Monday, August 23, 2021


     Just read this 'fact filled' self aggrandizing article  by 


           The Poynetr Institute

  The Principles of the Truth-O-Meter: PolitiFact’s      methodology for independent fact-checking

Here is my response/question to them on how they have become the sole purveyors of Global Truth?

​So let me get this straight since I used to Live in Tampa.  You guys​ [meaning Poynter] bought out the left-wing Tampa tribune [2007] or times when I lived there.  Then you were taken over by the Soros Cabal under his many deceptive names this one being Omidyar who got an initial grant of $1.3 million and later Open Society [OSF] kicked in another $300K in 2017.  Next, then The Gates Cabal joined in with millions more and Google, and the National Endowment for Democracy; another deceptive name. I see also that the Artur Blank folks from Duke's left wing think tank helped and you adding the typical left fake jargon of' building and allowing only Vibrant Governments that tolerate open participation or socialism who want truth and free speech which is double talk for we get to talk and anyone who disagrees gets shut up or censored and financially destroyed.  That is why you now have Google creating algorithms that misdirect queries by the global population who may be trying to find facts about, say, US history CRT or what the real DNC operatives are up to. Conveniently you bring in Facebook who is already censoring and shutting down anyone who wants to speak freely about all the corruption of every organization mentioned here.  

OK now I am clear on who is fact checking things and who is telling the globe what is true and what is not. 

As Pilot ask Jesus Christ who told him the truth.  "What is Truth"?

How many 'Pilots' on your staff and vast organizations backing your facts '? 
Please Fact Check me because the layers of deception and collusion within your global communications Cabal/system are so convoluted, I may have left out the many CCP PLA operatives who are the real fact checkers on your staff.  I am sure out of self-preservation on your part you may give me {FALSE] on that one.

I await your response.