Sunday, January 24, 2021

please watch as Tulsi Gabbard names all of America according to her liberal Dems. as Domestic Terrorist's. on Fox News with Brian Kilmeade. If you consider yourself a Patriot, Fly the American flag at your home, are a Christian or a white man or even pro life she says you will ne flagged as a anti American Terrorists.  She gives Antifa. BLM and Muslim radical organization's a pass.  She says the remedy is to deprogram all people who fit this profile.  Mao Zedong did this in China in the 70's at the cost of 100 million lives.  Are you ready for Democrat  Deprogramming camp which will insure you only vote for liberal ideology?  click on the link below to see the most radical ideas ever spoken publicly in America.  Be careful, you may be arrested just for listening.

Gabbard points out some of the dangers of ideas being offered by Schiff, and Brennan and other liberals who will campaign to cancel the Trump cultural of Patriotism or American values. Is she also dangerous for not more directly opposing her own party? Everything she said here is what is bigoted and racist about the liberals and Democrat party. She is saying all Trump supporters are racists Terrorists.. She speaks of the Bill of Rights in the end as she starts out crapping all over the Bill of Rights. She is really a closet shill for Biden saying he is the voice of reason. Ignoring the fact that the Biden Crime syndicate is responsible for removing the only loyal American President we have elected since Ronald Reagan. The terror America faces is from people like the swamp of which she was a part. Yes she chose not to run perhaps because she would be forced to do next to remain a member in good standing. The CCP "Fact Checkers who populate big tech to censor anything nor approved by Communist CCP. Twitter, Face Book, and every Google query is under the control of the CCP. These companies need to be broken up . Australia will no longer allow their platforms because of the same bigotry Gabbard is expressing here. Censor democrat radical beliefs that are leading to the reprogramming of anyone the CIA, FBI, DOJ or the President deem domestic terrorists, as she has defined in this interview. Basically she is saying that if you do not think like her democrat brothers you are a terrorist. Democrat's bigotry has always existed going back to their Dixiecrat KKK days blatant, her profile for a domestic terrorists is the following: religious probably a Christian { note her and Brennan left out Muslims], White, Male. attended a Trump rally, voted for Trump, flies an American Flag in front of their house , considers themselves American Patriot.. That about sums up 90% of America. Her and her socialist democrat associates are without question saying all of America need to be "Deprogrammed from being Americans {WTF} this is radical insanity . What she is talking about describes Mao Zedong's Red Purge which killed some 100 million innocent people just because they were teachers, writers, poets, artists, philosophers, musicians, mayors of villages or anyone in politics who was not a member in good standing with the CCP. or anyone who did not see it Mao's way.. This is what this her party is proposing for America???? Millions of Chinese were imprisoned many or more in arrested and thrown in prison camps for Reprogramming. Sorry Gabbard that is not our America. I do not know about Hawaii, never been there. I guess you and Obama look at the mainland and wonder why it is not Hawaii. She quotes John Brennen former CIA and a nutcase Conspiracy guy who himself converted to radical Islam while stationed in Ryad Saudi Arabia, and by current definition is himself A Domestic Terrorist. Perhaps he is trying to redefine that term and get himself off the list? Note they both carefully do not mention any thing about the Islamists who have built secret armed camps throughout the US. Ms. Gabbard is a complete idiot who is not looking at the facts. No Trump supporters burned hundreds of cities across America. or beat up old people wearing red hats, or Destroyed thousands of little mom and Pop small business in over 100 US cities. They did not Burn America. All that was done by the people she ignores and by doing so gives them a pass to wreck our nation. ANTIFA/BLM continues to do so much damage even today. They are following the Klaus Schwab plan to create so much trouble as to make the United States "Ungovernable" She is afraid to call them the real Domestic Terrorists. For over 200 years America has been allowed to express political differences. Gabbard and her party wants to end all political difference. I watched a program about the FBI following 9/11looking into Muslim terrorists within the US, {Obama ended that protective service investigation the moment he got in office. One investigator was an FBI agent who was a reformed radical Muslim. He said what Gabbard was parroting. The Muslim philosophy of the people under investigation was that there will be peace and the end to violence when all opposition ends . People must come to the realization that you can only have peace by being subjugated to Sharia law. This is where America is headed. The current crop of warped political revisionists is strictly "My way or the Highway" in that world there is no tolerance or diversity. You agree or you are squashed. History tells us there have been several systems trying this approach. Hitler's Nazi Germany, Stalin's Soviet Russia/USSR, Mao's 100 million Red Purge of Chinese civilians who needed to be Reprogrammed to think his way. Now Xi is the new deprogrammer on a global Imperialistic binge eating up little nations like popcorn. His goal , is the same as all those who preceded him. These insane people demand Complete control and global domination of all peoples and no diversity or Free Speech or other ideas like individual freedom or Unalienable rights. All those must go per Democrat's, Xi and Mao. I can't believe Brian sat there and listened with no comment. History teaches you will know where our fellow soldier stands the moment the first bullet passes by.