Wednesday, September 1, 2021

The Chinese Communist just hit triple 7 and got the jackpot handed to them by the guy they bought and paid for Joe Biden

 I just read a comment from a Listener to the BCP youTube postiing yesterday .

One  respondant asked "since Pelosi Federalized elections would that imply that if there wer any fraud hinted at wouldn't th Supremen Court be required to takt the case?"

My Response:

But with the Chinese having Pedo videos of some of the members and with Roberts Frequent flyer miles to Epstein's' Pedo island do you think they will take it up? The new system of US justice is simply to refuse to hear the case and this buries all evidence and facts that can prove the guilt of these politicians. CHINA owns most politicians, the MSM big Tech and many US corps. Biden and Hunter, Pelosi and others are their best buys for the money. I heard the number that China paid Biden, Harris, Pelosi and others they own came as a package deal at a price just slightly below the $83 Billion we just lost to the Taliban Cult Tribal band of murderers. Sounds like a lot, but with that they just bought the richest and most productive country on the planet. What a bargain, and what a loss for America and the Corrupt FOOLS and Traitors who think they made a good deal. I have a history lesson for them. Lenin in the 1920's eliminated everyone who took part in the Bolshevik Revolution which put him in power. Stalin in the 1950's purged all of his perceived enemies by the millions. Mao in CHina killed off over 100 million in his red Purge. Xi did the same but in a way that turned all opposition into slaves. Pot Pol in Cambodia and the list goes on. ALL Communist Dictators follow the same historical pattern. I think it is in their rule book or DNA. The first thing you do is to find traitors who will go against their own to put you in power. Once you are there you eliminate all the Traitor's so they don't do the same to you.