Friday, January 15, 2021

Wonder why Elaine Chao ,DOT Made a big show of Resigning Trump's Cabinet While her Husband Mitch Turned His Back On Our President?

This President may not have drained the swamp yet, but he sure has identified and tagged a vast majority of the Swamp Creatures who thought they had blended in with the SWAMP.  Here are two more.  Perhaps President Trump is waiting until he has enough exposed in plain sight. to bag.  There is a fierce and savage fight to see who gets the most or biggest part of President Trump as they try to take him down.  It is an outrageous internal struggle among these violent and pathetic monsters of the Swamp.  We have about 5 more days remaining to see who wins.  The Swamp or the American nation?

 Well they are all liars backed by the crooked DummyCrats and the Fake News media. They rush to impeach was like a Lynch mob [ speaking about mobs] No discussion, no review of the facts and videos which show the President was not involved. The same is true of the Fraudulent Election. Many experts have said it was rigged as the President already told US. The Swamp had their blinders on , because to admit the Truth would mean self incrimination, since so many were involved in this dark chapter of US history. The Senate is so weak, and McConnell so in bed with the Chinese, CCP he sees this as a way to feather his own nest even more. Most people do not know that his wife Elaine Chao who just resigned as DOT head [as a gesture to make Trump look bad, and probably at the urging of the CCP]. Elaine Chao is the daughter of one of the most powerful Foremost Shipping companies regularly doing a lot of business with the CCP on mainland China. Ms. Chao has long been under scrutiny for her and her father's business connections to the CCP in mainland China. Though he and his family left China in in49 just prior to the CCP takeover, they may have been an early "Sleeper cell" for the CCP in the US. Her father was poor, and had , so it seemed, few resources. However in a very short time he amassed Foremost a substantial Shipping business, He and the family do not hide the fact that he went to school with Jiang Zemin, the former General Secretary of the CCP . The Chao's were brought into a CCP Maritime Electronics Company and to do that in China you have to be selected by a high ranking member of the CCP. Her father Chao Xicheng sold mostly to the CCP military and other Communist departments . He had close ties with the Mintery of electronics. So it is clear his daughter has a lot of sympathy for the CCP, and Mitch having received between $9 and $25 million when her mother died, making the Chao/ McConnell's the richest couple in congress and the government. It is not hard to see why she has been under investigation for many years. Now a true Dummycrat will tell you it's just business, but when you look at these people selling out America like Chao, McConnell and The Biden Crime Cabal, it makes you wonder if they are really a part of Trump's America First agenda. Hell NO.