Tuesday, August 10, 2021

More lies from the CDC proving vaccinations do not protect you from their virus


US government official says the "unvaccinated are the new pandemic"


More lies from the government who helped create this virus. \think about it. \the goverments of the world collude to create a virus [which bTW is not that deadly< 1% mortality] then they get Gates, Soros and Klaus Schwabe and other rich fools to push it so they can shut down free enterprise and take over the entire economy of the world. Then they pretend to invent a vaccine to cure it. Facts have proven that the vaccine kills and will kill even more people than the original virus. For over a hundred years of medical record keeping humanity has faced "flu Season" and survived without masks. lockdowns, closed businesses and all the other despicable things done to humans in the name of the "invisible enemy 'covid/china virus/whuan flu'. We survived due to common sense and 'heard immunity'. man's natural God given immune system is the perfect defense against all kinds of virus and other germs or bacteria. Many GOP run states and rallies have proven this virus is no different than the common cold , for which a JAB is no cure. In the past, when you got the flu, you handled it. IF it was bad, you went to a trained Medical Doctor. Our only problem is we were goaded into having this particular flu season handled by SCUM BAG POLITICIANS who are all known liars and thieves. Why would ever think that if you got the flu, the first thing you would do is to call Joe Biden? 100 years of stats show <1% mortality for flu. Do you think old Joe or dr. Jill can do any better?????

PS: Updated information shows vaccinated people are the caarriers and spreaders of the "Variat strain"