Saturday, March 27, 2021

Gates says we will be back to normal after 2022.

Here is the link from :The Right News on Bill Gates insanity.  Have you ever asked why a guy who forced the world into using his almost Ubiquitous software which punishes users who buy it and fail to allow its tentacles to pernitrate their computers is in the Virus business?  He is not a doctor nor does he have any training in Virology or pathogen medicine.  As close as he comes to a virus is introducing new ones into his Microsoft software every year so you have to buy a new version.  This guy is like a mad scientist.  Gates 

Here is the link and my Response to this article:

We do not need Bill Gates and his ill gotten Billions. This man is one of the most demented creatures on earth posing as a Philanthropist while announcing he must get rid of { eliminate 47% of Humanity] He believes this will help reach him and the goals of the Davos Devils and his pals George Soros, Klaus Schwabe, and Zuckerberg. If he the Davos Devils feel such a great need to reduce Humanity from the planet , I too am all in favor if it, as long as these Devils volunteer to be the First to go.. There is no VIRUS. It is all a hoax. It is on big magic act. As with any magic trick the magician needs something to create a diversion while they are reaching their main goal of fooling the audience. In this case, they cooked up COVID- Got China to participate by telling them they could help get rid of President Trump, and take down America so China can be the Global leader. While all of this is going on, Soros and Klaus are having laws enacted all over the planet to legally take all of our wealth and savings , and close down all small business so they can then fill the need for goods through their large conglomerates. To quote Klaus Schwab in his book COVID-19 and The Great Reset” …Soon you will have nothing, and you will be happy.” Don’t let them play you, every chance you get tell them you do not believe the lies. Take off your mask which is a sign of submission to the NWO. Ignore verbal dictates from anyone in authority. before they make any more demands that restrict and remove your God Given Freedoms. Demand they hold full and open uncensored debates where the public can listen to all the pros and cons about this China virus. Most doctor’s groups like Front Line Doctors. Doctors without borders and the German attorney , Reiner Fuellmich, representing thousands of European doctors opposed to lockdowns, vaccines that are untested, and masks that prevent nothing but are imposed to show the NWO how many have been subjugated to the Davos Devils and their Global Hoax. Here he exposes himself as the out of control megalomaniac he is, as he struggles with the reality that people are starting to wake up to his massive hoax.  He is so desperate he is throwing all kinds of emotionalisms:  You will be killing everyone at the football game if you don't wear the mask he has ordered you to wear, You will be killing your parents and grand parents.  He knows that being infected with this Seasonal flu is like any other year we have lived through flu season. Only this time this madman and his Davos Devils have managed to convince many people on the planet that they will all die of they do not bow to hie demands and take the Billy Juice":  which First, cannot kill the virus and "Cure you"  Second, it cannot make you immune from getting it again, and Lastly there is no telling what detrimental effects it may have on you now and in the future.  Gates here is in a clear panic as he sees his perspective "Sale" start to walk away realizing this "Used Virus and computer salesman is full of Crap.  He is losing and so he is becoming desperate because all of his evil plans are failing and as the days go on, more people are finding that ditching the mask ond the other Bullcrap things we have been told to do are all LIES.