Monday, January 4, 2021

Are Covids really rising, are more people infected. why worry with a proven 99% survival rate?

My response  1/3/21 to American Downfall's article  "350,000 Covid Deaths are Fake News Says Trump" 

 I have relatives in the health care profession who see elderly with serious pre conditions who then get China Virus while in the hospital and death is marked as Covid when the person was already dying of heart disease or cancer.  The WHO and Maniacs like Klaus Schwab [ NW O} want to keep the numbers high so they can continue to control the population and Play "Simon Says" with lockdowns no  jobs, family or church gatherings.  We are being played by an outrageous global big government and China is in the shadows ready to take over the world and then we will  be added to their 3 billion slave population and become even worse than slaves.  As Klaus Schwab has already publicly bragged in the near future, "You will have Nothing, and you will be happy" I say JUST SAY NO to any stupid rules that are not reasonable.  The covid test is 96% false positive. The number of deaths by the China virus [10%] is seriously inflated to keep people scared [ note cancer and heart disease deaths are in a steep decline as Covid deaths are rising ???] This is done so you are frightened and more easily controlled.  These NWO guys are doing the same thing to the world population that the Nazi's did to the Jews and others they exterminated [ not surprised that Klaus Schwab was in the Nazi Youth movement]

The global population is being frightened into doing everything Simon Says[ Klaus Schwab] tells them.  It is insane.  No church gatherings, no outings, no family dinners, no eating out, no exercise at the gym, no movies , entertainment or sports.  Why?  I tell you why.  When people gather in any group they discuss common interests and concerns.  when they are isolated all they know is what the MSM tells them.  They have no point of reference from people they know, love and trust. Note that when any group of people ignore the Simon Says orders, they realize that Simon is a liar and that he is just making fools of us. It is at that point they Rebel and Say NO to Simon.  It is already happening in many places in Europe and the US.  The State response is to tell you there is now a more serious strain of a virus to fear.

The powers crushing the world population must control everything you do say or hear in order to keep you frightened and in the dark.  By keeping you isolated, you only know what they tell you.  If you could speak with others you would hear different views and different experiences which may be counter to the Mockingbird State Narrative points that are given to the press and politicians each day to spread to those who still listen. This is the typical Chinese torture for their people: isolation and denial of freedom of movement or expression.  The Nazis and the Soviet Communists did the same.  It is an age old tradition of Despots that is the way they maintain power is by being your sole source of information and life sustaining needs [if they feel they need to keep you alive for the purpose of serving them.  It is the way farmers and ranchers handle herds of cattle or pigs and chickens [ though in agriculture, they are not usually deliberately cruel and inhumane to the animals].  However, look at the draconian rules and threats of incarceration, fines and more isolation these little tin horn  dictators are imposing on people just because they have a new found power to do so. As Klaus Schwab pointed out  "Covid -19 is the perfect vehicle that can be used to frighten and control people as we 'Reset' the world economy and culture" .  It is not seen, it is often not felt [ you  can test  positive, and you wonder why with no symptoms].  Control my friends.  Now in NYC if you are tested positive, they can lock you up, and remove you from family and friends and the community for some 40 days or more if you do not cooperate.  [ the Soviets called this the Gulag ]all in the name of protecting others in the community.  This is not the United States. In 1931 the  book  "Brave New World", Aldos Huxleylaid out our future.  In his reflection "Brave New World"  revisited he foretells of what we are experiencing today at the hands of ruthless despots who think they know what is best for all mankind: 

“There will be, in the next generation or so, a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them, but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda or brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods. And this seems to be the final revolution”

What Huxley is saying here refers to the goal of the NWO": Depopulation is their main theme.  This is what it is really all about folks.  They are unelected egg heads like Klaus Schwab, Gates, Zuckerberg, Dorcy and the self appointed framers of the "New World  Order". 
George Orwell detailed the brainwashing techniques in his book "1984"  Remember the guy from the "Ministry of Love" holding up 4 fingers and torturing his victim until he said he saw 5 fingers.  It works, and most cannot resist the mind altering daily torture now enhanced by drugs .

The enablers and contributors of these evil mad men are the weak politicians and media who are doing the brainwashing and propaganda, Huxley and Orwell write about.  Politicians, like Cuomo foster and create the laws to help them.  He is a mad man who needs to be locked up in an insane Asylum along with the rest of them.  The Chinese, who already rule a totally controlled society are the ones financing this madness with your money that they have been skimming off the US and other Western nations to the tune of some 10 trillion USD per year for the past 30 -40 years.  They used that money to build up a vast army and to steal others intellectual property to make it look like they are brilliant.  They used it to take over small nation after small nation. 


 Now their goal is the US and EU.  They have infiltrated most companies and politicians in the US and EU along with all  Un members.  They have just infiltrated little Lithuania who if they do not fight back now will be back in a worse position than they were before they gained independence from the Soviets 20 years ago.  Now they are poised to strike, and their first strike was the China Virus, Next they did numerous Cyber attacks against the US and our allies in the West and around the world.  Finally, they teamed up with the Democrats and other global haters of America to execute the worst damage to America fostering an election Coup against the one man in the world who has been willing to stand up against their mad totalitarian Global dominance plans to put half the world population in early graves.