Saturday, March 13, 2021

Tucker Carlson Responds to the Criticism Fom the Pentagon.

 I ask Tucker to respond to all the negatives he spewed out about the current American deplorable Conditions we are facing under China Joe,

Tucker. Wish we had answers to all the good questions you posed. Over half the country was banking on getting some good answers from President Trump. However, a conglomerate of News, Tv, Hollywood, Big Tech, the UN , EU , corporate America the Chamber of Congress and the bleeding Socialists' all sided with the Communist Chinese Party to make sure that did not happen.. SCOTUS is refusing to hear the facts of that Debacle. Now you are telling US the Military is Complicit in taking down America. What is left? Prayer? We pray everyday, but Spiritual Support is a long game ending in Eternity. So what exactly can we do now, at this moment, in the next few years to save America. Praying you have some , even partial answerers on one of your next broadcasts. Finally, Do you think that by painting such a bleak picture highlighting the overwhelming success of America's enemies "Foreign and Domestic" that you strengthen them? Like the Nazi's and other evil totalitarians of the pat, they may be winning many battles, but so far they have not taken over ALL of the hearts and minds of the American people I think you need to ponder this last part., and respond to it on air. Thanks and Blessings for the Insightful editorial tonight.