Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Judge Engoron continues to violate President Trump' Free Speech


 Judge Enguron  tells POTUS Trump's attorney to silence his client








 My answer to the judge on the court not being a campaign rally would have been as follows:

" With all due respect Judge, it is you who have made this court a campaign rally for the defendant. It is you who have decided this entire case will be judged by yourself alone; with no jury of peers to decide based on the facts presented. It is you who have shown the world that you have no basic understanding of the Real Estate profession by showing the people our ignorance of the value of Mr Trump's holdings. every licensed appraiser laughed at you when you gave your Mar-a-Lago bar room appraisal of that estsate It is you Judge who announced at the start of this "Alleged Trial" that President Trump is guilty of all charges brought by Latisha James, who is clearly using you and your court to run for reelection. It is you, your Honor who has made this court the means by which President Trump WILL BE REELECTED. I wish to thank you for showing the world that when this Sham is all over, the world will see that America still has checks and balance over you with a fair and impartial legal system which will expose all your prejudice, and illegal activities in this court room. I urge you to salvage your reputation and your position on the bench today by allowing POTUS Trump and his legal team to speak on his behalf, as it just and legal in America for any citizen on trial. I urge you to be honorable. The Legal and Just action you must take today is to dismiss this case and show that American justice will prevail."

Think of this next time you want to sell your home or other property 


I urge all readers to think of any time you may have been in court, even for a traffic ticket or some minor civil issue.  I also ask to you to think oF any time you as a home or property owner valued your property for sale or refinanced.  Did you ask more or less than you paid for it?  If this Prejudice judge and DA can prevail it may set a precedent that no Property owner in America could sell for one dime more than they paid for a property.  Think about it in your comments  or reactions  Sheer Nonsense

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