Next, he is having people post flyers all over Mexico , Central and South America that people coming with children will be welcomed. [again he's playing on the sympathy Americans have for widows and orphans as taught to us by our Christian belief system]. This message is to inform all that if they come to America they will receive homes, medical aid, food and Social Security benefits, and that they need not fear the Border Patrol because he is going to sign and Executive Order giving them all amnesty.
Forget about breaking the law and overwhelming the welfare system, one of the major issues many ignore about this invasion of our Sovereign Nation is he influx of diseases previously eliminated by our superior health care network [i'm talking pre ACA. I mean the AMA and CDC American medical progress and success]. Earlier this year I posted on my Hub Pages blog the dangers of not following the current Immigration laws for vetting Illegals prior to approving their entry into America. Here is an excerpt:
CDC Declared Measles Eliminated in 2000
"Many Illegal criminals are invading our country.Under the current USCIS Immigration laws, people who wish to enter the US must provide proof that the are free from Infectious diseases. They must have a certificate from a Government approved physician . They must be tested and immunized. This is how the US has kept Americans safe from diseases for many years whule effectively eliminating diseases which are rampant in other countries.
Politicians who care little for their own constituents are willing to waive all of these safety requirements, and allow tens of Millions of people to cross our boarders and remain here without proper I-693 medical certifications.
Now whether you are a liberal or conservative, the virus does not differentiate. As a mater of public safety, and public health, all Americans should require proper medical standards for any people who want to live among us.
Many,. many nations do not require or provide inoculation for their citizens. It is strange to me that people trying to enter the US from European nations are given the hardest time and strictest measure of the Immigration laws by USCIS. Yet we have a President who tells our Boarder Security to let criminals and other Illegals to enter the US.
CDC has a list of Nations where high incidents of diseases like Smallpox, Anthrax, Measles, and HIV are rampant and unchecked. Yet we are letting many millions of people from these countries slip across our borders and infect innocent Americans.
Here is a link to the CDC site which talks about recent epidemics of diseases that were once declared Eliminated in the US. They are directly related to our lax and unlawful invasion by criminal trespassers through our borders."
Part of the Immigration deal is that so many have arrive here illegally, and no one has the balls to send them back. Last November Obama told ICE and the Border patrol to stop enforcing the laws. Texas Law enforcement banded together, and told him they would not be a part of breaking the law, and that the laws are made by Congress not the dictates of a self created Imperial Dictator who has usurped the White House. Many would also be shocked to know that Obama has moved FORWARD on a document called the US/Mexico Social Security Agreement. We can't blame it all on Obama, it is a part of Clinton's NAFTA agreement which made the entire Western Hemisphere considered as one borderless country. Still this SSI deal would grant SSI benefits to those non-citizens who can proved they worked here [even using forged papers] to apply and get Social Security. This would surely bankrupt the system making Obama very happy.That issue aside, NAFTA was intended to stimulate growth in the Mexican , SA and Canadian economies,thus having the desired result of reducing illegals into America. Another Democratic failed plan!.. More immigrants came here because we relaxed our border guard, and the peons saw this as an opportunity to flood the US. Now we are paying a high price for this stupidity. To add another note ,this plan was picked up and dusted off by Obama who "Never lets a Crisis go to waste". Following the Cloward-Piven Strategy and with some advise from his pal Saul Alinsky former leader of the Weather Underground,author of "Rules For Radicals", Obama saw an opportunity in the Immigration situation for a massive Crisis. So he told the departments under his control to stop deportations, relax the border, and push to make them all citizens. Another mass Dem. screw up that will drive America deeper into debt. Obama knows there are really more like 20 million illegals here, and by putting them on the Dole, SNAP, housing, medical, and Social security he escalates the Clowerrd-Privins Strategy he has been employing since his first stab at being a Community [i.e.Communist]org , no Agitator. Kevin, I could write a book on the ways Obama is out to destroy America. The one thing he does well is to fool the masses of under informed people into believing that he is really just a nice guy trying to help Immigrants, and victims of Crisis that are mostly orchestrated by him behind the Curtain and well cloaked from the foolish masses..Please do not be uninformed. Read what Obama reads, and then you'll understand his motives: Alinsky "Rules for Radicals" Cloward-Pivens" The strategy for forcing Political Change through orchestrated Crisis; and his latest love "The Post-American World" by the Indian Muslim,Fareed Zakaria.