Monday, October 14, 2013

MR President Tear Down This Wall

I hope I am OK re-posting this from the Barracuda Brigade site.  
I just thought it was such a perfect statement of our times and troubles.  Under this Oppressive Regime, elderly Vets who have had to fight for our dearly held liberties are forced to rise again.
It is pathetic that Obama has brought our precious nation to this.  These Vets fought one of the most important wars in history, and won.  They fought back the tyranny of the Nazi Totalitarian attempt to take over and subjugate free people.  They thought they had ended any attempts for one small self absorber person to try to subjugate millions of free thinking people.  They went home from the battlefields on every continent of the globe and were proud that the dictators, Hitler, Stalin, Hirohito, Musilini and the other blood thirsty destroyers of humanity had been stopped.

I am saddened at the thought that some 67 years later  these brave heroes must once again fight the current monster in our very own Capital.  Yet, once again I am proud that our fathers and grandfathers are willing to
come to rescue this Republic from the grip of expanding Fascism and Tyranny which has invaded this country.

I know it breaks their hearts that this is a battle which must be fought right here in the very nation that they hold so dear.

The Veteran sitting here in this wheelchair will never let Obama prevail over this nation and bring about what the dictators this Veteran fought to destroy could not impose on the world.  No and Hell No!

Millions echo the words of one of our greatest Presidents, Ronald Reagan.


   Note: the image of an elderly Veteran in a wheelchair being blocked entrance to the Capitol grounds by a high wire fence has been removed or blocked by this site                                          

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Is it Unpatriotic or Unlawful to Openly Disagree with the President of the United States?

Recently, someone asked this question on Facebook.  I posted this in response:

It was dangerous and unpatriotic to oppose King George in 1776, but several very brave men and women did so, and created the greatest Representative Republic on earth. It is healthy and progressive to oppose any person in any high office in this nation who wishes to steer us back 230 years to an oppressive moment in history where people feared speaking out against tyranny: Jefferson said it better in the Declaration of Independence: "...when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.–Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain [king Obama] is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world." The Declaration goes on to list the abuses of King George, and if you read them they nearly mirror the tyranny of this Administration under Obama.:.......................................................................................................................................................
He has refused his Assent to Laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good.
He has forbidden his Governors to pass Laws of immediate and pressing importance, unless suspended in their operation till his Assent should be obtained; and when so suspended, he has utterly neglected to attend to them.
He has refused to pass other Laws for the accommodation of large districts of people, unless those people would relinquish the right of Representation in the Legislature, a right inestimable to them and formidable to tyrants only.
He has called together legislative bodies at places unusual, uncomfortable, and distant from the depository of their public Records, for the sole purpose of fatiguing them into compliance with his measures.
He has dissolved Representative Houses repeatedly, for opposing with manly firmness his invasions on the rights of the people.
He has refused for a long time, after such dissolutions, to cause others to be elected; whereby the Legislative powers, incapable of Annihilation, have returned to the People at large for their exercise; the State remaining in the mean time exposed to all the dangers of invasion from without, and convulsions within.
He has endeavoured to prevent the population of these States; for that purpose obstructing the Laws for Naturalization of Foreigners; refusing to pass others to encourage their migrations hither, and raising the conditions of new Appropriations of Lands.
He has obstructed the Administration of Justice, by refusing his Assent to Laws for establishing Judiciary powers.
He has made Judges dependent on his Will alone, for the tenure of their offices, and the amount and payment of their salaries.
He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harrass our people, and eat out their substance.
He has kept among us, in times of peace, Standing Armies without the Consent of our legislatures.
He has affected to render the Military independent of and superior to the Civil power.
He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws; giving his Assent to their Acts of pretended Legislation:
For Quartering large bodies of armed troops among us:[armed FEMA and HSA]
For protecting them, by a mock Trial, from punishment for any Murders which they should commit on the Inhabitants of these States: [Drone killings]
For cutting off our Trade with all parts of the world:
For imposing Taxes on us without our Consent: [Obamacare]
For depriving us in many cases, of the benefits of Trial by Jury:[NDAA allows for "Indefinate Detention "]
For transporting us beyond Seas to be tried for pretended offences
For abolishing the free System of English Laws in a neighbouring Province, establishing therein an Arbitrary government, and enlarging its Boundaries so as to render it at once an example and fit instrument for introducing the same absolute rule into these Colonies:
For taking away our Charters, abolishing our most valuable Laws, and altering fundamentally the Forms of our Governments: " [Sound Familiar? 9-15-12"...we will fundamentally change America...",Barack Husein Obama ]
For suspending our own Legislatures, and declaring themselves invested with power to legislate for us in all cases whatsoever.
He has abdicated Government here, by declaring us out of his Protection and waging War against us.
He has plundered our seas, ravaged our Coasts, burnt our towns, and destroyed the lives of our people.
He is at this time transporting large Armies of foreign Mercenaries to compleat the works of death, desolation and tyranny, already begun with circumstances of Cruelty & perfidy scarcely paralleled in the most barbarous ages, and totally unworthy the Head of a civilized nation. [foreign troops on US soil]
He has constrained our fellow Citizens taken Captive on the high Seas to bear Arms against their Country, to become the executioners of their friends and Brethren, or to fall themselves by their Hands.
He has excited domestic insurrections amongst us, and has endeavoured to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers, the merciless Indian Savages, whose known rule of warfare, is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions."...Pay Special attention to the charge of "For taking away our Charters, abolishing our most valuable Laws, and altering fundamentally the Forms of our Governments:"

America, we are reliving the power of Tyranny that the Founding  Fathers fought against and won 230 years ago.  We are again under the pwoer of a man who has all but declaired himself King of America.  Obama daiy refuses to follow his oath of office. Congress passes laws, and if Obama does not like them, he ignores them.  His creation of the 34+ Czar Offices is a method of control over this government like none we have ever seen in our history.  Their purpose is to control and restrict the rights of all Americans.
Obama has put in place his own standing army on US soil.  He has taken away nearly all of the Bill of Rights.  NDAA , purely and Executive Order, is in direct opposition to the following Bill of Rights :Amendments:

1. Freedom of speech; right to practice religion; right to petition and assembly. [ Obama's NDAA removes this Amendment, as evidenced in the complete shutdown of Boston this year.  This was not an exercise to catch two teenage Terrorists: It was used to show us that Obama has the power to shut down any major city in the US any time he can come up with an excuse.If allowed to continue, soon he won't even need an excuse.]

2.  Right to bear arms and form militias [There have been volumes showing Obama's plan to disarm America, but with an estimated 270 million weapons in the hands of Americans, it still way beyond his power, yet he now is trying to use the UN to enforce this "Fundamental Change']

3. Quartering of soldiers is forbidden. [NDAA ignores this Law, and allows seizure of anything you own when Obama declares an 'emergency']

4.Unlawful search, siezure and arrest protections [NDAA ignores this law, and , in fact, this law was violated in the  Boston  invasion this year over 75,000 times. and note how many were arrested just manning the "Impeach Obama" overpass protest.]

5.Detained and deprived of life, liberty and property with due process of the Law [NDAA violates this Law, and we have seen many many arrests without warrant or cause over the past fie years.

6. Right to a fair trial.  [ NDAA strips all Americans of 'Due Process" under the 5th Amendment. i.e. Obama had dismantled this bedrock law that was the bases of Laws even as old as the  Magna Carta in 1215]

7.Right to Trial by Jury [ Doubt you'll get that when you can be "Detained Indefinitely" for no cause; no reason.]

8.Not allowed to impose Excessive bail or cruel and unusual punishment [ how about being abducted by Obama's FEMA police and detained without any bail or any legal representation, and for cruel punishment, you are detained 'Indefinitely"  how long is that? The cruelty of that is beyond excessive and unusual.  Even POW's have hopes that a war will end and they'll e freed.  This is not the case under NDAA]

9.Rights Retained by the People. Madison added this ,"Making it clear that a Bill of Rights might NOT by Implication be taken to increase the powers of the Federal Goverment in areas Not enumerated, and that it does not contain within itself any guarantee of a right or a proscription of an infringement."

10. States Rights, The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.[ There are many instances over the past five years where Obama has taking action against the States.  Justice, Eric Holder (who should be in prison) has sued half of the States in the Union over voter rights; Immigration Policy; drug enforcement; gun trafficking, and other state laws enacted which run contrary to King Obama's wishes]

Folks, we are in troubled times, and ttimes which will require some of us to leave the TV sets, PC's and Ebox long enough to gather together and protec those rights which gave us the freedom to create and enjy all these things in a Nation that is second to none on this planet.
I urge everyone to contact their local politicians, Congressman and any organization that plans to "Take Back America"

Here's what Obama hoped we would find out about in his version of the National Defense Authorization Act: or NDAA:

Take Back America
A good start would be to support the "Patriot Truckers Group".  They will ride into DC on the 11th of this month and send a message to the 500 rulers and the POTS in DC who have stolen our Nation and who are trying to Fundamentally Transform it into a powerless third world country governed by the statist power of the United Nations.
Go to this site and show your support for Our Nation, and it's traditions:

Ride for The Constitution / patriot-truckers-group-to-hold-convoy-to-facebook-hq-mulls-class-action-suit/
making clear that a Bill of Rights might not by implication be taken to increase the powers of the national government in areas not enumerated, and that it does not contain within itself any guarantee of a right or a proscription of an infringement - See more at:
making clear that a Bill of Rights might not by implication be taken to increase the powers of the national government in areas not enumerated, and that it does not contain within itself any guarantee of a right or a proscription of an infringement. - See more at:
making clear that a Bill of Rights might not by implication be taken to increase the powers of the national government in areas not enumerated, and that it does not contain within itself any guarantee of a right or a proscription of an infringement. - See more at:

Monday, September 30, 2013

Common Core Lies and False Teachings

I recently had a discussion with my 13 year old grandson, Christian, about his school subjects in the 8th grade at La Villa School for the Arts Jacksonville, Florida.

I asked if they were teaching him about Islamic influence on early American History.  He was amazed that I knew about this because he just started reading about it in his American History textbook.  I then sent him an article From Personal Libety Digest.  [click below to see link] about the federal mandate to all school that they must teach
Common Core
I followed this up with the following message :

Please read this article about "Common Core".  This is the Federally mandated educational program that intends
to control our children, and direct their thoughts toward a Pluralistic view of society where there are no right or
wrong standards. This is called Relativism or Secular Humanism.  The main intent is to remove God from all
the student learns.  Christianity is seen as a radical idea that promotes God over man.  Secular Humanism or
Statism promotes man over God. As Christians we live in this world, but are not to be a part of this world.
We must remain true to the Word of God and what He has taught us in the Bible.
One way of shaking, bending and distorting our faith is to pervert the truth.  This starts with something as
easy as changing in our minds our culturally ingrained beliefs.  In History this is done by demeaning the people
we look up to.  Thus, Jefferson is removed from being a great statesman and the author of one of the most
liberating and self empowering documents of Governance ever written next to the Bible the United States Constitution,
to merely an Aristocratic wealthy slave owner.
Thomas Jefferson also wrote the Declaration of Independence. This one document set the tone for freedom and
Liberty of man that no other document, other than the Bible, had yet to clearly define for mans self governance.  In he tells us that :

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

This is a profoundly Christian Declaration of man and a solid statement of his belief in God Almighty from whom he confirms that our
Unalienable Rights are given by God; not the government.  It goes on to say :

That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it

This simply means that the government works for the people; the people do not work for the government, and when that changes as it has
under this president, it is the duty of the people to abolish it and enforce our God given [unalienable]rights.

Since it's creation, this Constitution and Declaration have been under attack by those who would wrongly force their will on us without
the consent of the People.  In recent times the way the tyrants and others who wish to control America have made anti-Constitution statements like:

The original Constitution as well as the Civil War Amendments,” he replied. “But I think it is an imperfect document, and I think it is a document that reflects some deep flaws in American culture, the Colonial culture nascent at that time." Barack Obama 10/27/2008

“And in that sense,” Obama continued, “I think we can say that the Constitution reflected an enormous blind spot in this culture that carries on until this day, and that the Framers had that same blind spot. I don’t think the two views are contradictory, to say that it was a remarkable political document that paved the way for where we are now, and to say that it also reflected the fundamental flaw of this country that continues to this day.”

Many new [Core Curriculum] text books substitute "Unalienable Rights" with the term "Inalienable Rights" What's the difference?
Civil rights are rights granted by the State that are not unalienable. Civil inalienable rights include such things as the right to drive and the right to vote.

Unalienable rights are God Given.  The writers of the Constitution and Declaration were all firm believers in the Supreme Being "God". 
Inalienable rights are those granted to citizens by government.  Thus they can be taken away or legislated to mean something else.

"A person who believes that man’s rights come from human sources does not differentiate between unalienable and civil rights. To him or her, all rights are civil, meaning they are granted by the State.
Without this fundamental understanding, no rights are sacred and unalienable — all rights can be revoked upon a majority vote or dictate.
This is why we hear politicians claiming such things as “health care is a right.”

A person who believes that health care is a right believes that the State can give and take away rights based on a majority vote or the whims of its leaders."

Remember this:  Law is a reflection of the Ten Commandments written in the Bible Ex. 20 and Ex 34:28 and Deut. 10:4

Just think of the laws we must obey:
1. illegal to murder # 6 Thou shalt not murder
2. Illegal to steal #8 Thou shalt not steal
3.cant bear false witness in court # 9 Thou shalt not bear false witness
4.Not sleep with a person you're not married to # Thou shalt not commit adultery.

The first four commandments have to do with how God expects us to relate to Him. Thee only part of the law which covers these commandment is implicit in the fact that for all courts, witnesses, judges and politicians, they must take an Oath, and Swear to God they mean what they are swearing to.

So you can see the contradiction in our society today as compared to the intention of the "Founding Fathers".  Today we wish to prevent all mention "God:" in public forums; yet God is inherent in our very laws.  The Bible is the foundation of America, and changing a few words in a History book will not change that fact!
The new writers of history want to subvert the good men who formed this nation.  Rather than honoring them as visionary Christians who believed God could help us form a "More Perfect Nation"; today they are dreaded as wealthy aristocrats who owned slaves and stole the land from the the natives.  In fact, early america had no slaves, and people lived together with the Indians, and paid them for land.  Later, Portugese, and Moors introduced slaves to the islands in the Caribbean.  Slowly they migrated them from south America and the islands to the Americas.
I'll fill you in on the Moors and who they were later, and what they were doing during the time Columbas was
Commissioned by the Spanish to seek a new route to India.  OOPS he made a big mistake!

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Barracuda Brigade: Belgian's Vlaams Belang Party Expands It's ‘Women ...

Barracuda Brigade: Belgian's Vlaams Belang Party Expands It's ‘Women ...: Last year the conservative Vlaams Belang party launched a movement called ‘Women Against Islamization’ with a controversial poster fea...

Wednesday, July 31, 2013


More than I have ever known before in my life, friends are more precious than any riches we could ever gain.

True friends are few and rare.

My father, now deceased; God bless him, got me a job working as a night janitor at the city hall building in Camden, New Jersey. People called it the milk bottle building because the odd 1930's design made it look like a gigantic milk bottle sitting in the center of Camden, just blocks away from the Camden Rutgers University campus.

Each and every summer from 8Th grade until my High School graduation, my Dad-Pop, always made sure I had a job. Well there was one partial summer I was a camp counselor for Pine Hill Boy Scout camp, but that is a whole other story unto itself.

In the summer of 1963 I was thrown in with 4 other high school guys working as janitors along side the regular city janitors who worked the night shift year round. We had a specific assignment: remove the 30 years of old was build up from all areas of the building. Years later, when I was a project manager in a city 800 miles to the south I realized that this "wax removal" project was a classic "Pork Barrel" job someone thought up to create jobs and get a kick back for the company hired to do the project. I did not care because for me it meant a steady summer of work and pay.I was saving up for college so it was a blessing for me, although at the time I was an ungrateful complainer.

I did not like the idea of having to spend all my summer nights in a big public building while all my friends were doing other "normal" teenage things with their Summer nights.

Me and the other 4 boys decided to make the best of it and have some fun in doing so.
As it turned out, there was a piano in court room #4 on the second floor just above the Mezzanine. One of my cohorts was a sophomore Italian kid, Vic, who was very good on the piano. He could play almost anything we asked. I was a tenor sax player, and I could also handle the clarinet, recorder and flute. Randy was a tough kid from Camden Catholic who was a good guitar player, and like me he was going into his junior year of high school. Then there was Benny, the black kid from the projects who went to school on the "Hill" off the Cooper River. They called it that because it looked like an old castle which sat on a bluff overlooking the Cooper river. It could be seen from the Admiral Wilson expressway which snaked along side the river. It had worse names, and the tough Italian kids called "the Castle on Nigga Hill". because it looked like an old castle and because it was almost all black kids who went there.
It was the early 60's, and to hear it told today prejudice was to be found in every aspect of society.  Not true.  Yes, I saw discrimination, but not like I see today.  The make up of the people I worked with there was about 60% white and 40% black and Hispanic.  Yet there was never any harsh words or name calling.  People had more respect for each other in those days.  In this situation, we all were equal in our work and in our socialization.  If anyone was tough on people, it was the older people who had the right, and in those days, the DUTY , to "Straighten out kids".  They did not have to be your kids.  It was just a cultural thing, and as young people we knew and respected adults.  When we were told we were messing up by an older person, we listened.  I'm not saying we liked it, but we were trained at home to "Respect our elders."  I sure wish we had more of that in today's culture.
None of us ever felt prejudice toward Benny.  He was the drummer, and he had this large Conga drum. Benny held us four white guys on the mark with his excellent rhythm and precise beat.

The cleaning crew, which now included our small band of high school boys punched in on the clock at 3pm every day. Our lockers and entrance place was just across from the police station in the basement where we saw prisoners milling about and newly arrested drunk drivers,Prostitutes, wife beaters, petty theft guys and even some gang members coming in through the door right next to where we had to punch the clock. Being a white kid from the suburbs of Somerdale, this was all new and sometimes scarey to me.  However, it was a learning experience I could never get in any college or high school.

We were an unlikely band, but after a couple of weeks of working together, instead of eating lunch in the basement where our lockers were, we took to eating in courtroom #4. where it started out with Tony playing while we ate. I suggested we all bring our instruments, and sort of became the founder of the band. Two weeks into the summer we were in Court Room # 4 every day at 6 PM, lunch time. We would eat quickly and then jam for the next 45 minutes. The sound could be heard throughout the entire building. It was mostly made of marble and granite, so the acoustics for a band were great, and it actually made us sound better than we were.

We did some standards, tried some rock pop tunes, and even did a little classic type stuff. Beetohven's 5Th in rock was popular along with . "How Gentle is the rain", by a black group based on the classical piece by Mozart, and of course Elvis's Its Now or Never [O solo Mia]a tune stolen from the classic Italian opera.

So the summer evenings of hard labor became a little more mellow with music and good companions. The other "regular" janitors loved it because they all agreed that "live" music beat listening to the radio, no matter how awful it was.

One summer night after we played our hearts out on some "Old time Standards" as we called them, we started to talk about being friends and how great it was to have friends who had a common interest like music.

Just then Vinny, and old Italian guy, of the "Regular" janitor crew stood up and gave us a big lecture on friendship.

He went right over to Vic, and put his finger in the kids face," You have no friends," he roared like a stern father rebuking his kid.

Vic was surprised, and defensive. " Hey old man, you don't know what you are talking about." Vic replied and stood up a full foot taller than he old Italian janitor.

Vinny didn't flinch one iota, and he was going o show Vic he meant business. He wagged his finger again in Vic's face. " Listen kid! I told you that you have no friends! and I mean it!"

"What?" In those days we still had respect for elders, so Vic was not happy but he did speak in a defensive but polite way to the old guy.
"You listen to me kid,"  Vinny stood firm as an old oak tree stump,'  If you have only one real friend in life
you'd be one very lucky guy."

I don't know about the others in our "Band" but it took me about 50 years - half a century- to know that Vinny was dead on in his advice.

Save our Children's Minds

Young People Are Getting Ambushed By Professors

Here is a great article by John R. Smith that appeared today in Bizpac today.

Biz Pac Review: 07-29-2013 by John R. Smith

My comment to Mr. Smith s that we have had a long history of liberal control over the youth of
America.  It all started in the 1960's when the Feds started to meddle in local school districts.
It was all done in the name of Civil Rights. 
The Civil Rights movement became the incubator and catalyst for the "Nanny State" which we have today.
It is time to put an end to it.  I recall seeing MLK speak when I was a young freshman at Temple University.

At the time, I knew MLK was a conservative minister who was also a Republican.  However, he was surrounded by many radicals like Malcom X, and Jessie Jackson.  Once he was killed they took over
the movement, and it moved from being a "Passive Resistance" movement that MLK had modeled on
Ghandi's freedom movement in India to something altogether different. Radicals like the Black Muslim's infiltrated the Civil Rights Movement.  Communists like Frank Marshall Davis, Stanley Dunham then
began to influence the youth of the movement.  Obama was one of them.  He grew up being influenced
by Communist ideology, and it shows in his speeches and actions.  He, too, uses children all the time
to show that he is ingraining his doctorine in the hearts and minds of our youth. 
We must take back our schools, and revamp the DOE, and those who set Left Wing school curriculum. We must stop rewriting  textbooks in order to pervert the real history of America. We the People Want Our American Schools Back.

Obama the Great Divider

Obama believes he can get his agenda in place by agitating groups.  He was trained in the streets of Chicago as a Community Organizer [agitator]  He worked in ACORN, a group of agitators, and he was pals with Alinsky, a  student agitator, who should be in jail for bombing Federal buildings.  Obama's methods are to be found in Alinsky's book ' 13 Rules for Radicals".  Polarization is demonstrated in rule # 13 "Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.”                     
Using this rule Obama will always focus on Polarization of groups over Unification.  So his best skill is deception and agitation.  When he gets people at odds with each other it allows him to sneak off into the backroom and zing us with all those Imperial President Executive Orders.  Thus while  Blacks and whites, Christians and Muslims, Dems and Reps are fighting because he has agitated them into doing so, he is off  robbing the storehouse of our Constitutional Liberties, and the Treasury.  He is the great divider and destroyer of America.  So Do not play his game. 

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Obama’s Dialectic - Patriot UpdatePatriot Update

Obama’s Dialectic - Patriot UpdatePatriot Update

[click on title above  to view the article by Mr. Risselada]

Great Article by John Risselada:
In it he details Obama's role in the destruction of America, and why it is happening.
Some interesting observations include:
Moral Relativism
Happiness Hypothesis
The Hegelian Dialectic
Christianity vs Islam
The UN Small Arms Treaty
Agenda 21

I agree with much of Mr. Risselada's points.  However, I do not think it is time to
lay down and surrender.  We may be surrounded by the enemy from within, but
I'm more inclined toward the attitude of Lt.General Harry W.O. Kinnard who 
when surrounded by a superior Nazi Army during the famous Battle of the Bulge, gave this one word reply when asked to surrender: "Nuts !"
This is America. 
 I am an American.  
We do not surrender our God given rights to Tyranny.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

House Faces Tough Immigration Bill Decision Today

In response to the Immigration Bill, and what the house should do with it, I wrote these comments to House Speaker John Boehner.  No telling what he'll do.  Sometimes he listens to the voter, at other times he seems to be in Obama's camp.  Either way We the People are sadly at the mercy of those who are supposed to work for us. But that is food for another article.

Dear Mr. Boehner,

Kill the Immigration Bill !!!!!

All you have to do is to ignore it and it wont come to the floor.
I know all those bright college kids on your staff are telling you that GOP needs this to get votes.

Well, this old guy is telling you they are wrong.

 The illegals are here for the Obama handouts, and they do not think the GOP will give them any, so they are not going to vote for you..

 It is really a matter of economics
The world now knows that Americans are Saps who will care for any lame brain that falls across our boarders.

 Legality, criminal acts: none of this counts.   It is all about Money$$

We have it and the rest of the world wants it.

By taking on 40 million people with no skills; no training; and no ability to speak our language, we will be severely and economically harmed.

Close the boarders for security reasons, and do not let it up to Obama and Big Sis Napolitano.  They want illegals.  It helps them in their quest  for Globalization.

America is the Giant in the world who's People opposes a UN Dominated  World, and the only way to remove that giant is to kill the USA economically [as they take all our guns]

SO you see it is all about $$$ and your best bet it to slide this bill to the bottom of the pile where it belongs.


Will Rodgers

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Response to Michael Schaus's article on Racism and the Democrats

Yesterday 7/2/2013, Michael Schaus published a story on titled:

Two Centuries of Racism - Brought to You by the Democrat Party

The full story is available on this link:


Below is my comment on this article:

"We have allowed our history to be rewritten, perverted and packed with lies. The enemies of this republic have taken over our school system from K to Grad School. Therefore, it is easy to deceive people into believing the altered history of America. What the Tea Party and the Conservatives in the GOP need to do is to "go back to School". They need to take back the education system and once again make it "local". Once the Feds forced integration and busing on school districts run by the local municipalities they were more easily able to set the agenda. They not only "Integrated" they "Infiltrated" the American Education system. Private schools do not face a government dictating what they teach. Those schools like Heritage teach the truth about American History and the values of our Constitution. It is easy to manipulate people who are not educated, or those who learn only what you want them to know. Blacks should be outraged that they have been used and are still the slaves of the Democrats. Only a handful of blacks like C.L. Bryant who exposed America's modern form of black slavery in "Runaway Slave" really understand what this article is all about. It is about how millions of Blacks and white liberals have been duped and deceived and lied toby the Democrats for many years."

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Have faith in the American System


Over the past 4 years I have viewed many excerpts and often full testimony before our various Senate and House oversight Committees.  [ I give thanks to C-Span and C-Span 2 for the great plethora of information we have at our disposal every day] When we see all of the wrong doing in our Government, in particular, this Administration, we tend to just want to give up.
We know we are being lied to everyday on the laundry list of scandals the Obama Administration has created.
We must not lose site of the fact that this is the way Obama has been trained and practiced in, and is  his trademark way of governing.
It was best encapsulated by his former Chief of Staff  Rahm Emanuel: " You never let a serious crisis go to waste..." One could easily add from Obama," ... and if there isn't one we'll create it.."

The American people are getting so frustrated with the whole political system, many are just dropping out and giving up.  That is exactly what this Administration wants.  There is a well planned series of saily crisis orchestrated for the US general audience that is so overwhelming we have no way to cope with it.  The result is that many tune out and quit listening.  When that happens the left has won their case.  They want to make you duck every day as they send life changing issues at you.  The automatic weapon was not made to really hit anything with accuracy.  However when it begins to fire the automatic reaction is to take cover until it stops.  Obama has no intention of stopping.  He has built such a vast army of people who push his agenda to destroy America.  He is never out of ammo to shoot at unuspecting citizens.  The point of agitation is to do it constantly and to hit certain nerves.
What in the American basic belief system has NOT come under fire in the past four years? I can't think of one basic guiding American principal that this Administration has not chalenged and in most cases changed.
There is a method to the madness of Obama's "Change".  The method is to Grind America Down. The world order of puny nations could not defeat the US on the Battle Field; They cannot defeat our monetary power; they can't compete with a system of governance that says the people run the government.  These things have been beyond the world order to "Get America In Line with the rest of the countries who have already succumbed to the New World Order.  Therefore, they pulled a sneak attack that makes Pearl Harbor look like a chess game.
 They used the one thing that has been the Achilles heel of America since the 1960's.  They used the race card.  Obama was elected because our New World Enemy learned America has been made to feel ashamed of our history of Blacks in this society.  Thus, by preparing a fully indoctrinated Socialist who was also Black [ and as a special perk a Muslim] they knew there was no way he would not be elected. Once in power, like the Manchurian Candidate, he would follow the mandate of those who trained and groomed him for the position.  Most blacks would vote for him out of a sense of ultimate defiance toward white people whom they feel have wronged them. White Liberals would vote for him to exonerate their deep rooted feelings of bigotry that they have spent a lifetime intellectualizing and trying to suppress.
He would be the first Black President of the United, and if they fully succeed; the last President of the United States.
Getting back to Congress.  I started to feel as many of my fellow citizens. "They are doing nothing".  They are capitulating to Obama".  Then I spent a few hours looking at several Congressional Committee members exchanges with key Obama officials.
Obama's  guys have been well trained to "Grind Down" the Congress.  They know there are rules and protocol that Congress uses in its investigative process.  Therefore, they use those rules against the various Committes investigating them.  They annoy the Congress by giving an answer to a question that was not asked.  They defer their answers to a later time.  When forced to give details or reports they remove all the key passages and hide behind statutes that do not apply to the situation.  In some cases they give false and misleading answers.  In many cases they have been caught in outright lies which they later say was not their fault.
A big part of the problem is US .,  Yes our Governance.  We have let the agencies get so deeply layered in bureaucracy that it is almost impossible for anyone to clearly see the bottom layer of these various departments.   
We have let the Executive get too big.
 We have not exercised our right to examine what the President was up to in creating these vast unaccountable offices like the "Fourth Branch of Government" ruled only buy the Imperial President.  We have let Obama and other presidents name, fund and staff over 100 thousand Federal employees in an Unconstitutional organizations called the office of CZARS.
The Executive now is creating his own agencies within agencies.  The difference being that a sanctioned agency created and funded and approved by Congress has some oversight by congress.  The Czar offices are a direct extension and empowerment of the Executive that has no "Check and Balance" as was originally written into our Constitution.
I want to commend the many Congressmen and Congresswomen sho have dared to speak out in an attempt to expose the vast corruption and illegal activities of the many members of the Executive..

Tis message goes out to people like
Rand Paul
Ted Cruz
Steve Stockman
Trey Gowdy
Paul Ryan
Lindsey Graham
Raul Labrador
Mike Kelley
Aron Schock
Darrell Issa
Louie Gohmert
Zoe Lofgren
Bob Goodlatte

Just to list a few of the Congressmen and women who are trying to get to the truth on the IRS, Fast and Furious; Benghazi , NSA and other illegal actions of the Obama Administration.  We need to keep supporting these folks who are seeking the truth on our behalf.
I admit they do have a tough job because Obama is a recognized master of deceit and a well known community agitator [ and that community  is now defined as the USA and the rest of the world].

Here was my message to Honorably Trey Gowdy of South Carolina, but it also applies to the Congressmen listed above who have had to face the Tyranny of the Executive Office army of liars and betrayers:

Honorable Mr. Gowdy:

I just watched several tape segments of your hard line questioning of various Obama drones in the IRS, Justice and State Department.  It is refreshing to see a politician stick right with the facts and not double speak every point that comes up. 
All of the Obama people under your questioning squirmed; told half truths; evaded the direct questions, and in most cases, flat out lied to you and the rest of Congress.  I am honored that you stuck to the point, and kept hitting the same goal relentlessly. 
It is obvious that you  and the rest of Congress as well as the American people are having to listen to lies; and deceptions and cover ups that are unprecedented in US history.

I just wanted to write to encourage you to keep at it.  Obama has build up a fortress to hide behind.  He has used our tax dollars to insulate himself from all criticism.  He has perverted justice.  He has disrespected Congress the Constitution and the American people.  He is perverting the aims and agenda of many Federal agencies to destroy America.  In doing so, he is bringing down our government.

We need people like you to continue with your battering rams to pound on the door to Obama's fort.  We the People know you will some day break in and shed the light of day on an evil and corrupt chapter of American history.  We have Faith you will be the beacon of light for all to see the dark Un-American deeds of this corrupt Administration.
I just wanted you to know we have your back on this.
Blessings and Strength.

Friday, June 28, 2013

The Fourth of July: Celebration and Sadness

As  we approach the celebration of our 237th birthday as a Nation I plan to celebrate this great Nation as we do every year.  However, this year I feel something different than I have in the past.

From the time I was 7 and my parents, grandparents family and friends went to see the Forth of July Parade in the little town of Somerdale New Jersey, I have celebrated this day with great pride.  we had much to celebrate:

I have been honored to be a part of of a Nation that always had Pride and Dignity.
We celebrated our common heritage of religious freedom even though it was dominated by Christian beliefs.  We knew that our Constitution was the fulfillment of the earlier Mayflower Compact.  We knew, without question that we were safe and secure, and had little fear of war or death or intimidation by others around us.  We trusted our Government to secure these rights and freedoms.  We were proud of our military and all they had done to secure our religious and political freedoms.  At this time in our Nation's History we had just defeated overwhelming Tyrannical powers in Europe, and the far East.  We were feeling good and proud.  We had defeated tyrants and ISM's that shook the foundations of the entire world.  Yet we did not "Conquer" like Caesar or Alexander the Great.  We won victory over tyrants who suppressed all we believed in, and hated all that America stood for, and we had compassion for these defeated nations. 

At the end of the World War, America stood out as the strongest nation on the planet.  Yet we did not "invade" and occupy the nations we defeated.  We did something quite alarming .  We helped them rebuild their war ravaged nations.  Because of our core Christian beliefs, we helped our enemy regain his strength.
This is what we believed our maker would have s do, and we did it.
Therefore, during the celebration of our Nations Birthday we did not parade POW's in front of jeering mobs; we paraded our heroes who won a battles against Tyrants who would have humiliate us as their POW's had they won.  It was acts such as this that gave America the status as a loving and Caring nation.  We were strong, and the whole world knew it, yet we were compassionate unlike any other conquering nation in the history of the world.

So the Fourth of July for me and my family was a celebration of greatness and honor, not a tribute to force and conquest.  Yes we showed our strength, but with honor and dignity.  People were not ashamed of their nation.  We celebrated with a show of the power which gave us the ability , at the same time to be compassionate.  We marched our troops and our Veterans through the streets.  We enjoyed with great pride The Blue Angels, The Thunderbird s and a vast array of military superiority fly overhead loudly announcing the mighty power of a great and Compassionate Nation.  Some saw our nations Naval Power displayed and our troops exercising the latest tactics of our current military operations.  These were proud moments for all Americans.  Our Congressmen  and and women and our Presidents always took part and made speeches of encouragement and pride about our American Heritage.

My sadness comes when I realized that most of this ceased a few years ago.  The Fourth of July Celebrations now are mearly "Light  Shows"  The parades are dwindling, and are sometimes used a s a means of promoting other agenda's.  Agenda's that had they taken place when I was 7 would have created a riot; not a Patriotic Celebration of a Strong and proud nation.
Today you will not see a show of our Military pride.  Most notably, this year the Thuderbirds and the Blue Angels have been grounded and are not allowed to participate in any events which display our national pride.  This is sad, becasue it is a lie that these teams cost the taxpayer too much.

     National  Pride should have no price tag.

 An additional loss for the USA is the  neutering of our NASA program.  NASA and all that it accomplished and stood for over the years was a great source of national pride for Americans, yet it has been unfunded and neglected.  America once proudly launched manned rockets into Space from Cape Kennedy Florida.  Now our astronauts must go to Russia to hitch a ride to the very Space station America paid to build with some international help.  Further, the reduction of resources at NASA will weaken our nation's power by reducing and diluting our technology by sharing it with other nations who are not as benevolent as America.  It is a national disgrace.

There is a reason for all of these changes, and it is not a good one.  We are in an era of the deliberate destruction of our National pride, and greatness.

I continue to celebrate the greatness of America, but this year I am saddened by the direction in which we are being led.


 Letter to the Senate:

 I urge you and your fellow Senators to address the continuing rise of the 
 Imperial Presidency.
 It is no secret that under the last several Presidents that office has swollen to be larger than our Founding Fathers originally intended.  As 20th century Presidents added more  and more cabinet members and as Government agencies have grown, so has the power of the President. 
Today it is out of control.  Power percentages of the Three Branches of Government look like this:

Congress 10%
Judicial 20%

Imperial President 100%

Yes!  It doesn't add up for the American people either!

Thus, the original intent of a government based on a system of Checks and Balances has been corrupted and morphed into a government of one person: The Imperial President.
Today the US government looks more like the Monarchy of George the III'd  which we freed ourselves from in 1776.

I propose an amendment to the Constitution which takes control of or reduces and in some cases eliminates Government agencies essential to the welfare and economic lifeblood of our Nation.
It would be reasonable and simple to have the various house and Senate joint committees administer the following agencies:

Health and Human Services
Domestic Security
Labor Relations
Veterans Affairs
[perhaps there are others you may care to add?]

Some might ask if the legislative body that crafts the Law can effectively administer the agencies governed by those laws?  Congressional Committees would be more through in managing the details of these agencies they fund..

As to reducing the size of Government, I believe Congress should not allow the President to create positions that are out of reach of Congress.  This is against the Constitution.  Therefore, all of the "Czar" positions should be terminated, and their staffs should be let go if they cannot be absorbed into the rest of the Federal work force. Most of these "Fabricated Czars" are simply ways for the Imperial President to get around Congressional Oversight.  In addition, they are mainly duplicates of other existing agencies but  without Congressional Oversight.

Get rid of them, and limit the excessive power of the Imperial President.  If you could do this, our problems would not be as great, and our cost of government would not be so burdensome.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Response to Hub Pages Discussion "Why do so many Christians believe the bible to justifies homophobia?"

It looks like the respondents to this issue have failed to see the real agenda of the LGBT community.

I urge you to read Janet Folger's book " The Criminalization of Christianity".. In it she details the long range plans the LGBT folks have for our society.  LGBT really focuses on the basic tenet of God's Creation:  Marriage. 
This is not an argument of what Paul or any of the gospels say about Homosexuality.  Look at the first book of God's Word and see that He created Man in His Image and Likeness, and He then Created an equal and sexually compatible Mate for Man: Woman.  He  united them within the natural order of the universe He created.
The LGBT community hates this argument because it does not really directly argue against the things they want to achieve:  Homosexuality; pedophilia; Incest; bestiality; any sexual interaction that goes against the time honored one man one woman institution of marriage Ordained by God. They want you to believe that their forms of sexual behavior are the same as any monogamous marriage, with just a slight twist.
If the Supreme Court upholds Proposition 8 and the other part denouncing DOMA. What else will our society accept.  It is one step closer to allowing the sexual activity listed above.  Will your personal liberal views accept a man who marries his daughter or his son?  There is no end to the practices which marked the ancient pagan world.  Will we willingly go back to Molech, Ashur and Baal and the worship rituals which required the  sacrifice of burning new born babies to these pagan gods.  [or are we  there now with people like Dr.Gosnell baby killings fresh from the womb?]

Saturday, June 15, 2013

NSA Revelations: No Privacy

I managed a large Y2K project [recall that debacle]  for a major Telecom and Power company years ago.  I recall we used HP LAN Analyzers to test data transfer over a wide area LAN. These were not mearly technical signal analyzers, but actual data traps with encoding capability for pakatized signal data. Smrt Sniffer, Packet Capture, VM and editcap were a few of the tools in our quiver.  Though we did not decode email or other personal data we did have the ability to access the mail but internal vigilance and integrity precluded such snooping. At that time I could see the danger to each users privacy as this technology would naturally evolve. Knowing how the entire Internet is connected in a wide area LAN via NAP's I could see how easy it would be for NSA to trap data at each of the 11 current points: the legacy NAPs first built by the Military now called MAE's, and the newest NAP of America in Miami [a Tier 1] run by TerreNAP.
If NSA has Cisco Routers and other more advanced Equipment and pakatized data analyzers in these facilities, they do have access to the entire world's data. Within the Tier 1 TerreNAP in Miami all fiber optic data from South and Central America, Europe, and the Carribean can be captured and decoded. Add to that the data from the MAE's San Jose, Los Angeles, Dallas and Chicago and there are  few other places that are inaccessible by Big Brother. China and Russia and the far East have been running on Legacy ATT Fiber cable since the 80's. 
Therefore, there is an endless supply of raw "Light Data' being shot all around the globe.  It really all comes down to the end user exercising control and restraint, and having Integrity. Who is using this data, and how are they using it?  Is it to protect America or to destroy folks with basic Core [Constitutional or Religious] beliefs opposite yours?
 Data can be used for proper protection or as a tool to intimidate. Today it seems like it is a bit of both. But in the hands of someone like the current Administration and it's 34 Czars there is no telling what this previously "Private information" is being used to achieve. This article

Secret to Prism success: Even bigger data seizure by Steve Braun Yahoo News 6/14/2013

leads off with a photo of Bush so as to lead the reader to the concept that Bush did all of this, and Obama is just using the tools Bush and Cheney installed. That is what Obama wants you to think. Again, do you recall Bush using this power so blatantly against the American population?
The past few years have left me scratching my head as to why certain politicians who we believed to be in one camp or another seem to change sides overnight. How could this happen? Then comes the opening of Pandora's Box : "PRISM". and it all comes into focus.
Say I am an elected official who on the surface is a spokesman for the Left.  I champion a particular Bill like Immigration.  I have the support of my constituents.  I get a call that I am to meet with representatives of the current Administration.  At this meeting I am shown facts; figures; email; Personal Documents, bank accounts, and private conversations of everything I have said or done since High School.  I am made to feel very uncomfortable with some of this data because if it were made public, out of context, it would not be very flattering, and it may lead my constituents to lose the trust they had placed in me.
I am told that this information will remain in the hidden data vaults if I could just take a slightly different approach to the Bill I am sponsoring. It could still get passed but with some slight amendments or riders that the opposition wanted. 
It is a grave challenge.  I weight the options.  I conclude it is a Godfather Offer knowing that  "Drone" diplomacy is very much alive and well. Further, the holder of the data may also show me details of what happened to others who did not capitulate.  I have a wife and children, and I am looking forward to a long life in career politics.
 I agree this is all hypothetical and sounds like "Conspiracy Theory thinking" . I fully accept the arguments of detractors of this posting, but given the latest NSA revelations and recent events in D.C. it is very much within the realm of possibility.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Christian Courage

Christian Courage:

When we think of courage as a Christian we often picture Steven, the first martyr facing an angry crowd of Jews who stoned him for professing his belief in Jesus.  Or we think of the early Apostles being flogged by the Pharisees and told not to Preach "Jesus" in the Temple.  Mostly we think of all those stories we have heard of Christians being eaten by lions or of Nero burning Christians as torches to light his gardens in the evening.

However, these days I read a monthly publication called Voice of the Martyrs , a  publication founded in 1967 by Pastor Richard Wurmbrand, who was imprisoned 14 years in Communist Romania for his faith in Christ. VOM has an interesting and thought provoking mission statement:
 “Serving the persecuted church through practical and spiritual assistance while leading Christians in the free world into fellowship with them.”

The last part is the most troubling as a Christian.  Are we Courageous enough to be led to fellowship with our persecuted brothers?

I read a book last year which had strongly influenced me to get more involved with the issue of religious persecution.  I urge every Christian to read a book called " The Criminalization of Christianity" by Janet Folger head of Faith2Action.  In this book Ms Folger tells what is going to happen, and what is already happening to destroy America as a Christian Nation.  Most of it is our own fault for turning away from God.  The outside forces encircling Christian Believers every day and in every facet of our culture is perpetrated by the Evil One.  It is not an accident or just a change in our culture that is threatening the very core beliefs of our society.  It is a deliberate, well planned army of evil doers using focused events to shake our core beliefs.  Often the attacks come from things we take for granted as a natural evolution in our pluralistic belief system.  Secular Humanism has been the prevailing "philosophy in our culture for many years. FBC Pastor Larry gave a great example of how it works in a sermon in May of this year:  First the idea which flies in the face of our Christian beliefs is floated in such a was that we hardly notice it.  If we speak out against it, we are seen as intolerant, bigoted,  and radical.  Next we come to the point of acceptance. We say things like "See that's not so bad. I know others doing this, and they are still 'good people'.  Lastly, it becomes so common that we consider doing it ourselves saying, "this is not bad , let's try it,everyone else is doing it too."
Let me give you just two real life examples that we are facing everyday:
The Boy Scouts [BSA] and Marriage:
The Boy Scouts are being told they must accept Homosexuals into their troops.  Most people I ask will say "so what there are gays everywhere, and it is the Christian thing to do to accept these boys and thus be allowed to minister to them."  Sounds logical, but does it work in practice?  Again I refer to Janet Folger.  in her book she outlines how the gay agenda is more far reaching, and that it specifically targeted two CORE Christian beliefs that they find offensive.  Homosexuality and Marriage.
The BSA was an easy target because on the surface it seems like a "Civil Rights" issue.  To most it is simply an act of pure discrimination to say homosexual boys cannot participate in the BSA simply because they have a different life style.  Sounds simple, yet it does not take into account the lifestyle changes you are imposing on the 102 year old BSA organization.  So what about their rights and beliefs?  Must they change so that gays who are about 4% of the population can join into Scouting.  Also, would those same gays be willing to stand up and practice the Boy Scout Oath:

On my honor, I will do my best
To do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law;
To help other people at all times;
To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight.

The BSA was specifically targeted for that last point.

Would a gay young scout follow the Scout Law:?

A Scout is:
  • Trustworthy,
  • Loyal,
  • Helpful,
  • Friendly,
  • Courteous,
  • Kind,
  • Obedient,
  • Cheerful,
  • Thrifty,
  • Brave,
  • Clean,
  • and Reverent.
Is it in the lifestyle of homosexuals to be morally clean and reverent to God while practicing what the Bible tells us in an abomination? [see Gen 19: 1-11 and
Leviticus 18:22; I Cor many verses; Galatians; Ephesians] There are many letters concerning sexual sin.

God loves the sinner, and hates the sin.  Can we deal with  this on a practical level.  As you read Janet Folger you will see that she points out that like Larry's sermon on the creeping nature of sin there is more to it than just being a tolerant Christian who loves the person yet hates the sin that others are doing.
The long term agenda in the creeping pace toward compliance is , acceptance and Practice
 Thus:  First force the BSA to accept gay boys; next follow with installing gay leaders; once in a position of leadership acceptance and practice is inevitable.  Also, those leaders will set out to amend the Oath and Laws.  We have seen this same pattern with our government over the past 4.5 years.  Our President announced he will "Fundamentally Change America.  He's is doing it because we are letting him.

In the Spring of this year we saw the Gay community bring two major cases to the Supreme Court. 
Proposition 8 [California's Defense of Marriage Act]  Much to my surprise the voters in California affirmed this proposition. Some 14 million n Calif. said the DOMA law of 1996 affirmed that marriage is defined as the Union of one man and one woman.  They may have never read Genesis, but God made that a law on day one of the creation of Eve for Adam.

Now the Gays [ or LGBT] want to push their agenda on the entire country.  Again they are using the Civil Rights argument and calling anyone who opposes their agenda Racists and Bigots .  This movement does not just want to marry each other.  They can already do that in many states. They are using this a s a way of, again, creeping up on the uninformed and making them believe there is something wrong with us if we oppose these sinful life styles.  Again, I refer back to Janet Folger.  She points out that the defeat of Prop 8 and DOMA is just the first step.  Gays do not want equal Pluralistic acceptance.  They want you in agreement and participation of this evil practices.  What better way to do this than with the BSA, and in our schools.  My grandson, Christian, had to read a book called "Timmy has Two dads" for his Literature class.  So put these ideas into the minds of children in school, and in the Boy Scouts, and as Vladimir Ilyich Lenin said,"Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted."
Further down the line, the LGBT agenda adds more to the mix.  Once open gay marriage becomes a law their logical extension migrates toward toward the following:  Multiple partner " Marriage "; Incestuous "Marriage"; Pedofilia "marriage".  It is a slippery slope toward the complete erosion of the fundamentals of society that all people have held since Adam and Eve.  This is not Bible Thumping.  It is basic common communal beliefs that mankind has naturally held since their creation.
So will we stand with the martyrs and face these troubling changes in our society with Christian Courage, or we will we become like the ancient Jews who in a cyclical pattern sometimes worshiped the True Living Jehovah, and  in their low periods turned from God and worshiped the same Secular Humanistic Gods that are offered to us today?

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

The Immigration Debacle

UPDATE IN IMMIGRATION:  Two recent actions by Obama have made the Immigration issue even worse than beforeL  First, he has instructed the Border patrol they don't have to enforce a secured border.  As a result thousands are pouring into our country from the south..  Many are middle easterners who are headed directly to the terrorist training camps which the muslims have set up in several states. 
 Next, he is having people post flyers all over Mexico , Central and South America that people coming with children will be welcomed. [again he's playing on the sympathy Americans have for widows and orphans as taught to us by our Christian belief system]. This message is to inform all that if they come to America they will receive homes, medical aid, food and Social Security benefits, and that they need not fear the Border Patrol because he is going to sign and Executive Order giving them all amnesty.


Forget about breaking the law and overwhelming the welfare system, one of the major issues many ignore about this invasion of our Sovereign Nation is he influx of diseases previously eliminated by our superior health care network [i'm talking pre ACA. I mean the  AMA and CDC American medical progress and success].   Earlier this year I posted on my Hub Pages blog the dangers of not following the current Immigration laws for vetting Illegals prior to approving their entry into America. Here is an excerpt:

CDC Declared Measles Eliminated in 2000

"Many Illegal criminals are invading our country.
Under the current USCIS Immigration laws, people who wish to enter the US must provide proof that the are free from Infectious diseases. They must have a certificate from a Government approved physician . They must be tested and immunized. This is how the US has kept Americans safe from diseases for many years whule effectively eliminating diseases which are rampant in other countries.
Politicians who care little for their own constituents are willing to waive all of these safety requirements, and allow tens of Millions of people to cross our boarders and remain here without proper I-693 medical certifications.
Now whether you are a liberal or conservative, the virus does not differentiate. As a mater of public safety, and public health, all Americans should require proper medical standards for any people who want to live among us.
Many,. many nations do not require or provide inoculation for their citizens. It is strange to me that people trying to enter the US from European nations are given the hardest time and strictest measure of the Immigration laws by USCIS. Yet we have a President who tells our Boarder Security to let criminals and other Illegals to enter the US.
CDC has a list of Nations where high incidents of diseases like Smallpox, Anthrax, Measles, and HIV are rampant and unchecked. Yet we are letting many millions of people from these countries slip across our borders and infect innocent Americans.
Here is a link to the CDC site which talks about recent epidemics of diseases that were once declared Eliminated in the US. They are directly related to our lax and unlawful invasion by criminal trespassers through our borders."

Part of the Immigration deal is that so many have arrive here illegally, and no one has the balls to send them back. Last November Obama told ICE and the Border patrol to stop enforcing the laws. Texas Law enforcement banded together, and told him they would not be a part of breaking the law, and that the laws are made by Congress not the dictates of a self created Imperial Dictator who has usurped the White House. Many would also be shocked to know that Obama has moved FORWARD on a document called the US/Mexico Social Security Agreement. We can't blame it all on Obama, it is a part of Clinton's NAFTA agreement which made the entire Western Hemisphere considered as one borderless country. Still this SSI deal would grant SSI benefits to those non-citizens who can proved they worked here [even using forged papers] to apply and get Social Security. This would surely bankrupt the system making Obama very happy.That issue aside, NAFTA was intended to stimulate growth in the Mexican , SA and Canadian economies,thus having the desired result of reducing illegals into America. Another Democratic failed plan!.. More immigrants came here because we relaxed our border guard, and the peons saw this as an opportunity to flood the US. Now we are paying a high price for this stupidity. To add another note ,this plan was picked up and dusted off by Obama who "Never lets a Crisis go to waste". Following the Cloward-Piven Strategy and with some advise from his pal Saul Alinsky former leader of the Weather Underground,author of "Rules For Radicals", Obama saw an opportunity in the Immigration situation for a massive Crisis. So he told the departments under his control to stop deportations, relax the border, and push to make them all citizens. Another mass Dem. screw up that will drive America deeper into debt. Obama knows there are really more like 20 million illegals here, and by putting them on the Dole, SNAP, housing, medical, and Social security he escalates the Clowerrd-Privins Strategy he has been employing since his first stab at being a Community [i.e.Communist]org , no Agitator. Kevin, I could write a book on the ways Obama is out to destroy America. The one thing he does well is to fool the masses of under informed people into believing that he is really just a nice guy trying to help Immigrants, and victims of Crisis that are mostly orchestrated by him behind the Curtain and well cloaked from the foolish masses..Please do not be uninformed. Read what Obama reads, and then you'll understand his motives: Alinsky "Rules for Radicals" Cloward-Pivens" The strategy for forcing Political Change through orchestrated Crisis; and his latest love "The Post-American World" by the Indian Muslim,Fareed Zakaria.