Monday, August 30, 2021

Linked in decided they did not have the backbone to publish a post I submitted concerning he progress in the ICC and the case against the perpetraitors of hthe Global Pandemic

Linkedin told me I voiolated their Community Guidelines and would not publish my post .

Violating our community policies can result in action against your account or content

These policies apply to all members. Depending on the severity of violation, we may limit the visibility of certain content or remove it entirely. If you believe a particular item of content was removed in error, you can appeal from the link provided in the removal notice. Repeated or severe offenses can result in a temporary or permanent restriction from LinkedIn. If you believe action taken on your account was in error, you can submit a request to appeal your case.

Here is my reaponse to their siding with most publications and sites who fer their government and sponsors even more than fear instilled in them py the ubiquiteous propaganda machine of the MSM, Social media, Government s and corporations who are coouding to foster this Pandemic in na effort to take control of everyperson on the oplanet using the VAX or by denying anyone opposed to their plan a public platform to debate the issue and have an open and honest to sort out fact from propaganda and lies. concerning hthe China virus.

I disputed their notice that my post violated Community Standards:

I violated none of the policy issues you posted. 1. I am not using a fake name.  This is my real name, and I can prove it. 2,The post was professional in every way.  3.The article was an update on a current legal suit filed by The international legal team concerning the medical and scientific issues surrounding  COVID-19.  4. is a highly respected professional Publication located in NY,NY. ,  They provide information to help readers sharpen their own analyses on questions of Politics & International Affairs.  [ I thought LinkedIn did the same?] They are a large professional  publication. 5. The contributors to the Article are scientists , Doctors and medical professionals.  Professor Luc A. Montagnior signed a sworn affidavit in front of the ICC. If he is giving a false statement, he could face criminal prosecution, so I do firmly believe he has conclusive evidence for his case,. He is joined by Dr Reinhart Fuellmich who in addition to being a Physicial is  an international legal professional.  This posting is simply an effort to present both sides of the question millions of people across the planet are asking.[ Not just me ]   They are curious as to the origin, medical evidence, and possible motives behind the entire Pandemic.  Does your staff, independent of political or financial motives, sincerely believe this  article does not merit major business , medical and professional review?  LinkedIn is billed as a sight which covers a wide variety of topics. I have reviewed over the years of my membership many similar topics on SARS, E-Bola,Swine Flu, etc..  If you admit that your opposition to this post is political or economic, and you believe this post will harm LInkedIn financial business or social place in the community, then I will agree to withdraw the article, and look for an unbiased editorial site which participates in more than just one sided views on a major issue of concern to every member of the human race. I dispute your knee jerk reaction to my post based on the logical and business reasons listed above.  I acknowledge, you own the site, and can narrow opinions to suit your own views. I will not argue that point.  I only hope you take the time to read the entire post and the attached article without prejudice. I would also entertain any editorial comments you may add so I may revise the article to meet "YOUR Community Guidelines."