Tuesday, March 9, 2021

20 States Protest the New Democrat Take Over of all Voting, Thus, Back-benching ALL states Sovereignty and Constitutional Rights,

The House Passed HR1 which destroys the US Voting system as defined in our Constitution.  Olny 20 

states protested.  Where are the other 30 [must be all blue]? 

My response:

Why only 20 states? Do the other states not understand that this Bill has just taken away the States Rights and duty to manage their own elections. This Bill is illegal and short sighted. It was only drafted with the General Federal{Presidential election in mind] What about all the local , county, State and Municipals elections? This Bill will also take all the checks and balances away in that area. States are now hollowed out, and the state legislators have just lost all their power to the Likes of Pelosi and Schumer and the Deep DEEP corrupt Democrat Socialists. This is as bad as if not worse than the influx of the 20 million illegal, uneducated, diseased and welfare dependent foreign invaders crossing our borders at more than 20,000 per week. Biden./Harris/Pelosi/ Schumer have destroyed America in les than 45 days. That's how long it took the globalists to remove all freedom of speech and freedom of movement, and freedom to worship using the China Virus [ China propaganda brainwashed people into believing it was all for our own safety and protection against SARS-2 which is the common cold]. Folks we have become a totally repressed Centrally run nation ,just like China in less than 18 months. At this rate, the Chinese military who are already staged in Canada, and who are part of the illegals crossing our southern border will be sitting in our former USA offices all across the nation. Before 2022, and there will be no election which we need to remove all Socialists