Friday, March 19, 2021

Do we really have a pandemic from an unverified virus


 Is there a cure for an unknown virus the Chinese named COVID-19 After it was first suggested it be called Wuhan flu after the Chinese city of Wuhan where it was released in 2017?

 Is there a cure for it?  

Is there a cure for a global population placed under an evil spell with no resistance but from a few who are made to look foolish and anti-Social?

Also,  a massive international study has shown that countries which allowed the early prescription of hydroxychloroquine had a 79% lower mortality rate. So, of the 9,684 who perished from COVID, 7,276 might have survived, if governors and local pharmacy boards hadn’t interdicted the prescription of HCQ for COVID.

The scope of the criminality is hair-raising. It’s all I can do to not go apoplectic over this.

OF course the other bug question is how did the governments of China and the US cause people of the globe to become so gullible and unquestioning of such a fraud being committed across the planet in plain sight.  It is like seeing a large audience { of epic proportions] falling for "magic tricks" all at once with almost no dissent. When Doctors and Scientists do speak up, they are ridiculed for not "going along to get along", another false and dangerous planted in the minds of people as far  back as the 1980's.. I covered this in another essay post earlier in my Blog history.