Yesterday 7/2/2013, Michael Schaus published a story on titled:
Two Centuries of Racism - Brought to You by the Democrat Party
The full story is available on this link:
Below is my comment on this article:
"We have allowed our history to be rewritten, perverted and packed with
lies. The enemies of this republic have taken over our school system
from K to Grad School. Therefore, it is easy to deceive people into
believing the altered history of America. What the Tea Party and the
Conservatives in the GOP need to do is to "go back to School". They
need to take back the education system and once again make it "local".
Once the Feds forced integration and busing on school districts run by
the local municipalities they were more easily able to set the agenda.
They not only "Integrated" they "Infiltrated" the American Education
system. Private schools do not face a government dictating what they
teach. Those schools like Heritage teach the truth about American
History and the values of our Constitution. It is easy to manipulate
people who are not educated, or those who learn only what you want them
to know. Blacks should be outraged that they have been used and are
still the slaves of the Democrats. Only a handful of blacks like C.L.
Bryant who exposed America's modern form of black slavery in "Runaway
Slave" really understand what this article is all about. It is about
how millions of Blacks and white liberals have been duped and deceived
and lied toby the Democrats for many years."