Monday, January 7, 2008

New Day Dawning

Sure it is the start of a new year, and we all think it is going to be different. Well if we keep doing the dame thing we did last year and think something new is going to happen just because the date changed, Well, friends, that's the definition of being a "crazy" person.
OK so let's do something this year that we've never done before. Strengthen the backbone, and tell everyone you know, "This is the year I do it the way it pleases me."
I get tired of always pleasing the other person just so I am perceived a s s nice guy. I've had a career of being the nice guy, and all the people I thought were pricks are way out ahead of me. They took the tougher path, and looked the other way when people gave them grief for making the tough decisions.
Time to change and become tough.
Look out world I'm a new me in 08 and I think I'll like it, tough for you if you get in the way. No more Mr Nice Guy.

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