Wednesday, July 10, 2013

House Faces Tough Immigration Bill Decision Today

In response to the Immigration Bill, and what the house should do with it, I wrote these comments to House Speaker John Boehner.  No telling what he'll do.  Sometimes he listens to the voter, at other times he seems to be in Obama's camp.  Either way We the People are sadly at the mercy of those who are supposed to work for us. But that is food for another article.

Dear Mr. Boehner,

Kill the Immigration Bill !!!!!

All you have to do is to ignore it and it wont come to the floor.
I know all those bright college kids on your staff are telling you that GOP needs this to get votes.

Well, this old guy is telling you they are wrong.

 The illegals are here for the Obama handouts, and they do not think the GOP will give them any, so they are not going to vote for you..

 It is really a matter of economics
The world now knows that Americans are Saps who will care for any lame brain that falls across our boarders.

 Legality, criminal acts: none of this counts.   It is all about Money$$

We have it and the rest of the world wants it.

By taking on 40 million people with no skills; no training; and no ability to speak our language, we will be severely and economically harmed.

Close the boarders for security reasons, and do not let it up to Obama and Big Sis Napolitano.  They want illegals.  It helps them in their quest  for Globalization.

America is the Giant in the world who's People opposes a UN Dominated  World, and the only way to remove that giant is to kill the USA economically [as they take all our guns]

SO you see it is all about $$$ and your best bet it to slide this bill to the bottom of the pile where it belongs.


Will Rodgers