Saturday, March 27, 2021

Bill Gates says you have No Choice you MUST take his Billy Juice JAB

 Response to an article where gates says no one has a choice anymore.  He has made himself a god.  Here is the article from the Gateway Pundit:

Here is y response to this crooked oligarch and crazed madman

It is stuff like this and his part in creating the COVID Plandemic as a member of the Davos Devils that have altered his public persona as this benevolent Philanthropist. Currently, as one of the lead members of the Davos Devils and their CCP assisted Palandemic, he has put the entire planet in the chains of Dictatorial tyranny,, The loss of our freedoms and rights is unbelievable. The hoax is astounding[never knew there would be that many people to fall for these lies and never questioned the scientific facts or medical validity of a seasonal SARS-2 flu] Now Gates and his Devils want to prolong this global agony so they can lock people down and cower them with fake numbers of millions being infected and dying from a seasonal flu.. Truth is all these numbers are carefully used to control and keep people fearful. The actual numbers show that like any other flu season this SARS-2 is killing less than 1% of the global population. That is the same CDC and WHO seasonal flu statistics reported for the past 20 years. The population is being manipulated and lied to every day. So now the once Benevolent Philanthropist [ if he ever was one] has joined the Davos Devils team. Gates contribution which raises global ire and consternation is his part in the plan solve this problem is to Kill off 47% of the world population. I don't care how liberal of left you are, when this guy says he wants you dead, you simply can't sit there and nod your head. It is a wake up call. then you have his fellow Devil, Klaus Schwabe using the new slogan for the Plandemic ..."Soon you will have nothing, but you will be happy.' What's not to hate and seek an end to these demented fanatics. The people are slowly coming to realize that they are being controlled by a few billionaires who gained all that wealth from the very people they are torturing and demeaning. I firmly believe that by the end of 2022 none of them will still be in power once more people wake up and learn this entire exercise was one giant HOAX Plandemic by the Davos Devils. Sorry Bill we do have a choice, and we do not chose you