Sunday, August 29, 2021

Your QR CODE is nothing like what you are being told. It is sinister and deadly.

Like an unseen virus, masses of people are being paid to centralize all human DNA data and economic and government systems in an effort to Create insane and inhumane ways to take control of the entire planet.  In some ways, they try to hide what they're  doing while in others they are in your face working their dastardly plans "Hidden in plain sight.

All must be warned that there is an ongoing attempt to steal and alter our  DNA, and enticing you into it with a mindless but ubiquitous  disguising  QR code ?

Here is my comment to them on one of their soft sell propaganda pieces . Klaus Schwabe is the self proclaimed president/CEO of the World Economic Forum.  He is the son of Nazi Collaborators who worked to help Hitler create the first Atomic Bomb.  Working from Austria they also aided in the horrid Nazi Eugenicists experiments on innocent victims of the Nazi  Wehrmacht.

 Gyorgy Schwartz [ AKA George Soros] is the other at large Nazi who helped the Nazi SS ID Jews he had exposed and murdered so he could liquidate their assets to be used to further Hitler's war. In the end, the Nazi's lost on both counts,.  Thee US got the Bomb first, and Soros ran off with a large amount of money he failed to hand to Hitler as the Allies were destroying HIS dream of ruling the world,  These new Davos Elite thugs are following the same pattern.  Yet they are not using guns and tanks they are using germs, DNA, computers and a load of propaganda in an effort to convince the world they will be better off with these FOOLS controlling every aspect of your life less Love, Emotion and acknowledgement of a Higher power that provides feelings and a compassion these wealthy elite criminals know nothing.

The trouble with the World Economic Forum and all the people who participate in their evil Empire is that Klause Schwabe with his questionable Family background and his ZEEL for world dominance forgot one major issue and haunting question. Who ever asked him to invade our privacy and way of life? What convinced him cook up the mantra that under his program "YOU WILL OWN NOTHING AND YOU WILL BE HAPPY".  Does he actually find that appealing to anyone in the global population?  His arrogance is astounding, and his global elite is a danger to all humanity. For example, in his elite enclave of nut cases is one Bill Gates , a  Sociopath billing himself as  a Philanthropist who has said many times over his goal is to reduce the global population of those who do not fit his Eugenic profile. He has come up with the number 47% of the current 7.8 Billion on the planet to be eliminated by this insane CULT.. Schwabe, Church, Soros just to name a few of the Core members in their cult have plans to play God and create an entity that they think is better than human. It seems they have abandoned their earlier plans of an AI creature akin to the evil StarTrek AI BORG.. Their new model is like the the sub humans created in the sci-Fi movie "Body Snatchers". These are the creatures hatched from a human host who have no emotion, obey orders, and smile  then demand you join those who and are "Happy having Nothing." As a history lesson for these FOOLS, Just look back a mere 100 years and see the destruction and chaos attempts like the Great Reset and One World Government proponents have achieved. They all ended up being destroyed by humans who did not buy what they were selling. Instead the perpetrators of these attempts to play God all wound up dead and buried. That is where this entire project is headed. All the scientific manipulation of human beings by these FOOLS will never destroy the Inalienable rights God has put into the hearts and minds of all mankind.  Of course, the Davos Devils do not have hearts and minds.