Friday, August 27, 2021

Finally, there is a glimmer of hope to save Humanity from the evil plans of the DAVOS DEVILS .

We must support the ICC legal suits against globalists' trying to wipe out HUMANITY

All of humanity must join in to save themselves.  Support the efforts of those scientists and Doctors who want to put an end to the mass SUICIDE  the entire planet is experiencing at the hands of the MADDMEN of DAVOS, and the governments and Global corporations who are complicit in it planned death of Human kind... The lethal injections + JAB_ that is being forced on the people of the globe by devious manufactured propaganda and fear will ultimately wipe out mankind as we know it today. 

I urge everyone to read this entire article, and the related legal briefs filed in the ICCCourts, so that you will know what the man made China Virus real intentions are up front.  The vaccines that do not work to cure, prevent or mitigate spreading of this virus are a really a way of further poisoning more fully the unsuspecting innocent  humans who are being forcefully JABBED daily, or who have been brainwashed into believing this is the only way o protect your life:  It is just the opposite.


For some it is instant; others will have long suffering painful effects and ultimately DIE.  There is not much time left.  It is estimated that less than a third of humans have succumbed to the Fear and propaganda which is furthering this mass SUICIDE.  If we stop it now our humanity will survive.  If we ignore whatis being done to us, ALL WILL DIE.  Do not take this lightly.  Please, if you value your life and theoseof your loved ones, friends and fellow Humans, do not ignore this message.

My posted comment on this startling revelation in this article on

Amen, Mr. Pike. I am so relieved that the ICC has finally listened. This is a global battle for Humanity. We must find a way to end the madness and insanity of the Davos Devils who created this Human extinction virus. If their inhumane planned pandemic is not stopped, all of the 1946 Nuremberg efforts to protect Humanity from experiments that were intended to destroy mankind will have been done in vain. All of humanity will become extinct.