Saturday, January 16, 2021

CHINA IS OUR ENEMY ; Wake up from this current Chinese inspired and directed nightmare while there is still time to get rid of them.


As I watch from another country , this Patriot is in exile from an America that is being directed by the Evil Chinese to tear itself apart, so they don't have to do it.  They are like the loud mouth bastard on the edge of a fist fight egging on each side for their own personal gain, and evil intentions to see both destroyed and mutilated and left either beaten ,discredited and powerless in the fight to the death.  

Please recognize the fact that CHINA is our enemy not the right, Left, Liberal Conservative, Black White.  All of these are manufactured and hyped by Chinese Propaganda with the intent to make America tear itself apart .  The net result is that they win without even pulling a trigger.  They are owning our companies, our films and literature our ideas and inventions, our  politicians, our Universities, our courts and some local governments and school systems, even out Sports teams, and all of our personal information. They have data mined the USA until there is nothing left more for them to take. Everything you do say or post or take a photo of is going directly to the Chinese Communist Party and the Peoples Liberation Army [ PLA].  CHINA is big tech, and the five fools who run it are all Chinese pawns bought by them years ago. 

The Chinese have developed many strategic sources to aid in their world domination. One such fool is Klaus Schwab. Colleges and Universities, Media, Film makers, all are the fools of the CCP.  Here is his agenda to take down the USA,  This is quoted from the Armstrong Economic report on Globalism:

  1. “You’ll own nothing” — And “you’ll be happy about it.”
  2. “The U.S. won’t be the world’s leading superpower”
  3. “You won’t die waiting for an organ donor” — They will be made by 3D printers
  4. “You’ll eat much less meat” — Meat will be “an occasional treat, not a staple, for the good of the environment and our health.”
  5. “A billion people will be displaced by climate change” – Soros’ Open Borders
  6. “Polluters will have to pay to emit carbon dioxide” – “There will be a global price on carbon. This will help make fossil fuels history”
  7. “You could be preparing to go to Mars” — Scientists “will have worked out how to keep you healthy in space.”
  8. “Western values will have been tested to the breaking point.” – “Checks and balances that underpin our democracies must not be forgotten”

This is the agenda that has been set in motion by this fake COVID-19 Pandemic which was instigated by these people and the lockdowns were intended to crush the economy, set it in the direction of nationalizing all industry, and wipe out small business. They are developing passports that will require vaccines in order to travel. They are deliberately trying to reduce international travel to reduce pollution and to prevent mass uprisings against their new Communist Agenda. Yes, they are moving from socialism where you still own something to communism where the government owns everything. It is no coincidence that Pikkety is behind this in league with Klaus Schwab. Communism began in France. They sold the idea to Karl Marx which was first a socialist.

Don't you as a free person just love it when a guy Like Schwab who was once a leader in the Hitler Youth  Movement tells you what you will and will not have.  This is what is already being done in China, and they are now a deep dark shadow over America as their puppet, Biden, inches closer to the oval office.  That should scare you.  In the end of Stealth War by Gen Rob Spalding he lays out what still can be done by the average American to defend America against a colossal downfall.

All should read General Rob Spalding's' book Stealth War. It details exactly how China acts when threatened using " Unrestricted warfare". Their doctrine includes using any means at their disposal to win. Clearly that includes Biological Warfare. Theft, coercion, blackmail, subversion all while pretending to be so nice and friendly. Then they rig the election, and help the MSM spread fake propaganda. Kill the Biden story because they own him and the MSM which is something they could never do to President Trump. It is all a hoax folks. America is focusing on a few broken windows at the Capitol while China is sitting back smiling as they watch their sneaky and stealth tactics work as planned. America is tearing itself apart while thy gloat, and get rich stealing everything we ever had including our honor and integrity, freedom and the best Republic of Self Government the world has ever seen. Gen Spalding lays out how they subverted every aspect of Americanism and American life to destroy this great nation, They torture and kill millions while they act like they are the nice guys just trying to help. They now own the Press. Hollywood, most of congress and many judges along with Biden and Harris, and the whole Biden Criminal Cabal. all this while they orchestrate the removal of the Greatest President America ever legally elected. President Donald J Trump.