Young People Are Getting Ambushed By Professors
Here is a great article by John R. Smith that appeared today in Bizpac today.
Biz Pac Review: 07-29-2013 by John R. Smith
My comment to Mr. Smith s that we have had a long history of liberal control over the youth of
America. It all started in the 1960's when the Feds started to meddle in local school districts.
It was all done in the name of Civil Rights.
The Civil Rights movement became the incubator and catalyst for the "Nanny State" which we have today.
It is time to put an end to it. I recall seeing MLK speak when I was a young freshman at Temple University.
At the time, I knew MLK was a conservative minister who was also a Republican. However, he was surrounded by many radicals like Malcom X, and Jessie Jackson. Once he was killed they took over
the movement, and it moved from being a "Passive Resistance" movement that MLK had modeled on
Ghandi's freedom movement in India to something altogether different. Radicals like the Black Muslim's infiltrated the Civil Rights Movement. Communists like Frank Marshall Davis, Stanley Dunham then
began to influence the youth of the movement. Obama was one of them. He grew up being influenced
by Communist ideology, and it shows in his speeches and actions. He, too, uses children all the time
to show that he is ingraining his doctorine in the hearts and minds of our youth.
We must take back our schools, and revamp the DOE, and those who set Left Wing school curriculum. We must stop rewriting textbooks in order to pervert the real history of America. We the People Want Our American Schools Back.