Saturday, March 6, 2021

How China Caused the World to Lock Down"

 My Reply to You Tube video "

IN response to a comment or who said it was the Rockefellers who did all this , I felt he was unfairly leaving out China and the Davos Devils.

Close. They started it, but the new players are two left over NAZIS trying to start the Fourth Reich. Klaus Schwabe head of the World Economic Forum, and author of COVID-19 and the GREAT RESET Former head of the Nazi Youth movement,. Then there is Geo Soros , oldest living Nazi and self proclaimed bag man who stole all the assets of the Jews before he fingered them for the SS who then sent them to the CAMPS. Since then he has become a world renown finance Cabal Leader and destroyer of national economies, so destroying the global economy is a great project for him. They are helped by demented fools like Bill gates who was born and bred to lead the worlds largest Eugenic Cult. His parents were protegees of Margaret Sanger architect of wide spread abortion who has now led the black population of America to a zero growth race, and dwindling. Listen as Bill Gates tell us that by ridding the planet of inferior races we will save the Planet and reduce CO2 emission. Ask why Gates [ not a medical Dr. of any kind] was involved in the death and sterilization of millions of Africans during the Ebola mini plandemic during the Clinton Administration. He helped find some mad scientists and Pharmas that produced a VACCINE which either killed off Africans directly, and left all {Male and Female} sterile. research his video put out by Schwabe's Great Reset, and you will see him looking like a mad scientist in a horror film speaking of "Jabbing children" in the veins[ yes that's where the "Jab" term comes from] while administering their much needed "Billy Juice "Vaccine" It is all sickening even more than the masks and lockdowns, loss of jobs, kids not getting educated, no recreation, sports, restaurants. All Freedoms instantly taken away. I am amazed that the whole planet is following these evil monsters into oblivion. As TS Elliot {said in his famous 1939 poem " Hollow Men":

"This is the way the world ends,
This is the way the world ends,
This is the way the world ends,
Not with a Bang, but a Whimper."

Will you let happen, and ignore these warnings?. Read General Spaldings' book " Stealth War :How China took over America while the Elite slept" Wake up and do something. Support anyone like Gen Spalding or the German attorney Reiner Fuellmich who want to take all these devils to the world court to be prosecuted like the Nazis after WWII. Read Klaus Schwabes' book on Covid-19 and the Great reset. He lays it all out in plain site, He tells you up front his DAVOS Devils are planning to KILL OFF 47% of the global population. How can such insanity go on unchecked? Do we fear a Seasonal Flu more than a recurrence of the ghastly holocaust a million times worse than took place under Hitler? This needs to be done if humanity and Human dignity is to be salvaged from this Great Train Wreck led by a hand full of madmen.