Friday, January 15, 2021

Chinese dissidents now have sleepy joe by his blonde leg hairs

 Very clear that this whole attack on the Capitol was planed and carried out by ANTIFA / BLM.  They did it to discredit the President and to allow that idiot Pelosi to go for another laughable Impeachment.  It won't pass the Senate, and is seen as a vendetta from a little bad girl member of the house who has thought for years that being Speaker was the same as being POTUS. She does not understand why they call it "The Lower Chamber"  I say impeach Pelosi for her own insurrection against President Trump.  Going to the Pentagon and telling them to disobey any orders given by the President IS HIGH TREASON.  Then she tried to interrupt the proper chain of command for the activation and  use of the US missile defense system. I'd say that is bigger and more Seditious than a few broken chairs in her office. In keeping with the daily mockingbird slop they feed the public she is echoing the number of people who died in the Capitol which  is also being inflated, the one guard who they claim was killed was off duty at the time. The other committed suicide. He cold have done that at any time.  The only people killed were Trump supporters. On fatally shot by Capitol Police, and two succumbed to other illnesses and should not have been taking part in the march because they were too frail.  So again the Dummycrats are blowing this all out of proportion just like the previous FAUX impeachment which was based on a call made to the Ukraine President in his usual course of Presidential Business.  All while Dummycrats ignore the Biden well documented and very public QUID PRO QUO. AGAINST UKRAINE FOR A BILLION.  Biden has NOW BEEN TRIED AND CONVICTED IN THE UKRANE JUSTICE SYSTEM.  THE ARROGANT BIDEN and the press and the DummyCrats just ignored that major Crime by Biden and his wicked son.  Well more will come out on the Biden corruption, Pedophilia, sex trafficking's, and sleepy himself engaged in crimes in China.  Though China is a closed system where no dissidents seem to survive. A recent post by Chinese dissidents do have all the tapes. The three Hunter laptop hard drives and all of the Bidens' illegal RICO operations in China.  They are releasing it.  Biden is toast before he ever dreams of entering the Oval Office.