Wednesday, September 15, 2021

 Pelosi is such an evil Devil.  

She really knows how to lie and deceive her way out of anything. This new expose on Gen Milley's Treason is the perfect cover story for he to bury the fact that she masterminded the Coup against President Trump.

Pelosi coached General Milley in her Treasonous Coup against our  President on January 8, 2021.  Now she has the top liar in the MSM writing a book to protect her as they toss General Milley under the bus to save the Wicked Witch of the West.  Will he tell the Truth to save his Butt?

should b subtitles, so is Nancy Pelosi

Don;t be fooled. This book only came out to save the real Traitor, Nancy Pelosi,. and it seems to be working. All the comments blame only   Milley. He's guilty alright but his accomplice and perpetrator of the High Treason was Nancy Pelosi.

She went to Milley as early as Jan 8, 2021

With the Treasonous Coup against President Trump. I see no mention of that in the book. Bernstein would not torpedo his Royal Traitor Queen. Milley, like the elite see any in the military, is expendable. and his exposure gives her the " Plausible Denial" she is looking for to announce her fake moral imperative. |She will "Virtue Signal" for a month or until they hang Milley.  She will act surprised and say \Oh My that was so foolish of hm'. some in congress and intelligence agencies are already using the same spin the Times and Journal are using about rigging the election now that they know major Audits are the next shoe to drop.  Their spin is :"We did this for America and saved you all from the evil Mr. Trump", They say this without a shred of evidence. This is sickening Double Speak right out of Orwell.