which even had many google employees worried.  It was basically a search engine that kept an eye on the user.  Pichai made it for the Chinese.  I think Brennan used ti and sis still using it for a global Mockingbird Propaganda news outlet. Her in the EU I can and do watch Germany DW, BBC, EURO news, and other Greek, Italian,. French and Netherlands Tv.  Just like in the US, the stories are all the same, and other than being in another language, the core and often specific details in the story is the same.  They are all decidedly Anti American and they, like the US press also heavy hit on president Trump though mostly they are focused on spreading the china virus propaganda and making people feel like criminals if they do not bend over and take the JAB.  Dragonfly  may or may not have gotten off the ground, but it has all the features a Totalatarian regime needs to keep you under their thumb, and to scare you into listening to their lies..  The Chinee are such experts at deception.  They could be tracking every search by every Chinaman in the world, but they'd never tell.  My guess is that Brennan saw this as a great software to do what he intended and it may be a part of the basis for Mockingbird. That is the system that is pure propaganda distributed to key operatives globally.  I am and American living in Eastern Europe, so I can see the world for both East and West view.  China is not hiding the fact they want to crush the West and become the global power.  To do that takes a lot of careful control, subversion and propaganda.  the WTO . IMF and the EU and UN already help them like they were their favorite son.  They still maintain "Most Favored Nation" staatus and are considered a developing Nation, Right ! The only one at 3/4 the US GDP, and the more they steal and manipulate the global economy the closer they are getting.  Propaganda is the lifeblood of their bloody coup across the globe.  An outright Imperialistic move that rivals the early British Empire Conquest of the globe.  Xi calls it his Silk road or Belt and Road Initiative.  It is one big Ponzi scheme that has already destroyed countless small Pacific Island Nations including Sri Lanka.  Their plans are devious and deceptive.  Come in, promise growth and prosperity for new roads or transportation, or new ports.  Borrow all the money they need under the guise of philanthropy, build something that really only helps China., and the stick the victim with the bill.  If he can't pay, just annex his land and the most valuable part of his resources and minerals or other valued assets.  Now China has an new port. Rail system, roads, all linked with a big central Huawei switch that is busy gathering all the intellectual property, R&D and all Com ties making it easier to slide CCP propaganda into the minds of the population victims of the Silk Road.  The only silk and cushy part is for the Chinese.  The bill comes later, and the victim has to pay for it .  All this while  China goes on to the next victim to exploit him and it goes on and on.  The Chinese banks are just store fronts, and China owns all their own companies, so The IMF and WTO are not allowed to audit what they do.  
President Trump knew all too well how their Ponzi schema works., and had they not worked with the Pay to play Biden Cabal They would still be facing him, and they would  now be delisted on the AMEX and NYSE.  Biden instantly put a CCP operative Alex OH an Oriental, and first minority in that position. She was supposed to enforce President' Trump's delisting of Chinese securities on the exchange because they refused to be audited like all other  companies.. This was just a flash story, but it destroyed in 5 days all the work of the Trump Administration and would have stopped the China plan to continue their giant Ponzi Scheme using the US stock Exchange as a means of making their illegal trading and valuations look legitimate. he SEC abruptly ended the punitive actions against China, so now CCP goes on screwing the world without someone like the USA to protect them.  XI now got his return on the billion + investment he made on Biden.

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Patriot Senator Just Told Biden That He Is On Notice! – 2020 Conservative

Patriot Senator Just Told Biden That He Is On Notice! – 2020 Conservative

Biden spent 50 years being a paid congressional criminal. It is his type that make politicians the butt of so many jokes. Polls sow politicians are rated lower than whale poo by the people who have to suffer these fools like for a lifetime.  Let's get real and impose Term Limits.  We know the House and Senate won't pass such sensible legislation.  We need a Constitutional Convention to stop these morons from getting in, spending their time and our money to get re elected, and do nothing else but look for every dime  they can get for free.  They are almost all corrupt on both sides.  Time to clean house.  Yet when you do, they gang up on you.  President Trump was the best leader we ever had, but they used the Chamber, Corporations and even US state enemies to rig the election to remove him.  That has got to be addressed even before he can consider running again.  His only other alternative is to reset the rules and have house, Senate, and a very scared SCOTUS on his team.  Also he should work to end term limites and life time Judicial appointments.  If they think they can't be evicted, like Roberts, they will not pay the rent.  Make them know they serve at the will of the President who appointed them and only for 10 years at a time. { or even 6 like the Senate]  everyone in DC should not be there more than 8-12 years.  The founders envisioned people doing volunteer service.  Thee guys get more perks than the queen of England. Further they all become millionaires on insider trading and pet projects that have kickback contracts from whatever they 're  proposing.  Mostly none of it ever helps the people who pay for all this crap, and then get abused and have their liberty taken away.

Yet ANOTHER State Just Took A Giant Step To Protect Your Kids Against Racist Liberals! – 2020 Conservative

Yet ANOTHER State Just Took A Giant Step To Protect Y
 our Kids Against Racist Liberals! – 2020 Conservative

While Liberals have done nothing productive for America over the past 100 years.  For sure the opening here clearly defines them.. Liberals are all racists.  They love to use and abuse the race card.  They honestly believe that in 2021 that all black people will support them and believe them when their very actions of using rce as a means to get what they want is an affront to good hardworking black, Hispanic and Asian people.  they are not fooled by the Racist liberals.  Oh did mention?   Any liberal I have ever encountered will start out by telling you how many black friends thy have. They will try to see if you react in a negative way, and if you say you also know some of these people and may not like them BOOM!!!! You are a Racist.
America was on the way to healing ancient racial woulds then they elected the biggest racist ever to come to DC.  Barack Hussein Obama. He is racist through and through he only sees things through his color lenses.  If you are not praising, promoting or awarding every minority you meet then you are a racist. Obama destroyed corporations by mandating hiring quotes, He destroyed many majority jobs and weakened many productive businesses with his racism.  Had he never ben elected there would be no BLM, no cities on fire, no unreasonable demands and no stupid and unproductive plans to create  fake inequity.  That is something you cannot legislate. not matter what you do.  

What Governor DeSantis Just Told Biden’s Mooch Brigade Is Totally Perfect! – 2020 Conservative

What Governor DeSantis Just Told Biden’s Mooch Brigade Is Totally Perfect! – 2020 Conservative

Once again Ron DeSantis is showing he is a common sense level headed leader.  Why can't we have more like him?  All the morons on the DNC side are grifters, perverts and slimeballs, to put it mildly.  Can't say what they really are,  only one word.  Evil.  They have no sense of responsibility, do they cannot create a responsible government.. It is why they all should be removed.

I am proud to be a Floridian with a great leader like Ron.. Charlie Crist,, Pack it up there is no ray Floridians would vote for a fool like you,  You are the smaller much smaller version of the super RINO Mitt Romney.

Monday, May 3, 2021

HUH? CDC Now Saying Refusing Vaccination Is Racist! – 2020 Conservative

HUH? CDC Now Saying Refusing Vaccination Is Racist! – 2020 ConservativeAyhthing you think do or say is RACIST in thier book.  The real racism is dissing all white people who disagree with you  I got news,  THE first amendment to the Constitution is freedom of Speech.  If they don't like what I say tough.  I don't like what they say though it is more racist than using racial epitaphs.  Calling anyone a racist for expressing his view point is in of itself racist, and they must stop because the American people, a vast majority are tired of hearing these big babies whine. about everything.  We are tired of it and we are nit going to take it anymore.  the Great Reset is not Soros or Schwabe taking over it will be ordinary people bulldozing all these fools into Hell where they belong.

Oklahoma Just Told Rioting Thugs “We DARE You To Try It!” – 2020 Conservative

Oklahoma Just Told Rioting Thugs “We DARE You To Try It!” – 2020 Conservative  

I   expect to see truck sales skyrocket in this state.  How abut them big Dodge Ram Trucks taking out a dozen at a time with little effort.