Sunday, June 30, 2013

Have faith in the American System


Over the past 4 years I have viewed many excerpts and often full testimony before our various Senate and House oversight Committees.  [ I give thanks to C-Span and C-Span 2 for the great plethora of information we have at our disposal every day] When we see all of the wrong doing in our Government, in particular, this Administration, we tend to just want to give up.
We know we are being lied to everyday on the laundry list of scandals the Obama Administration has created.
We must not lose site of the fact that this is the way Obama has been trained and practiced in, and is  his trademark way of governing.
It was best encapsulated by his former Chief of Staff  Rahm Emanuel: " You never let a serious crisis go to waste..." One could easily add from Obama," ... and if there isn't one we'll create it.."

The American people are getting so frustrated with the whole political system, many are just dropping out and giving up.  That is exactly what this Administration wants.  There is a well planned series of saily crisis orchestrated for the US general audience that is so overwhelming we have no way to cope with it.  The result is that many tune out and quit listening.  When that happens the left has won their case.  They want to make you duck every day as they send life changing issues at you.  The automatic weapon was not made to really hit anything with accuracy.  However when it begins to fire the automatic reaction is to take cover until it stops.  Obama has no intention of stopping.  He has built such a vast army of people who push his agenda to destroy America.  He is never out of ammo to shoot at unuspecting citizens.  The point of agitation is to do it constantly and to hit certain nerves.
What in the American basic belief system has NOT come under fire in the past four years? I can't think of one basic guiding American principal that this Administration has not chalenged and in most cases changed.
There is a method to the madness of Obama's "Change".  The method is to Grind America Down. The world order of puny nations could not defeat the US on the Battle Field; They cannot defeat our monetary power; they can't compete with a system of governance that says the people run the government.  These things have been beyond the world order to "Get America In Line with the rest of the countries who have already succumbed to the New World Order.  Therefore, they pulled a sneak attack that makes Pearl Harbor look like a chess game.
 They used the one thing that has been the Achilles heel of America since the 1960's.  They used the race card.  Obama was elected because our New World Enemy learned America has been made to feel ashamed of our history of Blacks in this society.  Thus, by preparing a fully indoctrinated Socialist who was also Black [ and as a special perk a Muslim] they knew there was no way he would not be elected. Once in power, like the Manchurian Candidate, he would follow the mandate of those who trained and groomed him for the position.  Most blacks would vote for him out of a sense of ultimate defiance toward white people whom they feel have wronged them. White Liberals would vote for him to exonerate their deep rooted feelings of bigotry that they have spent a lifetime intellectualizing and trying to suppress.
He would be the first Black President of the United, and if they fully succeed; the last President of the United States.
Getting back to Congress.  I started to feel as many of my fellow citizens. "They are doing nothing".  They are capitulating to Obama".  Then I spent a few hours looking at several Congressional Committee members exchanges with key Obama officials.
Obama's  guys have been well trained to "Grind Down" the Congress.  They know there are rules and protocol that Congress uses in its investigative process.  Therefore, they use those rules against the various Committes investigating them.  They annoy the Congress by giving an answer to a question that was not asked.  They defer their answers to a later time.  When forced to give details or reports they remove all the key passages and hide behind statutes that do not apply to the situation.  In some cases they give false and misleading answers.  In many cases they have been caught in outright lies which they later say was not their fault.
A big part of the problem is US .,  Yes our Governance.  We have let the agencies get so deeply layered in bureaucracy that it is almost impossible for anyone to clearly see the bottom layer of these various departments.   
We have let the Executive get too big.
 We have not exercised our right to examine what the President was up to in creating these vast unaccountable offices like the "Fourth Branch of Government" ruled only buy the Imperial President.  We have let Obama and other presidents name, fund and staff over 100 thousand Federal employees in an Unconstitutional organizations called the office of CZARS.
The Executive now is creating his own agencies within agencies.  The difference being that a sanctioned agency created and funded and approved by Congress has some oversight by congress.  The Czar offices are a direct extension and empowerment of the Executive that has no "Check and Balance" as was originally written into our Constitution.
I want to commend the many Congressmen and Congresswomen sho have dared to speak out in an attempt to expose the vast corruption and illegal activities of the many members of the Executive..

Tis message goes out to people like
Rand Paul
Ted Cruz
Steve Stockman
Trey Gowdy
Paul Ryan
Lindsey Graham
Raul Labrador
Mike Kelley
Aron Schock
Darrell Issa
Louie Gohmert
Zoe Lofgren
Bob Goodlatte

Just to list a few of the Congressmen and women who are trying to get to the truth on the IRS, Fast and Furious; Benghazi , NSA and other illegal actions of the Obama Administration.  We need to keep supporting these folks who are seeking the truth on our behalf.
I admit they do have a tough job because Obama is a recognized master of deceit and a well known community agitator [ and that community  is now defined as the USA and the rest of the world].

Here was my message to Honorably Trey Gowdy of South Carolina, but it also applies to the Congressmen listed above who have had to face the Tyranny of the Executive Office army of liars and betrayers:

Honorable Mr. Gowdy:

I just watched several tape segments of your hard line questioning of various Obama drones in the IRS, Justice and State Department.  It is refreshing to see a politician stick right with the facts and not double speak every point that comes up. 
All of the Obama people under your questioning squirmed; told half truths; evaded the direct questions, and in most cases, flat out lied to you and the rest of Congress.  I am honored that you stuck to the point, and kept hitting the same goal relentlessly. 
It is obvious that you  and the rest of Congress as well as the American people are having to listen to lies; and deceptions and cover ups that are unprecedented in US history.

I just wanted to write to encourage you to keep at it.  Obama has build up a fortress to hide behind.  He has used our tax dollars to insulate himself from all criticism.  He has perverted justice.  He has disrespected Congress the Constitution and the American people.  He is perverting the aims and agenda of many Federal agencies to destroy America.  In doing so, he is bringing down our government.

We need people like you to continue with your battering rams to pound on the door to Obama's fort.  We the People know you will some day break in and shed the light of day on an evil and corrupt chapter of American history.  We have Faith you will be the beacon of light for all to see the dark Un-American deeds of this corrupt Administration.
I just wanted you to know we have your back on this.
Blessings and Strength.

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