Tuesday, January 26, 2021

George Stephanopoulos gave a very combative interview with Senator Rand Paul in which he disrespected the Senator and accused him of being a liar.  George is not a trained news journalist.  He is a democrat talking head who was lobbied into ABC by the Democrats after being a failed Press Secretary and part time advisor for the Clinton Crime Cabal when Bill was president.  He clearly only sees things one way and stated several times during his embarrassing harangue against Sen. Paul . George says there are NOT two sides to every story. His story of the 2020 election is the one and only true one according to this bloated egomaniac posing as an objective news anchor.  He made a fool of himself by displaying his true position representing himself and ABC that his reportss are not to be disputed. It is his way or the highway.  Sen Rand calmly stood strong and calm reminding George there are always two sides to every story and that is basic factual journalism.

Hon. Senator Paul,

I watched you on the news speaking with George Stephanopoulos. He was as do all MSM talking heads inserting himself into the news.  There are no more journalists, only editorial opinion TV anchors.  

At any rate you make some good points.  One I question is that if Congress has no role in fixing election fraud after the fact, what was the point of Article 12 and why was it inserted into the Constitution?.  As an example, it seems like you are saying that there is no financial  remedy for a bank that was robbed.  After the robber gets away by that standard, you can have a trial and find him guilty, [even imprison him] but he does not have to give the money back because the robbery was a "fait accompli".  .  I do not think that is what you mean.

So if Article 12 of the Constitution does not mean enforcing a flawed vote how would you rectify a proven illegal vote?  What is your vehicle to invoke a JUST result?  I think the media has again duped the American public by using the phrase "Overturn the election". Saying the vote was improperly counted or illegally handled by reasonable cause is not overturning it.  Just like forcing the bank robber to give back the money is not "overturning the result of his illegal actions".  Please be careful, the news people are never after TRUTH. Their game is to twist and misdirect people from Truth, and to manipulate people with language that subtly alters facts, and ignores TRUTH. What will be the remedy if in fact the courts do decide fraud did take place?

I wish you luck, and I support you.

One last question.  What will the remedy be if it is later proved in court that the election , in fact was a fraud?  Do ou suppose SCOTUS will vote to remove Biden and inaugurate President Trump?  We are all wishing for some justification of 2020 otherwise you and the rest of congress need to take a immediate Babble course in Mandarin Chinese.  They are taking over.  and it looks like the Democrats and Biden are ready to send large scale payments to them to cover their cost of paying Joe, and the family, plus social media and MSM for helping put him in office.  I did not like President Trump's using Caricature phrases to tag people. It was immature and divisive. However, "Sleepy Joe"  will now become "Killer Joe" as he systematically destroys America.  Please respond in public in some way, or by email. I would prefer a public statement of your plans  Thank You and Best Regards