I asked if they were teaching him about Islamic influence on early American History. He was amazed that I knew about this because he just started reading about it in his American History textbook. I then sent him an article From Personal Libety Digest. [click below to see link] about the federal mandate to all school that they must teach
Common Core
I followed this up with the following message :
Please read this article about "Common Core". This is the Federally mandated educational program that intends
to control our children, and direct their thoughts toward a Pluralistic view of society where there are no right or
wrong standards. This is called Relativism or Secular Humanism. The main intent is to remove God from all
the student learns. Christianity is seen as a radical idea that promotes God over man. Secular Humanism or
Statism promotes man over God. As Christians we live in this world, but are not to be a part of this world.
We must remain true to the Word of God and what He has taught us in the Bible.
One way of shaking, bending and distorting our faith is to pervert the truth. This starts with something as
easy as changing in our minds our culturally ingrained beliefs. In History this is done by demeaning the people
we look up to. Thus, Jefferson is removed from being a great statesman and the author of one of the most
liberating and self empowering documents of Governance ever written next to the Bible the United States Constitution,
to merely an Aristocratic wealthy slave owner.
Thomas Jefferson also wrote the Declaration of Independence. This one document set the tone for freedom andLiberty of man that no other document, other than the Bible, had yet to clearly define for mans self governance. In he tells us that :
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
This is a profoundly Christian Declaration of man and a solid statement of his belief in God Almighty from whom he confirms that our
Unalienable Rights are given by God; not the government. It goes on to say :
That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it
This simply means that the government works for the people; the people do not work for the government, and when that changes as it has
under this president, it is the duty of the people to abolish it and enforce our God given [unalienable]rights.
Since it's creation, this Constitution and Declaration have been under attack by those who would wrongly force their will on us without
the consent of the People. In recent times the way the tyrants and others who wish to control America have made anti-Constitution statements like:
“The original Constitution as well as the Civil War Amendments,” he replied. “But I think it is an imperfect document, and I think it is a document that reflects some deep flaws in American culture, the Colonial culture nascent at that time." Barack Obama 10/27/2008
“And in that sense,” Obama continued, “I think we can say that the Constitution reflected an enormous blind spot in this culture that carries on until this day, and that the Framers had that same blind spot. I don’t think the two views are contradictory, to say that it was a remarkable political document that paved the way for where we are now, and to say that it also reflected the fundamental flaw of this country that continues to this day.”
Many new [Core Curriculum] text books substitute "Unalienable Rights" with the term "Inalienable Rights" What's the difference?Civil rights are rights granted by the State that are not unalienable. Civil inalienable rights include such things as the right to drive and the right to vote.
Unalienable rights are God Given. The writers of the Constitution and Declaration were all firm believers in the Supreme Being "God".
Inalienable rights are those granted to citizens by government. Thus they can be taken away or legislated to mean something else.
"A person who believes that man’s rights come from human sources does
not differentiate between unalienable and civil rights. To him or her,
all rights are civil, meaning they are granted by the State.
Without this fundamental understanding, no rights are sacred and
unalienable — all rights can be revoked upon a majority vote or dictate.This is why we hear politicians claiming such things as “health care is a right.”
A person who believes that health care is a right believes that the
State can give and take away rights based on a majority vote or the
whims of its leaders."
Remember this: Law is a reflection of the Ten Commandments written in the Bible Ex. 20 and Ex 34:28 and Deut. 10:4
Just think of the laws we must obey:
1. illegal to murder # 6 Thou shalt not murder
2. Illegal to steal #8 Thou shalt not steal
3.cant bear false witness in court # 9 Thou shalt not bear false witness
4.Not sleep with a person you're not married to # Thou shalt not commit adultery.
The first four commandments have to do with how God expects us to relate to Him. Thee only part of the law which covers these commandment is implicit in the fact that for all courts, witnesses, judges and politicians, they must take an Oath, and Swear to God they mean what they are swearing to.
So you can see the contradiction in our society today as compared to the intention of the "Founding Fathers". Today we wish to prevent all mention "God:" in public forums; yet God is inherent in our very laws. The Bible is the foundation of America, and changing a few words in a History book will not change that fact!
The new writers of history want to subvert the good men who formed this nation. Rather than honoring them as visionary Christians who believed God could help us form a "More Perfect Nation"; today they are dreaded as wealthy aristocrats who owned slaves and stole the land from the the natives. In fact, early america had no slaves, and people lived together with the Indians, and paid them for land. Later, Portugese, and Moors introduced slaves to the islands in the Caribbean. Slowly they migrated them from south America and the islands to the Americas.
I'll fill you in on the Moors and who they were later, and what they were doing during the time Columbas was
Commissioned by the Spanish to seek a new route to India. OOPS he made a big mistake!