Tuesday, January 26, 2021

George Stephanopoulos gave a very combative interview with Senator Rand Paul in which he disrespected the Senator and accused him of being a liar.  George is not a trained news journalist.  He is a democrat talking head who was lobbied into ABC by the Democrats after being a failed Press Secretary and part time advisor for the Clinton Crime Cabal when Bill was president.  He clearly only sees things one way and stated several times during his embarrassing harangue against Sen. Paul . George says there are NOT two sides to every story. His story of the 2020 election is the one and only true one according to this bloated egomaniac posing as an objective news anchor.  He made a fool of himself by displaying his true position representing himself and ABC that his reportss are not to be disputed. It is his way or the highway.  Sen Rand calmly stood strong and calm reminding George there are always two sides to every story and that is basic factual journalism.

Hon. Senator Paul,

I watched you on the news speaking with George Stephanopoulos. He was as do all MSM talking heads inserting himself into the news.  There are no more journalists, only editorial opinion TV anchors.  

At any rate you make some good points.  One I question is that if Congress has no role in fixing election fraud after the fact, what was the point of Article 12 and why was it inserted into the Constitution?.  As an example, it seems like you are saying that there is no financial  remedy for a bank that was robbed.  After the robber gets away by that standard, you can have a trial and find him guilty, [even imprison him] but he does not have to give the money back because the robbery was a "fait accompli".  .  I do not think that is what you mean.

So if Article 12 of the Constitution does not mean enforcing a flawed vote how would you rectify a proven illegal vote?  What is your vehicle to invoke a JUST result?  I think the media has again duped the American public by using the phrase "Overturn the election". Saying the vote was improperly counted or illegally handled by reasonable cause is not overturning it.  Just like forcing the bank robber to give back the money is not "overturning the result of his illegal actions".  Please be careful, the news people are never after TRUTH. Their game is to twist and misdirect people from Truth, and to manipulate people with language that subtly alters facts, and ignores TRUTH. What will be the remedy if in fact the courts do decide fraud did take place?

I wish you luck, and I support you.

One last question.  What will the remedy be if it is later proved in court that the election , in fact was a fraud?  Do ou suppose SCOTUS will vote to remove Biden and inaugurate President Trump?  We are all wishing for some justification of 2020 otherwise you and the rest of congress need to take a immediate Babble course in Mandarin Chinese.  They are taking over.  and it looks like the Democrats and Biden are ready to send large scale payments to them to cover their cost of paying Joe, and the family, plus social media and MSM for helping put him in office.  I did not like President Trump's using Caricature phrases to tag people. It was immature and divisive. However, "Sleepy Joe"  will now become "Killer Joe" as he systematically destroys America.  Please respond in public in some way, or by email. I would prefer a public statement of your plans  Thank You and Best Regards 

Sunday, January 24, 2021

Rev Graham Removed from BEGA, and Samaratans Purse Global Charity.

 response to the BGEA and Faithful America removing Reverend Graham from their organizations and 

His global Charitable initiative, Samaritans Purse

This action  is  a mindless and emotional response not backed by facts, We will see that the election was fraudulent and corrupt, then like the people in Jesus time after the same Mob rule had him killed then  they came to a new faith and finally had to admit He was right.  This not to compare Trump or Graham to the Almighty. It is a fair comparison of when the mob takes over and an innocent man is hung based on the emotions and the frenzy of a mob who is not acting out justice where the man should be considered innocent until proven [ with actual evidence ] that he was guilty of some crime.. Do you think we'd even be having this discussion or this country if arm chair quarterbacks like this mob at BEGA or Faithful America had the same reaction to the Patriot who fired the first shot from the Old North Bridge in Concord and which in today's self righteous , pompous and identity political world he would have been tried for starting the battles of Lexington and Concord, and causing the  deaths of Patriots and British loyalists and soldiers which was the result of the first shot from his musket..  However the original Patriots knew the dangers and consequences of their actions, and did not cower and hide in fear of retribution. Their defense was the unalienable right of freedom given them by God Almighty.from leading the Samaran Purse global effort

please watch as Tulsi Gabbard names all of America according to her liberal Dems. as Domestic Terrorist's. on Fox News with Brian Kilmeade. If you consider yourself a Patriot, Fly the American flag at your home, are a Christian or a white man or even pro life she says you will ne flagged as a anti American Terrorists.  She gives Antifa. BLM and Muslim radical organization's a pass.  She says the remedy is to deprogram all people who fit this profile.  Mao Zedong did this in China in the 70's at the cost of 100 million lives.  Are you ready for Democrat  Deprogramming camp which will insure you only vote for liberal ideology?  click on the link below to see the most radical ideas ever spoken publicly in America.  Be careful, you may be arrested just for listening.


Gabbard points out some of the dangers of ideas being offered by Schiff, and Brennan and other liberals who will campaign to cancel the Trump cultural of Patriotism or American values. Is she also dangerous for not more directly opposing her own party? Everything she said here is what is bigoted and racist about the liberals and Democrat party. She is saying all Trump supporters are racists Terrorists.. She speaks of the Bill of Rights in the end as she starts out crapping all over the Bill of Rights. She is really a closet shill for Biden saying he is the voice of reason. Ignoring the fact that the Biden Crime syndicate is responsible for removing the only loyal American President we have elected since Ronald Reagan. The terror America faces is from people like the swamp of which she was a part. Yes she chose not to run perhaps because she would be forced to do next to remain a member in good standing. The CCP "Fact Checkers who populate big tech to censor anything nor approved by Communist CCP. Twitter, Face Book, and every Google query is under the control of the CCP. These companies need to be broken up . Australia will no longer allow their platforms because of the same bigotry Gabbard is expressing here. Censor democrat radical beliefs that are leading to the reprogramming of anyone the CIA, FBI, DOJ or the President deem domestic terrorists, as she has defined in this interview. Basically she is saying that if you do not think like her democrat brothers you are a terrorist. Democrat's bigotry has always existed going back to their Dixiecrat KKK days blatant, her profile for a domestic terrorists is the following: religious probably a Christian { note her and Brennan left out Muslims], White, Male. attended a Trump rally, voted for Trump, flies an American Flag in front of their house , considers themselves American Patriot.. That about sums up 90% of America. Her and her socialist democrat associates are without question saying all of America need to be "Deprogrammed from being Americans {WTF} this is radical insanity . What she is talking about describes Mao Zedong's Red Purge which killed some 100 million innocent people just because they were teachers, writers, poets, artists, philosophers, musicians, mayors of villages or anyone in politics who was not a member in good standing with the CCP. or anyone who did not see it Mao's way.. This is what this her party is proposing for America???? Millions of Chinese were imprisoned many or more in arrested and thrown in prison camps for Reprogramming. Sorry Gabbard that is not our America. I do not know about Hawaii, never been there. I guess you and Obama look at the mainland and wonder why it is not Hawaii. She quotes John Brennen former CIA and a nutcase Conspiracy guy who himself converted to radical Islam while stationed in Ryad Saudi Arabia, and by current definition is himself A Domestic Terrorist. Perhaps he is trying to redefine that term and get himself off the list? Note they both carefully do not mention any thing about the Islamists who have built secret armed camps throughout the US. Ms. Gabbard is a complete idiot who is not looking at the facts. No Trump supporters burned hundreds of cities across America. or beat up old people wearing red hats, or Destroyed thousands of little mom and Pop small business in over 100 US cities. They did not Burn America. All that was done by the people she ignores and by doing so gives them a pass to wreck our nation. ANTIFA/BLM continues to do so much damage even today. They are following the Klaus Schwab plan to create so much trouble as to make the United States "Ungovernable" She is afraid to call them the real Domestic Terrorists. For over 200 years America has been allowed to express political differences. Gabbard and her party wants to end all political difference. I watched a program about the FBI following 9/11looking into Muslim terrorists within the US, {Obama ended that protective service investigation the moment he got in office. One investigator was an FBI agent who was a reformed radical Muslim. He said what Gabbard was parroting. The Muslim philosophy of the people under investigation was that there will be peace and the end to violence when all opposition ends . People must come to the realization that you can only have peace by being subjugated to Sharia law. This is where America is headed. The current crop of warped political revisionists is strictly "My way or the Highway" in that world there is no tolerance or diversity. You agree or you are squashed. History tells us there have been several systems trying this approach. Hitler's Nazi Germany, Stalin's Soviet Russia/USSR, Mao's 100 million Red Purge of Chinese civilians who needed to be Reprogrammed to think his way. Now Xi is the new deprogrammer on a global Imperialistic binge eating up little nations like popcorn. His goal , is the same as all those who preceded him. These insane people demand Complete control and global domination of all peoples and no diversity or Free Speech or other ideas like individual freedom or Unalienable rights. All those must go per Democrat's, Xi and Mao. I can't believe Brian sat there and listened with no comment. History teaches you will know where our fellow soldier stands the moment the first bullet passes by.  

 Response to an article at RT.com "Why the US, UK, EU % Isreal hate Syria by  Addrial Salbuchi

I think the author and the article is mixing oranges and grapes. It uses the same old shtick blaming America for all the world problems. That never works. Obama tried it and failed miserably. In the US the Dems blamed every thing people were unhappy with on Trump. They convinced less than half of America that was true. Then they stole the election for the minor half, and the CCP puppet of China Sleepy Joe Biden. America is now in clutches of the filthy and corrupt CCP and PLA. Obama's foreign policy and that of his henchman Kerry failed miserably.

Lumping China in as as a part of a Western NWO plan is insane. China does not want a NWO. Their goal is as Global ruler. China is an imperialist nation which is spreading like a cancer across the globe, and they just bagged the biggest prize of all, the United States of America, by buying Biden and the DNC. I do agree with the idea of preserving "Cultural identity" and that the US companies" Coke, Pepsi, McDonalds, Levis, Lauder, Planet Hollywood and Burger King to want to take out Syria" , and many others. I also agree with the point about banning Monsanto's Genetically altered seeds. Sometimes I wonder what is worse, the Islamic Migrants in EU eroding their culture and Western Civilization values or US invasion by companies that make the whole globe look the same.

The global threat from the NWO is bad, Klaus Schwab, and Bill Gates plan for a 57% reduction in the global population as part of the NWO plan is also bad. However, Imperial China's plan for their global dominance and control is worse. We are seeing China take over the nations they have economically weakened with their Pandemic. China has one guiding principle: Unrestricted warfare; Social control; Economic Control; full ownership of anything they build, and the use of these ovry and other controls like instigating Social Unrest, or as in the case of the Pandemic Germ Warfare. The book " Stealth War" by Gen. Rob Spalding is a tell all of just how dirty the Chinese Communist Party and Peoples Liberation Army will use any and all means to insure China dominates all the nations of the world within 10 yeas. IT may come sooner now that they have removed their prime obsticle : President Donald J. Trump from office. Syria's Muslim culture will be paved over by the "Silk Road". China is BORG they do not assimilate, examples are the Uighurs and Christians.

For those who buy into the Chinese propaganda that China is helping undeveloped countries prosper look at the results in these areas:

WARNING by accepting Chinese money,

a. If they build your internet, China owns the IP and delivery infrastructure

b. if they build your power plant China owns the project and plans.

c. even if you considered their funding as a loan paying it back does not change their contract witch says they own everything.

1. Sri Lanka, Hambantota Port*: In 2012 China offered to help Sri Lanka improve their vital and economically weak port. The Bank of China made loans to the government. Sri Lanka did not read the fine print. They saw this as Foreign Aid from China much like Countries have to come to expect the same from the US all over the globe. But the Chinese give the Aid with the fine print saying they own all the infrastructure, and plans for the port. They must have a CCP member on the controlling board. The State Owned China Harbor Engineer made large deals for cash or credit in building the multi billion dollar deep-water port . The president of Sri Lanka lost he next election and China laid the bill on the desk of the new president. He could not pay it so China acting like a Mafia Loan shark demanded and got the Sri Lanka government to hand over 15 thousand acres of land around the port for 99 years. not pay years later. The US is often faced with the same situations, we generally "Forgive the debt" China uses debt as leverage for taking over.

2. Klaipeda, Lithuania*: China searches the globe looking for small countries they can trap and manipulate to their own purpose. I live in one of the smallest countries in the EU, Lithuania. The Chinese came here and talked them into installing their Huawei ubiquitous phone system. Next, they gave the national Basketball team a "Sweet" sponsor deal. { little does LT. know what that will eventually cost them. Now China is targeting their key port of Klaipeda . This port is viewed as part of China's 'Belt and Road Initiative' more commonly referred to as "China's Silk Road around the globe built on the backs of ports they extorted from smaller nations. Gen. Spalding also talks of their Corporate espionage and intellectual Property theft. With small Lithuania now saturated by the Huawei ubiquitous network, they can easily steal everything. Kaunas medical University is working on high level bio lab solutions to breaking the code to China's man made germ warfare weapon which they had WHO call COVID-19. This is the China virus. They even have a patent for it. The Kaunas and Vilnius University systems jointly develop many new products and techniques in Medicine, Telephony, Communications technology and are the supplier of the Lithium precision laser which is supplied to half the users on the planet and in other ways contributes to the future wealth of Lithuania. Think of losing all of that to the Chinese, because you may default on a usurious and manipulative loan you agreed to only to fine out China owns it, all the plans and the entire infrastructure. They then pressure you on any loans their China owned [via CCP having insisted they must have a CCP operative be your Klaipeda Harbor Engineer who holds a seat in your government as a part of the offer to improve your port facility. Now, if you default China demands to take Klaipeda and 10,000 hectares of land where they can build the COCO and Alibaba shipping and distribution centers to all of Eastern EU nations. I am "a voice crying in the wilderness". "Don't do it, ask Sri Lanka first.

Proverbs 22: 7 warns " The lender[rich] rules over the poor, and the borrower becomes the Lender's slave"

2. Africa MOBILE PHONES*, Transition Holdings, a Shenzhen company captured that market from Korean Global in that market much the same way China took over Sri Lanka. Sounds like they are just expanding business like Sleepy Joe Biden says. What do they get out of it other than money and the introduction of cell phones to nations where only 10% of homes and businesses even have electricity. Now Huawei owns all the data and phones of Central Africa, and is making money selling their phones and equipment. That's the cake. The frosting is that they now have the leverage to make their new African client states not recognize or trade with Taiwan or South Korea They will shun Tibet or other 'Free Speech' advocates; treat the African Muslims like China treats the Uighurs and Christians.

*This is what Gen. Rob Spalding calls the a freedom trap.

There are many many more examples in his book.

*Read General Rob Spalding's book Stealth War. How China took over America while the Elites slept. on Amazon

Monday, January 18, 2021

The globalists drooling : CHINA Virus Accelerates Klaus Schwab Pushing the Global Reset Button


Dang ! We all know Hillary wanted to be the one to do that. Remember her mock up of the red "Reset Button?  Always the SOS never the President.

Thanks to Alina Hoff FT 24 for saving this photo and sharing it.

Both Gates' parents were followers of Margaret Sanger.  They all love abortion.  In fact they have been so successful in selling it they have actually caused a ZERO population growth of black people in the US.  IF the black people can't see this they will soon be exterminated.

How did a computer guy like Gates get involved in Virus and disease control.  Depopulation:.  E Bola was one of his first mass experiments on blacks. Introduce the Virus into Africa, and then go there to vaccinate them. Only problem all vaccinated M&F were sterilized.  These people will stop at nothing to achieve depopulation.  Gates is part of the NWO, Reset headed by Klaus Schwab master of the World Economic Forum.  Klaus said in 10 years "You will have nothing and you will be happy"  It is right out of Huxley Brave New World. I tell you we have a string of Sociopaths in leadership and Economic roles all over the globe,  

They want to control you. Schwab also said that Covid-19 is great for his movement because it will help him and the Davos insane rulers meet their goal of killing off some 47% of the world population much sooner.  

China is OK with that, because they feel they will control the global economy once they insure the US will no longer be a global power     [if they really can eliminate President Trump and his millions of followers].  Even after the mass murder of their own people, they will still have some 1.25 billion people left.  However, they fear the size of the current population, and the increase of their exposure to Western culture makes them concerned about the rise of democracy and individual thinking, Their paranoid leadership knows it could collapse if even one tenth of the people demand freedom.  and they could not control them unless they first eliminate a bunch of them:  .

Dissidents go first.  The world as we know it is In for some rough times, and the only person focused on this is Donald J Trump,  That is why they impeached him 2x.  "They hate him because they ain't him."  He has a positive movement and a great message of hope, not despair, plus a very sizeable  following.  

How many can get behind the dark powers  whose goal is to kill off 47% of the global humanity?

Saturday, January 16, 2021

CHINA IS OUR ENEMY ; Wake up from this current Chinese inspired and directed nightmare while there is still time to get rid of them.


As I watch from another country , this Patriot is in exile from an America that is being directed by the Evil Chinese to tear itself apart, so they don't have to do it.  They are like the loud mouth bastard on the edge of a fist fight egging on each side for their own personal gain, and evil intentions to see both destroyed and mutilated and left either beaten ,discredited and powerless in the fight to the death.  

Please recognize the fact that CHINA is our enemy not the right, Left, Liberal Conservative, Black White.  All of these are manufactured and hyped by Chinese Propaganda with the intent to make America tear itself apart .  The net result is that they win without even pulling a trigger.  They are owning our companies, our films and literature our ideas and inventions, our  politicians, our Universities, our courts and some local governments and school systems, even out Sports teams, and all of our personal information. They have data mined the USA until there is nothing left more for them to take. Everything you do say or post or take a photo of is going directly to the Chinese Communist Party and the Peoples Liberation Army [ PLA].  CHINA is big tech, and the five fools who run it are all Chinese pawns bought by them years ago. 

The Chinese have developed many strategic sources to aid in their world domination. One such fool is Klaus Schwab. Colleges and Universities, Media, Film makers, all are the fools of the CCP.  Here is his agenda to take down the USA,  This is quoted from the Armstrong Economic report on Globalism:

  1. “You’ll own nothing” — And “you’ll be happy about it.”
  2. “The U.S. won’t be the world’s leading superpower”
  3. “You won’t die waiting for an organ donor” — They will be made by 3D printers
  4. “You’ll eat much less meat” — Meat will be “an occasional treat, not a staple, for the good of the environment and our health.”
  5. “A billion people will be displaced by climate change” – Soros’ Open Borders
  6. “Polluters will have to pay to emit carbon dioxide” – “There will be a global price on carbon. This will help make fossil fuels history”
  7. “You could be preparing to go to Mars” — Scientists “will have worked out how to keep you healthy in space.”
  8. “Western values will have been tested to the breaking point.” – “Checks and balances that underpin our democracies must not be forgotten”

This is the agenda that has been set in motion by this fake COVID-19 Pandemic which was instigated by these people and the lockdowns were intended to crush the economy, set it in the direction of nationalizing all industry, and wipe out small business. They are developing passports that will require vaccines in order to travel. They are deliberately trying to reduce international travel to reduce pollution and to prevent mass uprisings against their new Communist Agenda. Yes, they are moving from socialism where you still own something to communism where the government owns everything. It is no coincidence that Pikkety is behind this in league with Klaus Schwab. Communism began in France. They sold the idea to Karl Marx which was first a socialist.

Don't you as a free person just love it when a guy Like Schwab who was once a leader in the Hitler Youth  Movement tells you what you will and will not have.  This is what is already being done in China, and they are now a deep dark shadow over America as their puppet, Biden, inches closer to the oval office.  That should scare you.  In the end of Stealth War by Gen Rob Spalding he lays out what still can be done by the average American to defend America against a colossal downfall.

All should read General Rob Spalding's' book Stealth War. It details exactly how China acts when threatened using " Unrestricted warfare". Their doctrine includes using any means at their disposal to win. Clearly that includes Biological Warfare. Theft, coercion, blackmail, subversion all while pretending to be so nice and friendly. Then they rig the election, and help the MSM spread fake propaganda. Kill the Biden story because they own him and the MSM which is something they could never do to President Trump. It is all a hoax folks. America is focusing on a few broken windows at the Capitol while China is sitting back smiling as they watch their sneaky and stealth tactics work as planned. America is tearing itself apart while thy gloat, and get rich stealing everything we ever had including our honor and integrity, freedom and the best Republic of Self Government the world has ever seen. Gen Spalding lays out how they subverted every aspect of Americanism and American life to destroy this great nation, They torture and kill millions while they act like they are the nice guys just trying to help. They now own the Press. Hollywood, most of congress and many judges along with Biden and Harris, and the whole Biden Criminal Cabal. all this while they orchestrate the removal of the Greatest President America ever legally elected. President Donald J Trump.

Friday, January 15, 2021

Wonder why Elaine Chao ,DOT Made a big show of Resigning Trump's Cabinet While her Husband Mitch Turned His Back On Our President?

This President may not have drained the swamp yet, but he sure has identified and tagged a vast majority of the Swamp Creatures who thought they had blended in with the SWAMP.  Here are two more.  Perhaps President Trump is waiting until he has enough exposed in plain sight. to bag.  There is a fierce and savage fight to see who gets the most or biggest part of President Trump as they try to take him down.  It is an outrageous internal struggle among these violent and pathetic monsters of the Swamp.  We have about 5 more days remaining to see who wins.  The Swamp or the American nation?

 Well they are all liars backed by the crooked DummyCrats and the Fake News media. They rush to impeach was like a Lynch mob [ speaking about mobs] No discussion, no review of the facts and videos which show the President was not involved. The same is true of the Fraudulent Election. Many experts have said it was rigged as the President already told US. The Swamp had their blinders on , because to admit the Truth would mean self incrimination, since so many were involved in this dark chapter of US history. The Senate is so weak, and McConnell so in bed with the Chinese, CCP he sees this as a way to feather his own nest even more. Most people do not know that his wife Elaine Chao who just resigned as DOT head [as a gesture to make Trump look bad, and probably at the urging of the CCP]. Elaine Chao is the daughter of one of the most powerful Foremost Shipping companies regularly doing a lot of business with the CCP on mainland China. Ms. Chao has long been under scrutiny for her and her father's business connections to the CCP in mainland China. Though he and his family left China in in49 just prior to the CCP takeover, they may have been an early "Sleeper cell" for the CCP in the US. Her father was poor, and had , so it seemed, few resources. However in a very short time he amassed Foremost a substantial Shipping business, He and the family do not hide the fact that he went to school with Jiang Zemin, the former General Secretary of the CCP . The Chao's were brought into a CCP Maritime Electronics Company and to do that in China you have to be selected by a high ranking member of the CCP. Her father Chao Xicheng sold mostly to the CCP military and other Communist departments . He had close ties with the Mintery of electronics. So it is clear his daughter has a lot of sympathy for the CCP, and Mitch having received between $9 and $25 million when her mother died, making the Chao/ McConnell's the richest couple in congress and the government. It is not hard to see why she has been under investigation for many years. Now a true Dummycrat will tell you it's just business, but when you look at these people selling out America like Chao, McConnell and The Biden Crime Cabal, it makes you wonder if they are really a part of Trump's America First agenda. Hell NO.

Chinese dissidents now have sleepy joe by his blonde leg hairs

 Very clear that this whole attack on the Capitol was planed and carried out by ANTIFA / BLM.  They did it to discredit the President and to allow that idiot Pelosi to go for another laughable Impeachment.  It won't pass the Senate, and is seen as a vendetta from a little bad girl member of the house who has thought for years that being Speaker was the same as being POTUS. She does not understand why they call it "The Lower Chamber"  I say impeach Pelosi for her own insurrection against President Trump.  Going to the Pentagon and telling them to disobey any orders given by the President IS HIGH TREASON.  Then she tried to interrupt the proper chain of command for the activation and  use of the US missile defense system. I'd say that is bigger and more Seditious than a few broken chairs in her office. In keeping with the daily mockingbird slop they feed the public she is echoing the number of people who died in the Capitol which  is also being inflated, the one guard who they claim was killed was off duty at the time. The other committed suicide. He cold have done that at any time.  The only people killed were Trump supporters. On fatally shot by Capitol Police, and two succumbed to other illnesses and should not have been taking part in the march because they were too frail.  So again the Dummycrats are blowing this all out of proportion just like the previous FAUX impeachment which was based on a call made to the Ukraine President in his usual course of Presidential Business.  All while Dummycrats ignore the Biden well documented and very public QUID PRO QUO. AGAINST UKRAINE FOR A BILLION.  Biden has NOW BEEN TRIED AND CONVICTED IN THE UKRANE JUSTICE SYSTEM.  THE ARROGANT BIDEN and the press and the DummyCrats just ignored that major Crime by Biden and his wicked son.  Well more will come out on the Biden corruption, Pedophilia, sex trafficking's, and sleepy himself engaged in crimes in China.  Though China is a closed system where no dissidents seem to survive. A recent post by Chinese dissidents do have all the tapes. The three Hunter laptop hard drives and all of the Bidens' illegal RICO operations in China.  They are releasing it.  Biden is toast before he ever dreams of entering the Oval Office.

Monday, January 11, 2021

President Trump did not concede his position

 Reprinted and posted with permission to repost on Blogger by the author 1/11/2021

Situation Update Jan 8th – Trump fighting from secure location, did NOT concede

Intel is coming in today from many sources, and I will likely need to post a separate article to cover it all. Importantly, Trump has not conceded anything, and if you parse the words of his most recent video statement, there is absolutely no concession in it and no naming of Joe Biden as president:

A new administration will be inaugurated on January 20th. … my priority is to ensure a smooth, orderly and seamless transition of power. This moment calls for healing and reconciliation.

Trump is merely attempting to appear that he is conceding while not actually using any binding language that would legally tie him to such an outcome. To state that, “A new administration will be inaugurated on January 20th” without naming the year is, of course, always a true statement. There’s a new administration coming on January 20th, of 2025, for example. There’s also a new administration coming this year if Trump dumps Pence and has a new VP at his side.

But why would Trump still be refusing to concede while trying to make people think he’s conceding? Because according to one source that has briefed me, the globalist controllers are threatening to detonate dirty bombs in every US state representing a senator who voted against the Biden slate of electors. The threat against Trump is that if he does not concede, the dirty bombs will be set off, killing hundreds of thousands of Americans.

Yet Trump fully realizes that far more American would die under the totalitarian communist-run regime represented by Joe Biden. Trump isn’t going to be threatened into quitting.

In fact, as I cover in today’s podcast, Trump is in a secure location and he’s fighting from there, alongside loyal forces of the US military who are preparing for decisive action against the deep state traitors who are desperate to remove Trump from power by any means necessary.

Nancy Pelosy, who will obvious face arrest and prosecution for treason if Trump secures his second term, is running around D.C. like a crazed hyena, trying to get Pence to invoke the 25th Amendment to remove Trump immediately. An impeachment “trial” is scheduled for Monday to try to remove Trump by other means, claiming that Trump still has access to the nuclear codes and might unleash a nuclear missile.

Nancy Pelosi wrote today in an urgent letter:

This morning, I spoke to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley to discuss available precautions for preventing an unstable president from initiating military hostilities or accessing the launch codes and ordering a nuclear strike…

In other words, Pelosi is conspiring with Mark Milley — also a traitor — to remove Trump from power before he can complete his counterinsurgency actions involving the military.

The deep state is trying to thwart Trump from every possible angle, and Trump’s victory isn’t assured, but he remains the US President for the next 12 days, and he’s using those days to carry out an epic counterattack against the criminals who rigged the elections, staged the “siege” on the capitol building, and plan to tear down our constitutional republic if they gain control of the White House.

Here’s what’s covered in today’s Situation Update:

  • Why efforts to remove Trump by force will set off a hot civil war.
  • It’s not a “breach” if the police invite you in: The media’s false narrative about the capitol building “riots.”
  • Trump did not concede. No binding concession language in his speech.
  • Trump during rally on Monday in Dalton, GA: “We have to go all the way… you watch what happens over the next couple of weeks. You watch what’s going to come out and watch what’s going to be revealed.”
  • NPR caught publishing capitol “siege” story hours before it took place. (Echoes of 9/11 media staging.)
  • AOC tweeted about left-wing riots: “To folks who complain protest demands make others uncomfortable… that’s the point.” But now she wants Big Tech to censor anyone quoting her.
  • Congress operating its betrayals under the cover of darkness.
  • 200 top corporate CEOs in America demand Biden be installed as president so they can continue to loot the nation under forced covid lockdowns.
  • Mo Brooks reveals “growing evidence” the capitol building “siege” was initiated by Antifa operatives.
  • Leftists build a 7-foot WALL (fence) around the White House, and deploy 6,200 National Guard troops to protect their treason and election theft. Suddenly they believe in walls after all.
  • Trump supporters instantly convicted in the left-wing media, even though obvious evidence of election theft by the Dems is thrown out of court without any hearing at all. Gross double standards will drive this nation to war with itself.
  • Leftists declare war on conservatives and plan to silence them and destroy them in any way possible, all in the name of “tolerance.”
  • Lin Wood warns that coup plotters are now planning to hunt down and execute Trump loyalists.
  • US Rep Hank Johnson (dem) says the nation should treat Trump supporters like “negroes,” further proving that Democrats really are racist, hate-filled bigots.
  • Biden calls Trump supporters “domestic terrorists” but was completely silent on the actual terrorism and violence of left-wing insurrectionists.
  • Lindsey Graham vows to help jail Trump supporters, demonstrating his disdain for his own base of voters. (Yes, the GOP is finished.)
  • Media using the “siege” narrative to push for more censorship of all conservatives, which will only drive them to more frustration and anger. This model of authoritarianism and marginalizing all conservatives will only end in bloodshed.
  • Big Tech censorship is part of a cleanup operation to hide all the evidence and truths they don’t want people to see.
  • Conservatives are the new “marginalized” people of society, and we need a new civil rights movement to protect those who hold conservative ideas.

Listen to the full podcast here:


Saturday, January 9, 2021

ON Antifa/ BLM Thugs rushing the Trump supporters to make it seem they were being violent

MY response posted on Parler: 

Yes this was a trap. The ANTIFA/BLM Thugs rushed through the Trump crowd when the barricades went down. Thy began to destroy things like they have in American cities for a year. Their goal to make the Trump people look like them. The trump people pulled them back trying to stop them. The police looked at them as all as an attack on the House and responded with force. This set up is a part of the Global agenda. We are being tricked The real crimes against Humanity are being done by Klaus Schwab who just published COVID-19 THE GREAT RESET. It is his plan to take down Trump and the UA, and make us subevent to the UN . Yes the Agenda 21 plan is now in full play. Be careful, and do not focus on right-left, D-R, Black -White. Track down the real global criminal who also has plans to use the China Virus as a means to kill off 47% of the people on earth. He is the madman you should direct you fire at, The rest is a distraction so he can carry out his plan undetected,

Response to LLin Wood

I support him 100% and I support his invoking the insurrection act, and following the advice of Lin Wood to siexe key documents from those who fixed the election, so they can be used as evidence to prosecute them. If he does not do this, they will do it to him. It is now not a matter of proper protocol it is your survival, Mr. President

ON The Great RESET

Here is the one person people should focus on, Klaus Schwab. Now he wants all religious service to stop, he wants to isolate and lock you up more. Communists always want total control it is why it is called Totalitarianisms. That is thee reality of The Great Reset. Don't forget Hillary said she was already to push the button.

On Klaus Schwab


Friday, January 8, 2021

Answering a Question on GAB about a 2019 Animated Film Depicting COVID

 The answer to the reprinting of this cartoon is that the NWO or Great Reset is in the processing of brainwashing the entire globe and preparing them for the "Final Solution"   Agenda 21, New World Order, Economic Reset, Pandemics, Eugenics are not new issues humanity faces they have been around many years. What is unique about our time is the Internet, Social Media and the mass distribution of information.  These can be good tools, but like the internet in general is  widely misused.  For over 20 years I was a Cable TV Executive.  As the Executive Director of Planning and development in one of the top three CATVV services, I was tasked with re-engineering our network to be able to deliver Voice [phone] Data [ often financial and B2B] and video. [ movies, and on-demand video streaming of all communications, like business meetings and even live operations on patients to Physicians in specialized training hospitals like Mayo and Cleveland Clinics.

All these are good and wholesome services we intended to sell and or share with our customers.  What I soon found is that as these technical services grew they were exponentially being exploited for uses other than what we intended in their original design and construction.  Data on the Internet was being used by Con men to target the unsuspecting. Credit card and Bank Fraud  became cottage industries for the criminals.  False advertising, Phishing and Bait and switch sales gimmicks were growing.  worst of all was that the development of video streaming excelled to the point where makers of Pornographic movies started to excel, and  even  outpaced , at the start, our capacity to stream video services to homes. This was  a development I never expected.  Then Evil always seems to find a way to pervert all of the good intentions of our creations intended to make man's life easier, better and less time consuming.

From Armstrong Economics:

I am deeply concerned that too many Americans are totally blind to the truth. They think this election is just about Biden v Trump. This is the World Economic Forum video on 8 predictions for 2030 which includes the surrender of the United States to the United Nations – they just say the US will no longer be the world Superpower. They will end eating meat, hence Gates’ investment in meat alternatives, will make fossil fuels history which is why Biden said in the debate he will end the fossil fuel industry and he will rejoin the United Nations.

  1. You’ll own nothing” — And “you’ll be happy about it.”
  2. “The U.S. won’t be the world’s leading superpower”
  3. “You won’t die waiting for an organ donor” — They will be made by 3D printers
  4. “You’ll eat much less meat” — Meat will be “an occasional treat, not a staple, for the good of the environment and our health.”
  5. “A billion people will be displaced by climate change” – Soros’ Open Borders
  6. “Polluters will have to pay to emit carbon dioxide” – “There will be a global price on carbon. This will help make fossil fuels history”
  7. “You could be preparing to go to Mars” — Scientists “will have worked out how to keep you healthy in space.”
  8. “Western values will have been tested to the breaking point.” – “Checks and balances that underpin our democracies must not be forgotten”

This is the agenda that has been set in motion by this fake COVID-19 Pandemic which was instigated by these people and the lockdowns were intended to crush the economy, set it in the direction of nationalizing all industry, and wipe out small business. They are developing passports that will require vaccines in order to travel. They are deliberately trying to reduce international travel to reduce pollution and to prevent mass uprisings against their new Communist Agenda. Yes, they are moving from socialism where you still own something to communism where the government owns everything. It is no coincidence that Pikkety is behind this in league with Klaus Schwab. Communism began in France. They sold the idea to Karl Marx which was first a socialist.

This is what is at st6ake in this election. This is not about liking or disliking Trump. They want people to vote on such a superficial basis that he is obnoxious, insults people, and is one of the hated rich.

This is the real danger we face – World Economic Forum and its vision for a new Communist Green World Order. The press will NOT do their job. For if they did, they would expose the fact that the World Economic Forum sold all its investments just before the crash. Klaus Schwab is the new Karl Marx. This is the greatest organized conspiracy in human history and the press is welcoming it with open arms. You will own nothing in 10 years, but you will also have no rights. – Papers Please!  

Schwab, Soros, Pikkety are all the remnants of the Holy Roman Empire .  Hitler considered himself chosen to fulfill the destiny of that failed empire and reign 1,000 years or more.  

So as we can see here the cartoon this young lady found was not a fluke, but like any "Pop-UP" a reminder that these evil people are always lurking around in the shadows.  I have been expecting them, but I thought we may have until 2050 for these evil ghouls to come out of the dark shadows.

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

The Battle of Good and Evil continues to be Waged

Happy New Year.  So happy to hear you are all doing well. I got a nice ecard from a good friend this Christmas, and she sounds like she is doing well, but she was concerned about all the turmoil and threats from the Globalists to severely reduce the population of mankind by some 47% or more..  I asked "Are you folks still meeting and getting into the Word?"  I pray you do this year because it looks like the globalists are going to continue to drag out the Virus BS and keep people locked down.  to combat that where I now live, there is extensive use of the internet, so I will be conducting my Spring classes on Skype.  My students like it and there is actually more participation that way.  It also defeats the intent of lockdowns and isolation.  All of those are used to stop diversity in communication and to make people feel alone and separated from their fellow man.  Sharing is a big part of living, loving and feeling, if you can isolate people from family, friends community and group worship you can more easily control them.  The Communists in China and Russia have always practiced this on their captives.  Groups, families sports events, and eating together fosters community. Separating you from these things gives them more control since then your only source of information is from their MSM propaganda outlets.  
Satan hates human interaction because it is the means of sustaining life and companionship.  We fight that at every turn by keeping in touch with each other.  It is better to actually be with people physically because you can hug them or shake their hands, look into their eyes and see the expressions on their faces.  We are going through a terrible time which I never imagined would happen in my lifetime.  There is still hope that people will rise up and rid themselves of the globalists who intend to do the bidding of Satan and destroy man. 

We never got into that lesson, but the Bible does tell us a big part of why Satan fell from Grace and rose up followers to go against God.  Simply put he was angry and jealous of God's creation: MAN.  The angels were made by God and given super powers.  Then God made MAN and placed him above the angels.  Satan disagreed with God on that point. He could not accept that a weak vessel like man could be more favored by God than one of his angels. He rebelled against the very idea of man, and so he set out to destroy mankind. Throughout the Scripture we see Satan confronting God about the inherent weakness of man.  The story of Adam and Eve where he showed that man was weak and could easily be tempted by himself to disobey God. Remember how he directly confronted God about how he could show Him how he cold make Job curse God.  Much of the sin we face today is our weakness for sexual sin, self indulgence in unfettered lust and greed.  In that respect. Satan uses phonography as one means to demean people in horrible ways all to show that man is so much less than the Angels; thus showing God He should not have set mankind on a level above the angels.  Of course tempting God is as wicked and insane as his idea to disgrace man before God and thus convince God to change and lower mankind's status.  God responds with Grace and Forgiveness for MAN and comes here, among us, as Jesus in the form of MAN to teach Satan a lesson and to show man can be better even if he has no super powers.  Man derives his power directly by tapping into God's power which is superior to Angelic powers. However He shows Satan man has something Satan lost by sinning against God. He lost eternity, and man  can always achieve everlasting life through Faith and by believing in God and His Almighty power to forgive. 

Tuesday, January 5, 2021

China's agressive push to take over the key Lithuanian port of Klaipeda.

 I am an American ex-pat who moved to Lithuania and married a Lithuanian lady.  I love this country and I am working on learning the language but it is a challenge.  I am a former officer in the USAF, and also served in the USN, I was an Air Traffic Controller for the FAA for 10 years. I then joined the Cable TV business when it was only a start up .  Some 20 years later I retired having worked as as the executive Director of Corporate Planning where I oversaw the engineering and building of a vast fiber optic network.  My final project prior to retirement was to manage the installation of an AT&T 5- ESS Phone Switch serving several million customers in the Northern region of Florida.  So I know what I am talking about when it comes to Huawei's aggressive and insidious actions which get into every detail of your nations commerce and communications like a cancer spreading as is their Virus is now.  My concern is that the Lithuanian people and government seem to be taking a casual attitude toward China's encroachment on your strategic port of Klaipeda.  I would like to remind you that China never makes a move unless it is in their own preplanned expansionist interest.  Please study their China Belt and Silk Road initiative in other nations around the globe.  They may seem to be helping improve the port of Klaipeda with investment and facility improvements. They do this because it is their intention to take over this country and thus they will eventually own everything they build or invest in.  Each Euro they spend here is an investment in themselves. Now they want to make your port a mail hub.  One more step on their expansion which is like their virus. It will spread and harm you. China does not have the interest of the Lithuanian people in mind CHINA ONLY CARES ABOUT CHINA and the expansion of it's Global empire.  Lithuania is but a stepping stone for them to get into the EU.  Do not let yourselves be used. They have already duped you into letting them introduce their most aggressive  Technology sponge set to steal everything you have ever invented. Huawei is the means of doing that. They have cleverly disguised it as a means to support and sponsor your National basketball team.  Look at it more culturally than financially.  Thy are in your universities in medicine and IT technology. Using Huawei they have garnered public support by acting as if they are promoting you r basketball team.  They will soon start to send their people here to infiltrate other industries and they will seek to bring their culture under the guise of promoting cultural diversity.  I cannot believe that a nation like Lithuania who stood hand in hand with the Baltics 25 years ago to reject the Soviet Communists is now  being invaded and embracing the Chinese Communist Party.  Folks, it is all Communism.  They do not have your best interest in their plans.  This is an invasion. Stop all Chinese ventures in Lithuania if you want to continue to be a free nation.  Going forward with China is worse than you would have been had you never rebuffed the Soviets.  Please protect yourselves, and this beautiful country. rich in culture and free living people..

Monday, January 4, 2021

Issues with the Georgia general election ballot manipulation and the Presidents phone call with the Georgia SOS

 Response to the Conservative Fighters article 1/4/21 Georgia Secretary of State caught doing the unthinkable [ i.e. releasing audio transcript of litigation arbitration with the President or the United States.

It is illegal to make public a call between two parties trying to resolve an active  litigated law suit. ON the other hand Trump should have just stuck to the point that there was Fraud and the SOS did not even participate in the  3 our long session his Ga. Congressional committee conducted last week. In that meeting there was a plethora of information proving election fraud and it also pointed how the SOS was fooled by false reporting from the Hudson server report he received after the votes were manipulated. There was strong evidence by  imaging expert Jovan Pulitzer who  showed clear examples of how GOP ballots were preprinted with an ID barcode that would make them unreadable or to be read inaccurately. This turned out to be some 97% of all the 15,000 ballots in question that were switched from Trump to Bide automatically by Dominion or the scanner or were spoiled and required to be "Adjudicated " by the election workers who were not being monitored by the GOP poll watchers.  These mostly DNC workers were paid by Zuckerberg who should go to jail for election interference.  The vote should not have been certified by Raffensperger.  He was the one who got false information, not the President.  Had he seen the testimony by Pulitzer [ which he refused to do] he would have not made such a statement to the President, nor would he have certified the count.  He is running scared now because he made a bad call and got caught in what appears to be a dereliction of duty.  He, like the MSM and the others who got the false data from the Sydil server in Germany which fed the Hudson server on which all media has come to accept as the gospel for years because prior to this election it may have been relatively accurate.  Now because this SOS and the media will have egg on their face since a detailed forensic proved they were fooled by the report of the numbers by the Hudson server.  The  analysis of the GOP paper ballots and how they were misprinted and deliberately so to alter the results in Biden's favor.  I feel the President should not have made this call, He should have gone to Ga and met with the SOS in a SCIF setting.  Plus ,he should have only focused on the disputed votes and not given a number of what he needs to win because the Forensic analysis shows that if the true votes cast were accurately counted , it was a LANDSLIDE for the President.  He may have muddied the waters of that argument by making it look as the hate filled press characterized it, that he wanted the SOS to "make a certain number of votes go for him".  That was not his intention.  It would have been better to just let Cruz and Powell handle this legal issue. Bad timing , falty delivery which is easy to misconstrue, which the MSM will do. .

Are Covids really rising, are more people infected. why worry with a proven 99% survival rate?

My response  1/3/21 to American Downfall's article  "350,000 Covid Deaths are Fake News Says Trump" 

 I have relatives in the health care profession who see elderly with serious pre conditions who then get China Virus while in the hospital and death is marked as Covid when the person was already dying of heart disease or cancer.  The WHO and Maniacs like Klaus Schwab [ NW O} want to keep the numbers high so they can continue to control the population and Play "Simon Says" with lockdowns no  jobs, family or church gatherings.  We are being played by an outrageous global big government and China is in the shadows ready to take over the world and then we will  be added to their 3 billion slave population and become even worse than slaves.  As Klaus Schwab has already publicly bragged in the near future, "You will have Nothing, and you will be happy" I say JUST SAY NO to any stupid rules that are not reasonable.  The covid test is 96% false positive. The number of deaths by the China virus [10%] is seriously inflated to keep people scared [ note cancer and heart disease deaths are in a steep decline as Covid deaths are rising ???] This is done so you are frightened and more easily controlled.  These NWO guys are doing the same thing to the world population that the Nazi's did to the Jews and others they exterminated [ not surprised that Klaus Schwab was in the Nazi Youth movement]

The global population is being frightened into doing everything Simon Says[ Klaus Schwab] tells them.  It is insane.  No church gatherings, no outings, no family dinners, no eating out, no exercise at the gym, no movies , entertainment or sports.  Why?  I tell you why.  When people gather in any group they discuss common interests and concerns.  when they are isolated all they know is what the MSM tells them.  They have no point of reference from people they know, love and trust. Note that when any group of people ignore the Simon Says orders, they realize that Simon is a liar and that he is just making fools of us. It is at that point they Rebel and Say NO to Simon.  It is already happening in many places in Europe and the US.  The State response is to tell you there is now a more serious strain of a virus to fear.

The powers crushing the world population must control everything you do say or hear in order to keep you frightened and in the dark.  By keeping you isolated, you only know what they tell you.  If you could speak with others you would hear different views and different experiences which may be counter to the Mockingbird State Narrative points that are given to the press and politicians each day to spread to those who still listen. This is the typical Chinese torture for their people: isolation and denial of freedom of movement or expression.  The Nazis and the Soviet Communists did the same.  It is an age old tradition of Despots that is the way they maintain power is by being your sole source of information and life sustaining needs [if they feel they need to keep you alive for the purpose of serving them.  It is the way farmers and ranchers handle herds of cattle or pigs and chickens [ though in agriculture, they are not usually deliberately cruel and inhumane to the animals].  However, look at the draconian rules and threats of incarceration, fines and more isolation these little tin horn  dictators are imposing on people just because they have a new found power to do so. As Klaus Schwab pointed out  "Covid -19 is the perfect vehicle that can be used to frighten and control people as we 'Reset' the world economy and culture" .  It is not seen, it is often not felt [ you  can test  positive, and you wonder why with no symptoms].  Control my friends.  Now in NYC if you are tested positive, they can lock you up, and remove you from family and friends and the community for some 40 days or more if you do not cooperate.  [ the Soviets called this the Gulag ]all in the name of protecting others in the community.  This is not the United States. In 1931 the  book  "Brave New World", Aldos Huxleylaid out our future.  In his reflection "Brave New World"  revisited he foretells of what we are experiencing today at the hands of ruthless despots who think they know what is best for all mankind: 

“There will be, in the next generation or so, a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them, but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda or brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods. And this seems to be the final revolution”

What Huxley is saying here refers to the goal of the NWO": Depopulation is their main theme.  This is what it is really all about folks.  They are unelected egg heads like Klaus Schwab, Gates, Zuckerberg, Dorcy and the self appointed framers of the "New World  Order". 
George Orwell detailed the brainwashing techniques in his book "1984"  Remember the guy from the "Ministry of Love" holding up 4 fingers and torturing his victim until he said he saw 5 fingers.  It works, and most cannot resist the mind altering daily torture now enhanced by drugs .

The enablers and contributors of these evil mad men are the weak politicians and media who are doing the brainwashing and propaganda, Huxley and Orwell write about.  Politicians, like Cuomo foster and create the laws to help them.  He is a mad man who needs to be locked up in an insane Asylum along with the rest of them.  The Chinese, who already rule a totally controlled society are the ones financing this madness with your money that they have been skimming off the US and other Western nations to the tune of some 10 trillion USD per year for the past 30 -40 years.  They used that money to build up a vast army and to steal others intellectual property to make it look like they are brilliant.  They used it to take over small nation after small nation. 


 Now their goal is the US and EU.  They have infiltrated most companies and politicians in the US and EU along with all  Un members.  They have just infiltrated little Lithuania who if they do not fight back now will be back in a worse position than they were before they gained independence from the Soviets 20 years ago.  Now they are poised to strike, and their first strike was the China Virus, Next they did numerous Cyber attacks against the US and our allies in the West and around the world.  Finally, they teamed up with the Democrats and other global haters of America to execute the worst damage to America fostering an election Coup against the one man in the world who has been willing to stand up against their mad totalitarian Global dominance plans to put half the world population in early graves.