Friday, April 2, 2021

Masks, Lockdowns, Vax passports and more attempts at Government control over US

 My response to an article published by ANA on Sarah Palin siding with Fauci on masks.

Article appeared on April 2, 2021

Allegedly you can contract it through your eyes too.  It is all nonsense.  This SARS-2 seasonal is not much different from flu of the past 25 years. Look at the CDC ad WHO statistics and public health web sites  The death rate per capita has remained below 1% for all those years.  If you want to read the real reason for this Red Flag global Hoax, read Klaus Schwabe's book COVID-19 ant the Great Reset.  In it he is hiding the facts in plain sight.  The Davos Devils devised this plan to take down  President Trump and the USA.  They want the Chinese who already have a third of the world under lifetime lockdown to do the same to the western world.  WHY?  Money and Power.  Klaus 'has a famous quote which is now on commercials in most of the EU .  He says "  Soon You will have NOTHING, and you WILL BE HAPPY."  One of the major contributors to this evil manifesto is Bill Gates who says in the book he can save the planet if they will only let him "Eliminate" some 47% of the global population.  and you thought Hitler's "Final Solution" was bad. These Davos Devils make Mao, Pot Pol, Stalin, Hitler and Xi  look like choir boys.  We are all at risk of major depopulation efforts. .  When I first read it I said " they can't do that."  Well as I see that they have the entire globe hiding and wearing masks,and getting Jabbed.  I am sadly disheartened  that just by scaring people with the idea of getting the flu has worked, I now believe if there is not significant pushback and a demand by the people that these little dictatorial monsters provide hard and well documented scientific facts,.  We must stop shutting down debate on this life threatening plan by a few wealthy Oligarchs.   We must demand free and open debates where Doctors virologists and other knowledgeable people who are now being suppressed in every form of media available to them will  get to expose this well planned and financed gradual end of civilization.  if this does not happen, then everyone  will soon be jabbed with an unknown and untested substance that can alter your mRNA and DNA .  Gates plans  then come to fruition.  If I am wrong then at least take the time to debate the Pros and Cons.  To date, all we have had is dictates from all forms of government, but when they are asked to open this up to debate they shut us down,  Cancel Culture is just as effective as the SS and KGB..  Don't you want to at least hear the other side, so you can judge for yourselves.? I always wondered why victims of the death camp showers and the Gulags seem to go so willingly to their death .  They believed the lies, which were well crafted and ubiquitously and constantly told to them .  This is why COVID has been used on the airways over 1 billion times globally since all these lies started. This is why they manipulate the number infected and do not highlight as much the <1% dead. Right out of the gate President Trump announced the simple and inexpensive [$7.00 a box] cure for all this was  HCH pills  They have been proven and tried for over 70 years. Fauci ,CDC, Gates and big Pharma knew they work, but such a simple solution would make solving the issue too easy and these Davos Devils would not get the control, Depopulation, money  and  power they desire.  They shut down the president from talking about the real cure, and now we are in a convoluted mess that may last years. Recently, the madman, Bill Gates, announced that this plandemic which he and the Davos Devils have been planning since about 2009 will last till the end of 2022; perhaps into 2023.  On that bases alone, the general public should file a class action suit against this insane Geek who thinks he rules the entire globe. He is dangerous to the general public, and he is clearly insane.  What gives this geek the right to rule over people.  he is not an elected official.  He is a pretend philanthropist who runs the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation which with the help of the CCP and his globalist maniacs, Zuckerberg, Soros, Klaus Schwabe, Dorcey and other unfettered Oligarchs is spreading this virus around the globe with the intent of killing off 47% of the people on the planet.  We surely do not need such megalomaniac 'philanthropists' harming us. He is a danger to humanity, and I do not care how much money he has stolen from the public with his annually flawed microsoft products.  He and his products could all be removed from the planet today, and the world would be a much better and safer place.